Winds of Change

Part 17

Andrew stood beside the love seat Ceci was sitting on, watching the big screen television mounted on the far wall.  His eyes were fastened on the angular face the camera was pinned on, listening intently to what his daughter was saying.  ÒHuh.Ó

ÒI have no idea what the dickens that kidÕs talking about.Ó Ceci said. ÒAnd neither does that reporter.Ó

ÒWall.Ó Andrew cleared his throat. ÒI do believe she just told that there feller something about that bank thing that broke yesterday.Ó

ÒHm.Ó Ceci regarded the familiar figure.  ÒShe looks good on television, Andy. Maybe we should have taken her to acting class. Remember that agency that wanted her for commercials?Ó

Andy looked around at her, both eyebrows hiking up.

ÒOkay maybe not.Ó  Ceci chuckled, as Dar stopped talking, waiting for the next question.  She was at some desk somewhere, and she looked relaxed, her elbows resting on the surface and her hands folded.

She did look good on camera, the blandness of the cubicle walls making her dark hair and pale eyes stand out, and picking up on the focused intensity her kid tended to project. When she started talking, her speech was crisp, and confident and you just got the feeling she knew what the hell she was talking about.

Dar always had, even in the wretched youthful arrogance that had driven Ceci insane there was always an understanding, at least on her part that annoying and aggravating as it was there was always truth in what came out of that mouth.  ÒDid she just tell that reporter the guy who replaced her there was a one balled unicorn?Ó


ÒCNNÕs getting bold in itÕs old age.Ó


Ceci shook her head and went back to watching Dar field questions,  shrugging off the accusations of the former board members, downplaying the chaos her mother knew had been going on as long as a few hours previously.

Master of her element.  Ceci smiled. ÒSharp kid, our daughter.Ó

Andy grinned wholeheartedly.  ÒSharp as mah old boot knife.Ó

Ceci extended her legs and crossed them at the ankles, feeling a new sense of contentment as she watched the screen, the sight of DarÕs face no longer igniting in her any feeling of regret over their mutual mixed history.

Dar glanced off camera briefly and smiled, and it was easy to guess who she was looking at.   ÒI thought she said they werenÕt going to get involved in all that stuff.Ó  Ceci said after a bit. ÒBut thatÉ they said theyÕre at an ILS building, right?Ó

ÒThat Virginia one. I recognize it.Ó Her husband agreed.  ÒDar probly went out there to fix everÕthing up. Got tired of all the yapping.Ó

ÒMaybe theyÕll  leave her alone now.Ó

ÒMaybe that there dogÕll turn that tail around and fly off.Ó


Andrew snorted, then glanced up as her heard the doorbell ring. ÒWho allÕs that?Ó

His wife craned her head around him and peered towards the door. ÒOh damn it, my xray glasses are on the table. Can you toss them to me?Ó

ÒLord.Ó  Andy got up and went to the door, opening it and moving forward to stand in the opening.  ÒYeah?Ó

The young, copper haired girl on the landing took a step back. ÒOh. Hello.Ó She said, in a doubtful tone. ÒI was looking for Ms. Roberts.Ó

ÒShe ainÕt here.Ó Andrew said. ÒWhatÕcha want with her?Ó

ÒAndy, stop scaring that kid.Ó Ceci edged her slim form around his.  ÒWell, youÕre the young lady from the Island Market, arenÕt you?Ó

The girl nodded. ÒMy nameÕs Kristie.Ó She said. ÒSorry to bother you. IÕll come back.Ó She started to back up. ÒThanks.Ó

ÒEh eh eh.Ó  Ceci held up a hand. ÒHold on there, kiddo.  I think we need to talk to you.Ó

Kristie stopped, and eyed her uncertainly.

Ceci crooked her finger at her. Ò DonÕtÕ worry. I wonÕt kill ya.Ó She said. ÒI just want to talk to you.  I think you owe me that after the trouble you got my child into.Ó

ÒI didnÕt mean to.Ó The girl said instantly. ÒThatÕs w.. I mean, I wanted to apologize.Ó

ÒCÕmon in.Ó  Ceci pushed the door open. ÒMaybe you can do more than that.Ó


ÒAll right now, letÕs see what we got.Ó 

They were seated around the small work table on one side of the big office. Dar was showing the demo on her laptop, her screen turned so that the president could see it.

The surreal nature of the moment wasnÕt lost on Kerry. She was seated on the other side of the table, watching the man alternate his attention between the computer and Dar, head cocked slightly in an attitude of listening.

ÒSo you can just ask it whatever you want to, right?Ó He finally said, once Dar had finished her explanation.

ÒRight.Ó Dar agreed.

ÒSounds easy.Ó  The president inched over. ÒCan I try it?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Dar turned the keyboard over and pushed back in her chair, extending her legs under the table.

Kerry watched him peck out a question. ÒEventually Dar wants to make it so you can just talk to it.Ó She commented.  ÒSpeech recognition is a little tough.Ó

ÒSpecially when you sound like I do.Ó The president looked up and winked at her. 

ÒAny variance is tough.Ó Dar conceded. ÒUnless you talk like Kerry does.  But you can write algorithms that can deal with tonal variations.Ó  She glanced at the screen, where the database was pondering a response. ÒIÕll have it practice on my dad.Ó

The screen cleared and returned some data.  ÒSo, what it says is, it found nothing in the current dataflow that referenced your  name, and the world jackass.Ó Dar said. ÒRemember this is just a random test database.Ó

The president chuckled. ÒOkay how about this.Ó He pecked the keys again. ÒHow about, tell me something about rockets and the US East Coast.Ó He hit enter.  The screen hesitated, then responded, this time with a full page of detail. ÒWell now, look at that.Ó

Dar nodded. ÒSo it found some email that referenced those terms, and some song lyrics.  The human operator will probably want to see some additional detail about the first, but maybe not the second.Ó

Bush nodded, and hit the key for the first return.   ÒSo thisÕll show me that actual mail, huh?Ó

Dar nodded.

ÒThatÕs going to freak everybody out.Ó  He studied the screen. ÒAinÕt it?Ó

ÒWell.Ó Kerry sat forward and rested her elbows on her knees, looking past Dar at the screen. ÒIn reality, itÕs something that any internet service provider can do right now.Ó She said. ÒThey see all your data so if the police wanted, they could have them capture all the traffic you send and receive and turn it over.Ó

Bush blinked. ÒReally?Ó

ÒSure.Ó  Dar said. ÒItÕs what I could  have done when I was at ILS.  Capture every bit of information going in and out of the Pentagon, and sold it to the highest bidder.Ó

The president sat back in his seat and regarded her.   ÒI donÕt think I like that idea.Ó He said, after a pause. ÒHereÕs the problem with all this technology stuff.  We donÕt have a handle on it.  ItÕs too wide open.Ó

Dar considered the question. ÒItÕs true the internet changed everything.Ó She said. ÒIt connected the world in a way that I donÕtÕ think anyone was really ready for. But the truth is, bad people do bad things and use whatever is available to do what they do.Ó

Bush nodded. ÒThatÕs right.  I did a study on that, if you can believe it.   Telegraph,  telex, morse code, fax modems, all that.  But now this here everyone connected thing makes it too easy for them, too hard for us.Ó

ÒSo this is a tool to help counteract that.Ó Kerry said. ÒBut you have to put it in the hands of trusted people. Really trusted.Ó  She added.  ÒThis would be so easy to use for someone to persecute people for a lot of reasons not related to national security. You know what I mean?Ó

He produced a wry smile.  ÒLot of things can be used for good or bad.Ó He remarked.  ÒBut I thought someone told me all this stuff was .. what did they sayÉ Ò He frowned. ÒEncrypted? So you canÕt see it?Ó

ÒTechnically thatÕs true.Ó Dar said.

ÒBut thereÕs a way around that?Ó


Bush nodded slowly. ÒTell me something.Ó He hunched forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. ÒWhat do you ladies think? This thing a good thing for us to do?Ó He looked from Dar to Kerry. ÒThis right?Ó

Silence fell, as they all sat there, thinking.

Finally, it was Kerry who cleared her throat and spoke first. ÒThe truth is, if someone wants to hurt us bad enough, they will.  TheyÕll find a way, and if itÕs known that we can do this.Ó She pointed at the computer. ÒTheyÕll find a way around it.Ó

Bush glanced aside, then back at her. ÒThatÕs probably true.Ó He said.

ÒSo what I think is, you should tell everyone you decided not to do this.Ó Kerry said. ÒTell them either it cantÕ be done, or itÕs not right, or whatever you want to make people think itÕs not being done.Ó

The president watched her face thoughtfully. ÒBut do it.Ó

Kerry nodded.  Then she smiled faintly. ÒThatÕs what my father would have said to do.  He would have called this playing to the beliefs of the people.Ó

ÒWhat about you?Ó  He glanced at Dar. ÒYou think thatÕs the thing?Ó

Dar hand her hands folded on her stomach. ÒI think you should do it because it can be done, and if we can do it, whoeverÕs against us can do it too. ItÕs stupid not to.Ó   She remarked. ÒBut I donÕt disagree with KerÕs slant on it.Ó

Another silence fell.   Dar found herself wishing they were home, all the excitement sheÕd felt about demonstrating her program evaporated away into doubt, and uncertainty of where they would be tomorrow and what new problems sheÕd face.

She felt a little down.  She wasnÕt sure if she really cared what they did with the app now, in fact, if they decided to just cancel it she sort of felt like she might be glad.   In fact, if they finished up now here, she and Kerry could go see the Air and Sea Museum.

That sounded like a hell of a lot more fun than doing a demo for Congress. 

ÒWell.Ó Bush finally said, after pondering to himself for a long time. ÒHereÕs what I think. Ò He straightened up in his chair and leaned back, hiking up one ankle and putting it on his knee.  ÒI think weÕre going to have to show this off, because if we say never mind, theyÕre all going to think weÕre lying sacks of marbles.Ó

Ah well. Dar sighed inwardly.

ÒIÓll just have to come up with a good story about how weÕre gonna lock this up in the depths of the Pentagon and only allow access to it with a gun and a court order by Eagle Scouts.Ó Bush concluded. ÒOr something like that.Ó

ÒWill they buy that, sir?Ó Kerry asked, quietly.

ÒDoesnÕt matter.Ó Bush shook his head. ÒSheÕs right, about the cat being out of the bag.  Can be done, so we gotta do it.Ó  He scratched the bridge of his nose. ÒSometimes politics are a mess.Ó

Kerry almost laughed.   ÒI think my mother agrees with you.Ó

ÒWhen I demo this for the senators, IÕll skew it to show how the automatic processing works rather than have them ask questions of it.Ó Dar said. ÒHow it finds connections. I think thatÕs less intimidating.Ó

ÒMike was right on that.Ó The president said, in a rueful tone. ÒI shoulda kept my yap shut. One of them poked the bear one too many times about us not knowing enough to stop those planes and I told em we had something to make that up now.Ó

ÒI remember when it happened, right after, everyone was so angry and.. I guess embarrassed.Ó Kerry said.  ÒI remember thinking, how could we let this happen.Ó

Bush was staring past her. ÒJust be glad you werenÕt sitting in my chair.Ó  He said, then he straightened back up and clapped his hands together. ÒBut thatÕs water under the bridge, right? How about some coffee, ladies?  Bout that time of day.Ó

ÒThat would be great.Ó Kerry said. ÒWe didnÕt get any sleep last night trying to fix that problem. ItÕs been a long day.Ó

The president got up and picked up a phone, which connected with out him having to dial. ÒHey, get me a tray with some coffee and some cookies in here, willya?  For all of us? Thanks.Ó He put the phone down. ÒNow, we got a minute here, tell me about that whole thing with the press.  WhatÕs up with all that?Ó

Dar and Kerry exchanged glances.  ÒItÕs a long story.Ó  Kerry temporized.

ÒHey, I like stories.Ó The president sat back down. ÒSpecially when theyÕre being told by good looking women.  Have at it.Ó


ÒThat was weird.Ó  Kerry smiled politely at the guards as they left the office.

Dar eyed her. ÒGiven what weÕve gone through in the last few hours  I donÕt know what part of that youÕre referring to.Ó

ÒYes.Ó  Kerry had to admit.  ÒThis is one of the stranger days I can recall.Ó

They were being led down the hall by an aide.  Dar finally took her phone out of her pocket and looked at it. ÒTen missed calls. Glad this thing has a silencer.Ó

Kerry was checking hers. ÒYeap.Ó She thumbed through the numbers.  ÒHereÕs Richard.. I better call him back once weÕre outside.Ó

ÒDid you know you used to be able to listen to analog cell phones by tuning in a radio scanner?Ó Dar asked, as she put the phone away.   ÒThey were radio transmissions in the clear.Ó

ÒYou  know this personally?Ó


Kerry digested that as they left the building and started down the sidewalk to the parking lot side by side.


They turned, to find Briggs jogging after them.  He waved them forward. ÒLet me walk you ladies to your car.Õ

ÒBout to get weirder.Ó Kerry muttered as they cleared the gate.  ÒI can just tell.Ó


Ceci took a seat in the little garden,  while Andy collected the dog toys and started tossing them. ÒSo.Ó  She regarded the girl sitting uncomfortably in the other chair.  ÒYou know we talked to your father.Ó

She nodded, relaxing visibly. ÒYeah he told me.  I got really pissed off at him.Ó  She said. ÒI was so mad. He told me he was going to get them out of here, and.. you know thatÕs not fair.Ó

ÒNo, it isnÕt.Ó  Ceci agreed. ÒThat wasnÕt a nice way to pay Dar back for a good deed she did.Ó

ÒThatÕs what I told him, that it was so cool for her to come in and get in this guyÕs face, so he should be thankful, you  know?  Not get all mean with her.Ó Kristie looked around, then back at Ceci. ÒBut he didnÕt get that. He thought maybe she did it just to get in with me.Ó

Ceci shook her head. ÒNot my kid.Ó She said, flatly.  ÒLet me tell you from the perspective of someone who had to deal with raising Dar. Ò She leaned an elbow on the table. ÒSheÕs nuts.  Not really in a bad way, but she does crazy things for people because sheÕs got some weird internal chivalry that makes her do it.Ó

Kristie frowned. ÒWhat do you mean?Ó

ÒShe would step in front of a bus for a complete stranger.Ó  Ceci said. ÒShe got into that guyÕs face on your behalf just because jackasses offend her sense of whatÕs right.Ó   She watched KristieÕs face closely ÒSorry to disappoint you.Ó

Kristie looked away.  ÒWell, thatÕs not what my dad thinks.Ó

ÒTherein lies the crux of the problem.Ó  Ceci said.  ÒBecause itÕs true, and itÕs  not fair of you, or your father to make assumptions like that.    The idiot who was going after you – he could have had a gun. She could have been shot getting involved in that and you know what kid?  You arenÕt worth it.Ó

Kristie stared at her.

ÒNot to me, not to my husband, not to Kerry Stuart.Ó Ceci said. ÒI would rather have seen you raped and beaten than have to have her get hurt doing something like that.Ó

ÒThatÕs harsh.Ó  The girl said, bluntly.

ÒLife is, sometimes.Ó  Ceci agreed.  ÔYour father telling us he intends on making hard for us to live here until we leave is harsh too, especially since the only reason heÕs doing that is because he thinks DarÕs going to turn you gay.Ó

The girl turned bright red. 

ÒYou do know thatÕs not how that happens, right?Ó

ÒIÉÓ Kristie said. ÒI donÕt know anything about it, but that sounds really stupid.Ó She added. ÒYou cant make people any way like that.Ó

Ceci regarded her. ÒNo, you really canÕt.Ó She said.  ÒBut you know,  you canÕt all the time help who youÕre attracted to either.Ó

The girl gave her a suspicious look. ÒWhat do you mean?Ó

ÒWell, take me.Ó Ceci suppressed a smile.  ÒI grew up in a very rich family, up north.  My parents were willing to provide me with pretty much anything I wanted, and they took a lot of pains to introduce me to young men who were in the same station of life I was, and give me a chance to find a partner among people who were like we were.Ó

Kristie paused, and then nodded. ÒYeah, I get that.  My dad does that too. He has me go with him to his club meetings and stuff like that.Ó

ÒRight.  So what did  I do? Ran away to a Greyhound bus station and fell in love with the first guy in uniform waiting for a ride I found.Ó


ÒReally.Ó Ceci glanced fondly at Andrew, who was chasing Mocha across the grass. ÒAndyÕs from a very poor family in Alabama.  We have exactly nothing in common.  But that never stopped us from loving each other and making a life together.  So when my daughter told us she wasnÕt going to have a conventional love life it never fazed either her father or me.Ó

ÒDid your parents freak out?Ó Kristie asked, curiously.

ÒThey certainly did. I was disowned.Ó Ceci said. ÒBut I never cared.  Andy was more important to me than they were.    So I sympathize with you about your father.Ó

ÒHeÕs so stupid.Ó Kristie said, suddenly. ÒThatÕs all he can think of- about that gay stuff. . It had nothing to do with .. that.. with sex or anything I just thought it was really cool what she did and I said so.Ó She got it all out in a rush of words.  ÒI didnÕt think heÕd freak out like that.Ó

Ceci studied her in silence, glancing up when Andy wandered back over and sat down next to her.  ÒHeÕs not religious?Ó

Kristie shook her head. ÒNo, we donÕt go to church or anything like that. ThatÕs what I told them. Ò She gestured vaguely in the direction of the condo.  ÒHe just doesnÕt like gay people.Ó

ÒHow come?Ó Andy spoke up.


ÒHow come he donÕt like gay folks?Ó He repeated. ÒHe grow up with the church or what all?Ó

Kristie shrugged. ÒMost people donÕt. Right?Ó She said, in a straightforward way.  ÒItÕs weird.  ItÕs not .. I mean it seems really weird.Ó

Andrew shrugged back. ÒI guess we got a different view on it.  Never much bothered me.Ó  He cleared his throat gently. ÒNot with Dar, anyhow.Ó

Ceci turned her head. ÒBut you didnÕt like it when they hit on you. I remember that.Ó

The girlÕs eyes widened.  ÒHit on youÉ what do you mean?Ó

Andrew rested his elbows on his knees, one hand stroking ChinoÕs head as the Labrador nuzzled him.  ÒHad me some problems with that in the Navy.Ó He said, briefly.  ÒI got het up when folks talked bad about gay people, cause of Dar, and some folks took that to mean I went that way too.Ó

Kristie frowned. ÒBut you..  you were married, right?Ó

Ceci raised her hand. ÒE-yep.Ó She agreed. ÒWeÕre an old fashioned couple. We got married before I had Dar, strange as that probably seems to you young uns.Ó

ÒAnd they still wanted to..  uh.. have you? Ò Kristie made a face. ÒNow see what I mean? ThatÕs gross.Ó

Well now, Ceci had to internally agree that the kid might actually have a point there.  She remembered the feeling sheÕd gotten when Andy had indignantly told her of the advances, and she had to admit..  ÒThat is kind of gross.Ó She admitted. ÒBut at the time, I told Andy to just ignore it.Ó

ÒBut I did feel something bad. So I thought maybe your father had something like that go on.Ó Andy said. ÒPut people off.Ó

ÒI donÕt know.Ó Kristie shook her head. ÒHe never said anything like that. I think he just – Ò She paused and fell silent.  ÒHe just wants us to be normal.Ó

ÒAint no such thing.Ó Andrew said.

ÒOkay well.Ó  Ceci said. ÒIÕm sorry we all got into this mess, especially since it all started with a relatively good deed. Ò She added. ÒAny ideas on how we can get everyoneÕs shorts out of a knot?Ó

They regarded each other in silence. 


ÒSo look.Ó  Bridges folded his arms and leaned back against their rental car.  ÒHereÕs where we stand.Ó

They were standing outside in the late afternoon sun, a cool breeze moving past.   Dar was seated on the hood of the car, and Kerry was leaning next to her. 

ÒI know where we stand.Ó Dar said. ÒBut if it means anything, sorry we pissed you off.Ó She shifted a little on the hood. ÒDidnÕt really mean to.Ó

ÒWhat? Never mind that.Ó Bridges waved his hand. ÒThat boatÕs down the river.  Something else came up.Ó He said. ÒYouÕll be a footnote in an hour.  Everyone got focused elsewhere.Ó

ÒGreat.Ó Kerry sighed.  ÒThis needed to get more complicated.Ó

Bridges peered at her. ÒYou should be used to this, Stuart.Ó

ÒIÕm not. I went into high tech for a reason.Ó Kerry told him. ÒIÕd rather be home installing servers for the Dade County school system.Ó


ÒI want to go home.Ó Kerry rephrased her speech.  ÒYou can keep Congress.Ó

ÒThanks for nothing.Ó Bridges turned back to Dar. ÒHow close is this thing to being able to do something useful?Ó

Dar folded her arms. ÒSix months.Ó She said. ÒWe could start a limited deployment in probably four.Ó

ÒNot fast enough.Ó

ÒDo you want it to work?Ó Dar said. ÒI think I asked you that in our last meeting. If you want it to be this, a canned demo, you can take this and use it. WontÕ do anything useful though.Ó

Bridges looked around. ÒWe need this thing.  Situation just came up, just after you left off talking to POTUS.Ó  He said. ÒI canÕt give any details, but let me tell you after that piece aired on TurnerÕs butthole I got a call from some people who want to see this, as in, now.Ó

Dar shrugged. ÒIÕd be glad to show whoever wants to see it this demo. But the real thingÕs just not ready. Writing code takes time.Ó

ÒNot only that, its going to take time to get all the taps into all the ISPs for the collecting to start.Ó Kerry added. ÒThis canÕt happen overnight.Ó

Bridges pinched his lips with his fingertips.  ÒWill throwing money at it help?Ó He asked. ÒBuy a bunch of bodies for you to use?Ó

ÒTo an extent, sure.Ó Dar said. ÒMore people can code segments. But itÕs still not going to be overnight.Ó

ÒI could find some other bunch of idiots to do this.Ó 

ÒYou could.Ó DarÕs voice remained mild. ÒThatÕs capitalism. ThereÕs always competition.Ó

ÒSmart ass.Ó Bridges said. ÒTell you what, IÕll quadruple the contract price. You get me something in four weeks.Ó

Four weeks.  Kerry looked at her partner,  mentally doing the math and feeling a touch lightheaded at the amount theyÕd clear from it.   She saw the thoughtful look in DarÕs eyes, and remembered their upcoming vacation, feeling a pang of regret.

Regret which lasted barely more than a microsecond.

ÒNo.Ó Dar said.  ÒIÕve got something scheduled the next couple weeks IÕm not going to back out of.  IÓll have my team work on it, but theyÕll finish it when they do.Ó She got up off the car hood and unlocked the doors. ÒIf thatÕs not good  enough let me know. WeÕll move on.Ó

Bridges studied her. ÒYou actually mean that.Ó He seemed slightly amazed.

ÒI do.Ó Dar said. ÒI donÕt want to put my life on hold right now. Kerry and I are going to the Grand Canyon.Ó

Bridges stared at her.  ÒYou are shitting me.Ó He said. ÒYouÕre going to blow me off for that?Ó


ÔWhat in the hell is wrong with you?Ó

ÒExcuse me, weÕve got an appointment with Congress.Ó She opened the car door and slid behind the driverÕs seat as Kerry scooted around and got in on the other side.   ÒDo me a favor, and let us do this right.  ItÕs going to be damned embarrassing if you donÕt.Ó

ÒHuh.Ó He put his hand on the door. ÒRoberts, if something happens that this thing could have prevented and didnÕt, itÕs on your head.Ó

Dar met his eyes without flinching. ÒIt is.Ó She said. ÒWhich is why IÕm going to deliver it to you when itÕs ready.   ItÕs my reputation on the line.Ó

For a moment she was sure he was going to slam the door on her.  She made sure her bodyparts were inside, in fact, but he merely shut the door gently and patted it.  Then he lifted a hand and walked off, heading back towards the gate with its stern guardians.

ÒI have no idea how that ended.Ó Kerry admitted.

Dar started the car ÒI think weÕre okay.Ó She said. ÒAnd if not, screw it.Ó

ÒWell, I donÕt know, hon.Ó Kerry settled back in her seat. ÒThis is pretty deep.Ó

ÒHonestly I donÕt care.Ó   Dar backed up and started out of the lot. ÒIÕm going on my god damned vacation and I donÕt care of the whole Western world falls on itÕs ass while weÕre gone.Ó

Kerry started to make a comment, then she saw the line of DarÕs jaw tighten and she merely reached over and tucked her hand around her partnerÕs arm.  ÒCan we stop and grab a snack?Ó She said, instead. ÒIÕd like to get something in my stomach first before I start returning these calls or talking to Congress.Ó


Kerry leaned over and let her head rest against DarÕs shoulder.  ÒWhat a weird dayÓ

It had been.  Dar was diligently searching the passing buildings for something edible, wishing the demo for the Senate was behind them and more than that wishing they were on the way home.  The events had left her more than a little unsettled. ÒTacos okay?Ó


ÒHow about fried chicken?Ó


ÒJamba Juice?Ó

ÒThatÕs the ticket.Ó Kerry said. ÒMy guts not really willing to deal with that other stuff right now.Ó She kept her head where it was, as Dar pulled off into a small strip mall and into a parking spot.  ÒThanks.Ó

ÒAnything for you.Ó Dar patted her cheek. ÒAnd thereÕs a chicken wing place next door. Meet you back here?Ó

Kerry gave her arm a squeeze and released her. ÒYou bet.Ó

They got out of the car and split up, Kerry ducking into the smoothie shop and Dar making her way into the wing joint.  It was moderately busy in both, and Dar got in line and waited, thumbing through her messages.

One from Maria,  hoping things were all right. Another from Colleen, congratulating her on the interview.  

Dar smiled a little, at both of them.   She opened a third, that had an attachment and she opened that to find a set of code snippets for her to review.


Dar looked up to find the cashier waiting for her.  ÒSorry.Ó She put the Handspring away.   ÒDozen wings hot and a large coke.Ó

ÒSure.Ó  The woman said. ÒNaked?Ó

ÒYes.Ó  Dar responded, ignoring the sniggering of the two teen boys behind her.  She paid the woman and moved down the counter, hearing the door open.  Without turning, she felt a sense of warmth on the side of her body facing the entrance, and she knew without looking that Kerry would be there.

ÒHey.Ó  Kerry bumped her with an elbow. ÒI got you one too. I thought it might counteract the wings.Ó

Dar collected her wings and they went to a back table, sitting down together on the bench seats.  Dar pushed the basket of wings in the center of the table, and Kerry handed over a tall, blended smoothie. ÒIs there peaches in that?Ó

ÒOf course.Ó

Dar pulled the cup over and contentedly sucked on the straw. ÒThanks.Ó

ÒAnytimeÓ Kerry had picked up a wing and was nibbling on it.  ÒI called Richard while I was waiting.  I thought heÕd have stacks of subpoenas for us so I figured I might as well find out the worst before we fly home.Ó

ÒAnd?Ó Dar was divesting a wing of itÕs meat, sucking at the bone with single minded intensity.

ÒAnd nothing.Ó Kerry said. ÒHe called the lawyer that was in that press release and the guy hung up on him.Ó

Dar looked up and frowned.

ÒHe thought it was pretty weird too.Ó

DarÕs phone rang and she sighed, putting down her wing and fishing the gizmo out.  ÒDar Roberts.Ó She said.  ÒWhoÕs this? What? Oh.Ó  She cleared her throat. ÒIÕve said everything IÕve got to say already about that.Ó

ÒUh oh.Ó Kerry picked up another wing.  ÒHope they donÕt get cell signal in the Grand Canyon.Ó


They sat in the car parked in the lot outside the congressional office building, finishing up their fruit smoothies, the windows rolled down as the late afternoon sun streamed through them. 

They had ten minutes before their appointment.  Dar was leaned back in the driverÕs seat, one knee hiked up with her elbow resting on it.   She had her head tipped a little back, and she was looking out the window, watching people walk down the sidewalk and turn up the steps to enter.

ÒReady?Ó Kerry asked, putting her cup down.   ÒLetÕs get this over with.Ó

Dar nibbled on the straw from her smoothie and remained quiet for a moment.  ÒHm.Ó

Kerry half turned and regarded her. ÒHm? Hm what?Ó

ÒNot sure what I should tell these people.Ó Dar said, slowly. ÒIÕve been thinking about that since we left the White House.Ó  She shifted a little and also half turned, so they were facing each other. ÒI keep wondering if we got ourselves into something we shouldnÕt have.Ó

ÒItÕs a little late for that, hon.Ó Kerry responded, in a gentle tone.  ÒWe made a commitment to them.Ó

ÒI know.Ó

Kerry watched her profile, which was thoughtful and sort of somber.  ÒWell.Ó She finally said. ÒRegardless of what we end up doing, we probably should do this thing here and not blow them all off.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Dar responded. ÒYouÕre right.Ó

Kerry waited.  ÒBut?Ó She prompted after another silence between them.

ÒBut I realized.. when he was typing in questions in to it, that IÕd overlooked something about this systemÓ Dar said. ÒIÕve been thinking about it.. in the terms of, having trusted people use it.Ó

Kerry exhaled a little. ÒAnd you realized that trust is relative?Ó

ÒOutside you and me, yes.Ó Dar said. ÒItÕs too enticing. You could find out anything about anyone that uses computers with this.Ó

ÒThatÕs true. But you also said, that itÕs technology that is out there, in the wild.  So its going to happen anyway.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Dar said, briefly.  ÒI donÕt k now, Ker. I donÕt know what to do.  My perspectiveÕs all turned around now.Ó   She put her cup down and opened the door,  pressing the buttons to roll the windows up .ÓBut youÕre right. We do have to go show them something.Ó

Kerry got out and pulled her messenger bag from the back seat.  She slung it over her shoulder as she joined Dar in the front of the car, and they walked towards the building entrance.   They walked up the steps and through the door, walking across the floor to the reception desk.

Dar handed over her business card, and the woman nodded, handing it back and pointing to the door behind her that had, once upon a time, been guarded by some big, hungry Marines.   Kerry followed her partner through it, then took the lead on the way to the big room the intelligence committee met in.

Just outside they paused, and Kerry reached up to twitch DarÕs collar straight. ÒSo, IÕm sure ..Ó She paused, as Dar put two fingertips against her lips, and looked up at her partner in surprise.

ÒDonÕt do that.Ó Dar said, quietly.

KerryÕs fair brows contracted. ÒHmm?Ó

ÒBe straight with me. YouÕve been telling me what you thought I wanted to hear all day. Stop it.Ó

Kerry was stunned speechless.  She stood there, just staring into DarÕs eyes.   Finally she took a breath. ÒI ju..Ó

ÒI know.Ó Dar cut her off gently.  ÒYou just didnÕt want to piss me off and I was in a crap mood. I get it.Ó She moved her fingers and cupped KerryÕs cheek instead. ÒBut donÕt do that.  I donÕt want that between us. I donÕt want to wonder what youÕre thinking.Ó

It was painful and not.  It poked a pin in her heart, and yet she felt a certain relief at DarÕs words that surprised her and yet as she thought about that, it didnÕt surprise her at all.  She put her hands in her pockets and exhaled. ÒI think maybe this place does that to me.Ó

Dar looked around, then back at her.

ÒI lived most of my life inside the mirror fun house of politics.Ó Kerry said, looking past her at the wall behind them. ÒReality was whatever you convinced people it was.Ó  She felt her skin flush as a skittering of past memories flashed into her mindÕs eye. ÒI had to learn how to pitch everything.Ó

Dar reached over and unexpectedly tweaked her nose.  ÒNot with me, okay?Ó

 Kerry hesitantly looked up, to find herself being watched with wry affection and a mature understanding that made her feel suddenly like a high school kid again.  ÒSorry.Ó

ÒDonÕt be.  I just donÕt want to ever start down that path with us.Ó

KerryÕs eyes dropped, then lifted.  She reached over and took DarÕs hand, lifting it to her lips and kissing the knuckles. ÒThanks for being such a grownup.Ó

DarÕs eyes twinkled. ÒIf my mother were here to see that, sheÕd be peeing herself.Ó

ÒIf anyone else in this building were here to see that theyÕd probably be peeing on us.Ó  Kerry admitted wryly. She released DarÕs hand and took a breath.

ÒSo level.  WhatÕs your take on the demo?Ó Dar asked. ÒHow should I play it?Ó

Kerry studied her face for a moment. Then a faint smile appeared. ÒOkay.Ó She said. ÒWhat I think you should tell these people is the truth. Just lay it out. TheyÕre not idiots. They know the politics. DonÕtÕ whitewash what could happen.Ó

ÔEven if that kills the project?Ó Dar watched her intently.  ÒTheyÕre going to freak out.Ó

ÒYes.Ó  Kerry said. ÒBecause itÕs going to come out anyway.  IÕd rather get that out up front.Ó

ÒBridges is not going to be happy.Ó

Kerry shrugged.  ÒAt some point – I think what matters is what makes us happy.  IsnÕt that what this whole crazy last month has shown us?Ó

ÒCould be.Ó Dar smiled. ÒBut thanks.  Glad to hear you say it.Ó

ÒThatÕs what you were going to do anyway, wasnÕt it?Ó Kerry smiled back, then sobered  ÒItÕs the right thing for us to do.  What stresses me out is that we have all those people back there depending on us now. It bothers me that we could do something that would result in them getting hurt.Ó

ÒIsnÕt that what we just did though?Ó Dar asked. ÒYou and I decided to retire.  Whole fucking planet stops in mid spin, and half the country floats off into space.  I think itÕs just part of our mojo.Ó

ÒMm.Ó  Kerry grunted.

ÔAnyway.Ó Dar leaned forward and touched her forehead to KerryÕs. ÒDonÕt ever hold back, okay?  If you feel it, say it.Ó

ÒEven if it pisses you off? I really was trying not to do that, with al the craziness.Ó Kerry admitted.  ÒI wasnÕt really bullshitting you, I just figured there was a better time to mouth off.Ó

ÒEven if.Ó Dar looked up as footsteps approached. ÒAh.Ó

Kerry glanced over her shoulder. ÒAh. Ò She repeated. ÒAt least this wasnÕt in a dusty old stairwell. Hello mother.Ó

ÒWeÕll continue the talk later.Ó Dar squeezed her shoulder, and turned as well. ÒHi.Ó

Cynthia Stuart arrived at their side, and produced a smile. ÒHello there.  How did your other meeting go?Ó

Dar turned and pushed open the door to the hearing chamber.  ÒIt went well.Ó She said, standing back to let the other two enter.  ÒIts been a busy day.  Hope everyoneÕs on time here.Ó

ÒOh, I have no doubt. Everyone is most interested in hearing about this.Ó KerryÕs mother assured her.  ÒIn fact it was the topic of conversation at a luncheon I just left. One of the senatorÕs sons is part of the technology office in the White House and he was quite enthusiastic about it.Ó

ÒUh huh.Ó Dar walked over to one of the tables and put her bag down, opening the top of it and pulling out the laptop.  ÒDo you have a..Ó She looked around at the room ÒNo, probably not.Ó

ÒI think they last retrofitted it with electricity in place of gas lamps.Ó Kerry felt a flood of humor come through her body, making her feel giddy.  ÒSo if youÕre looking for a projector hon, give it up.Ó


ÒDid I tell you they had the Titanic hearings in this room?Ó

Dar looked up at her, hands still on the keyboard, eyebrows lifted. 

Kerry winked at her, then she went over and leaned against the table, facing the slowly filling room.   She remembered the last time sheÕd been here, and the faceoff sheÕd dealt with. 

An evening of utter aggravation stress and anxiety that had ended peacefully in DarÕs arms and as she thought that, she turned to watch her beloved partner mess with her demo , thinking about their conversation just moments ago.

Dar sensed the attention and glanced at her. ÒSomething wrong?Ó

ÒNot a damned thing.Ó  Kerry said. ÒI was just reflecting on the fact that there is no luckier son of a bitch than me anywhere.Ó

DarÕs left eyebrow hiked up.

Kerry just smiled and turned around, moving away from the table and into the center of the chamber.  ÒLadies and gentlemen, if we could please get seated since we have a limited time for this demonstration and I know you all want plenty of time to ask questions.Ó

There were some surprised looks, and some annoyed looks, but Kerry returned a smile to all of them, waiting for the group to settled down behind their desks and grudgingly give her their attention.  ÒThe last time we had a conversation you were all wondering how we knew what we knew when we knew it.Ó  She said. ÒThis time, weÕre going to show you how much information is out there that people like us have access to, and people like you want access to.Ó

Now she had their attention. ÒÓOr you think you do.Ó  She added. ÒSo lets get started.Ó


It was late, and it was dark outside the airplane windows  as they flew along the east coast on the way home.   Dar had the hood on her hoodie up surrounding her face, and she was sound asleep in her seat, her long body relaxed.

Kerry was close to being the same, but her mind was slower in winding down and so she was quietly sipping some Kahlua and cream as she listened to the drone of the engines in the mostly silent plane.  

The demo had gone fine.  Dar had answered questions in a calm and straightforward manner and therefore had scared the living crap out of everyone in the room up to and including KerryÕs mother.

Outrage, shock, disbelief, and calculated interest all wound up in a ball as both the positive and negative of the systems ability occurred to the distinguished audience in turn.  

They had shared all that with Gerry Easton, who thought the whole thing was hilariously funny and sheÕd gotten a chance to meet Alasbaster the Labrador who had made her fiercely miss home and Chino and led to them taking a red eye home instead of waiting  until the following morning.

So here they were, content to leave the politics to the politicians and she had come around to the decision that whatever happened did. Dar had said, if they lost the contracts, there would be others and the staff they had onboard would shift over to those.

And if no other contracts were found, and it turned out they needed to shrink rather than grow, then thatÕs what would happen.

They would go on their vacation. They would let the chips fall where they may, and since they both tended to potato chips and not gambling chips, the fallen ones would be taken care of by the tongues of two Labradors so in the end –

What would be would be.   Kerry put the cup she was drinking from down, and let her eyes close, turning her head to the right to face her sleeping partner.

The sounds around her shifted a little, and took on a hint of echo and she could feel herself start to fade out glad of a chance to get a nap before they landed and would have to drive home.

Two flight attendants in the galley just forward of their seats were talking in low tones, and now, curiously the words sharpened in her hearing as she hovered on the brink of sleep.

ÒBoy, IÕm glad that computer glitch got cleared up.Ó

ÒNo kidding!  ItÕs been a nightmare with flight ops the past two weeks.  What was it, two hundred cancels, and those four near bang ups on the ground?  Sheesh.Ó

ÒThey couldnÕt schedule half the planes yesterday.  But it was smooth tonight.Ó

ÒSure was. Don said everythingÕs running like normal again. Glad they figured out what the problem was but damn it took them a long time.Ó

ÒSure did.Ó

Kerry let her eyes open and she studied DarÕs sleeping profile as the words faded, and the attendants moved off down the aisle.   They had done that,  she and Dar.  Two anonymous women sprawled in seats at the front of a half empty airplane, and

Should they have done it sooner? Could they have?  Kerry sighed, and closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly.   It didnÕt really matter, did it?

Water under the bridge.  That was in the past.  She couldnÕt change it, so they just had to carry on and take each moment as it came.


ÔGood morning, Kerrisita.Ó   Maria waved at Kerry as she passed the open door to her office.  ÒDid you have a nice trip back?Ó

ÒWe did.Ó Kerry paused in the doorway, a cup of coffee in her hand. ÒVery quiet flight, and no traffic when we drove back to the island.Ó   She paused to take a sip. ÒWhich reminds me, IÕve got to find a real estate agent and have them come in this afternoon. Dar and I are going to find a place somewhere around here to live.Ó

Maria looked surprised. ÒI thought you very much liked the place you have?Ó

Kerry shrugged. ÒItÕs a condo.Ó She said. ÒWe want some place more like a house, with a yard.  Some place the dogs can run around, and we can personalized more.  Dar used to live around here, matter of fact.Ó

ÒThat is so nice.  Would you like me to make those arrangements?Ó Maria asked. ÒI have how you call them, the contacts?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Kerry smiled.  ÔThat would be awesome, Maria.  You know us.Ó She said. ÒSomething on the waterfront, with a slip for the boat and a yard.Ó

ÒSi.Ó Maria nodded. ÒI will have my cousin come in to talk with you. She and her husband have many clients in this town, and also, Coral Gables.Ó

ÒSounds good.Ó Kerry toasted her with her coffee cup and headed off to her own office. ÒGood morning Mayte.Ó She said, entering the outer chamber. ÒYou ready to move down the hall?Ó

There were boxes scattered around, half full.  ÒAh Kerry yes.Ó Mayte paused in the act of putting papers in one of them. ÒI like the new office very much but I will miss being around here with you and my mama.Ó

ÒYou needed your own space.Ó Kerry said. ÒDar and I will be just fine here, right Zoe?Ó

The younger girl smiled, from her place kneeling in front of another box. ÒYes, maÕamÓ She answered slowly. ÒI will do my best.Ó

Kerry smiled and walked past, entering her own office and itÕs sedate sunniness. There was a distinct scent of waxed wood from the floors and fresh paint from the walls and as she crossed through the beams of light from the window  she felt a sense of contentment.

From the room next door she could hear DarÕs voice on the phone,  and a moment later her presence was detected and Chino came trotting in with Mocha at her heels. ÒHey kids.Ó

ÒGrowf.Ó Chino came over and sat down next to her chair, tail wagging. 

Kerry sat down behind her desk and put her cup down, reaching for her mouse to wake up her desktop system.  She studied her screen and chuckled, starting on the first of her list of new mail, glancing up at footsteps to see Mark entering. ÒHey.Ó

ÒHey.Ó  He came over and sat down, picking up Mocha to pet him as the puppy came pattering over.  ÒGuess what?Ó

ÒWhat?Ó  Kerry started sorting through her mail.

ÒPete got a call from the old place.Ó Mark said. ÒSaid they were straightening stuff out, and did he want to come back.Ó  He scratched Mocha behind his ears, and the puppy yowped, tilting his head back and poking his tongue out.  ÒHe said he told them thanks but no thanks, but at least they sounded sane again.Ó

ÒWell, it must help that things are working again.Ó Kerry said. ÒAnd boy am I glad thatÕs done.Ó

Mark nodded. ÒThe way the big D did it – that was slick, you know? Got those guys in Herndon to do it.  And they recorded the whole thing.Ó

Kerry nodded. ÒI donÕtÕ blame you for not wanting to touch that, by the way.Ó She said. ÒI was glad Dar didnÕt either though at the time I was ready for it to get done any way she could.Ó

ÒI felt like a chickenshit.Ó  Mark admitted. ÒBut man, I so didnÕt want to go in there. It gave me creeps just standing at security, even though those guys were totally cool, and would have let me up if I asked them to.Ó

ÒThe guys at Herndon were pretty glad to see us too.Ó Kerry said. ÒUntil I told them the government wanted to hire them.Ó She shook her head. ÒNot sure how thatÕs all going to work out.Ó

ÒThey really going to take all those contracts?Ó

Kerry glanced up at him and nodded. ÒThey lost trust.Ó She said. ÒI still canÕt believe they were that stupid.Ó

ÒWow.Ó Mark said.

ÒSpeaking of stupid.Ó Dar came to stand in the connecting door, leaning against the frame of it.  ÒHamilton just called. He said heÕs got a meeting with the lawyer from the ousted board members in about a half hour. HeÕll let us know what comes out of it.Ó

ÒTell him to tell Richard.Ó  Kerry took a sip of her coffee. ÒMaria said no process servers have shown up here yet so who knows whatÕs going on.Ó  She pushed a folded newspaper across the desk towards her partner. ÒNo sign of anything in the news.Ó

ÒWhich is probably good news.Ó Dar said.   ÒSo lets move on.Ó  She winked at them then returned to her office, with Chino at her heels.

ÒSheÕs right.Ó Kerry said.  ÒSo, I got your note about the data center.  Dar and I had talked about not doing that, but now I think we should.  Talk to me about the location.Ó

ÒSure.Ó Mark got up and came over to the desk, putting down a folder. ÒSo hereÕs the deal, itÕs a giant freaking datacenter one of the big boxes put up and then the county tanked em. So itÕs all ready for usÉ Ò

ÒYou guys can get this rolling while Dar and I are on vacation, right?Ó

ÒYou bet.Ó


Kerry wriggled a little into the base of sand she was lying on, gazing up at the canopy of stars overhead and listening to the breeze stirring the sabal palms and palmetto bushes nearby, surrounding the small beach on DarÕs little offshore island.

She felt mellow and relaxed, tired from a long day of diving and swimming, content to lay where she was being warmed by a nearby campfire and waiting for the sounds of Dar coming up out of the ocean, where she was busy collecting them some dinner.

That would mean she would need to stir and go cook whatever it was Dar came up with, but until then, it was just her, and the salt tinged night air and the gentle sounds of the Dixie riding at anchor nearby.

The weather was perfect.  Not too cold, but not muggily hot either,  the air full of the smell of the ocean and the seaweed on the shore, and the wood smoke from palm branch fire. 

Here there was no sound of civilization to bother them, and only the threat of a curious crab to disturb them and Kerry was glad of the isolation and the opportunity to spend some time with her family without interruption.

She stretched her arms out and her fingertips brushed ChinoÕs damp fur, feeling the twitching of the sleeping animals dreams  as she looked up at the stars and thought about the past little while.

What had Ceci called it? A  cycle of change.   Kerry pondered for a moment whether the change had now ended for a while, or would continue on.

But only for a moment before the sound of something emerging from the waves made her lift her head and peer past the fire, smiling a little as the moonlight revealed the outline of DarÕs tall form as she trudged up out of the surf, crossing from shadow into the firelight as the ruddy gold mixed for a moment with silver.  She had a shortie wetsuit on, and a tank, and she turned and sat down on one of the picnic benches to take them both off, dropping her fins and mask on the tableÕs surface.

ÒAh, the primordial huntress returns.Ó Kerry commented. 

Dar gave her a droll look, then held up her catch bag.  ÒI have critters for you.Ó

Kerry amiably got up and brushed herself off, then walked over and took the bag, handing Dar a towel in return.   ÒIt feels like thereÕs a lobster in here.Ó

ÒDos.Ó  Dar roughly toweled her head dry, walking over to the folding table and donning the dive coat laying across it.   ÒNice under there.  You can see the moon almost to the bottom.Ó   She draped her towel over a hook under the umbrella covering the table and ran her fingers through her hair.

Kerry hung the bag on another hook, then turned and shifted a big pot of water onto the fireÕs sturdy grate,  stepping back as the flames bathed the bottom of it and it hissed gently. 

The heat of the fire toasted her, a counterpoint to the cool breeze coming off the water and through the rough underbrush of the little island that had once been DarÕs hideaway and still had no real name. 

Dar fished a bottle of ginger ale from the cooler under the table and opened it, then settled into a hanging rope chair with a satisfied sigh. ÒNice.Ó  She rested her hand on one knee and took a swallow of the cold soda, rinsing it around inside her mouth before swallowing.  ÒWhat a beautiful night.Ó

Kerry looked up from taking out covered side dishes that had come with them on the Dixie and grinned.  ÒGlad you thought of coming out here.Ó She kept an eye on the pot, waiting for it to boil, and got out the plates and cups theyÕd likewise brought. 

ÒCÕmere, little man.Ó  Dar picked up Mocha and set him on her lap, where the sleepy puppy yawned and plopped down, idly chewing on her fingers. ÒI saw an octopus.Ó

ÒDid you?  Damn. Now IÕm sorry I didnÕt tag along.Ó Kerry observed the water starting to bubble and took the catch bag off the hook, positioning it over the pot and turning the lever that let it latch on to the edges.  ÒWish IÕd remembered my ear plugs.Ó

Dar chuckled as she swiveled a little and watched Kerry grimace in reflex as she unlocked the bottom of the catch bag, dumping itÕs contents into the pot.   The glow from the fire outlined her beautifully, catching highlights in her hair as she cautiously removed the bag.

There were no sounds save the hiss of the water droplets hitting the fire,  and after a moment, and a grunt of satisfaction, Kerry popped the lid onto the pot and went back to fixing their plates up. 

ÒNo screams?Ó  Dar asked.

ÒPfft.Ó  Kerry came over with a plate of cut fruit and offered her some. ÒOne more week, and weÕre off to river rafting.  Dar, I canÕt wait.  Even if we end up sleeping on rocks I donÕt care.Ó

ÒI care.Ó Dar selected a piece of watermelon and bit into it. ÒThese are supposed to be high class campsites. We better the hell get air mattresses at the least.Ó


ÒHey, shortie. IÕve camped rough. Have you?Ó

Kerry chuckled. ÒClosest thing to rough camping IÕve done is sleeping on the floor of your office. So no.Ó  She admitted. ÒBut IÕm sure weÕll be fine. I was thinking before about going to sleep and being able to see all the stars in the world overhead. Not like here. I want to see the Milky Way. Ò

ÒMe too.Ó Dar rested her head against the rope and rocked back and forth gently.  ÒMy dad once told me heÕd been to places where you could see stars like that. In the desert and all – but he said you would always wish for clouds because for them it was the darker the better.Ó

ÒSure.Ó  Kerry rocked along with her in the next chair.  ÒBut I canÕt wait to just go do that.  Spend time looking at stuff IÕve never seen, and the rafting.  I want to get out of my head space for a while.Ó

Dar remained quiet for a bit, just nodding slightly as she scratched Mocha under the chin. 

The wash of the waves was broken suddenly by the sound of a boat engine, growing slowly louder.  Dar looked over her shoulder, then she got up out of the rope chair and went to the shore, walking along it and peering out over the ruffled waters.

ÒOf course, our life canÕt stay perfect for more than fifteen minutes.Ó Kerry sighed, getting up and going over to the fire.   She removed the pot lid and peered inside, then put it back down, going over to the table and getting it set.

ÒCutter.Ó Dar called back, over her shoulder. ÒHeading this way. IÕm going to go over and get on the boat radio before they assume weÕre illegal aliens.Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Kerry  got the tops off the side dishes and portioned them out. ÒDonÕt take too long. LobsterÕll be ready in about five minutes.Ó

ÒWonÕt take more than 2.Ó  Dar jogged along the shore and hopped up onto the floating dock that extended out to the anchored yacht bobbing at the end of it.   She got to the side of the boat and vaulted up and over the railing,  moving quickly across the deck and into the cabin where the inside radio system was.

SheÕd just reached out and picked up the microphone when searchlights lit up the outside of the Dixie an she stepped halfway out of the boat, shading her eyes from it.  ÒDixieland Yankee  to Coast guard cutter, coast guard cutter off my portside.  WhatÕs the problem?Ó

The light outlined her a moment more, then cut off, and the radio crackled. ÒCutter Avalon – sorry about that Dixieland Yankee. Is that Captain Roberts?Ó

Dar felt her brain quietly explode at the title.  ÒUh. Yes.Ó  She said after a moment. ÒIt is.Ó

ÒStandby , Captain.   WeÕre coming in.Ó

Dar put the mic down and went onto the back deck, standing with her hands in the pockets of her dive coat as she watched the cutter rumble closer.

She could see several men standing on deck, and two were getting into their pontoon launch, which was lowered into the water and shortly speeding her way.     ÒOver here.Ó She pointed them around the front of the Dixie, and a moment later they were alongside the floating dock, and hopping out.

Dar got onto the dock to meet them. ÒWhatÕs up?Ó

One of the men stepped forward. ÒLieutenant Davis, we met a bit ago down south.Ó

ÒI remember.   Did I look suspicious again?Ó Dar asked, with a smile.

ÒWell.Ó He half shrugged ÒYou know how it is.Ó

Dar nodded. She did.  ÒWe were just having a cookout. IÕve been coming to this little spot in the ocean since I was around fifteen.Ó

He nodded. ÒI have a spot like that about ten nautical south from here.  But ah.. Ò He glanced past her to the firelit beach scene. ÒMineÕs not nearly so nice.Ó  He had his own hands in his pockets. ÒBut IÕm glad I bumped into you, because your name came across the wire not long ago.Ó

ÒIt did?Ó

Davis nodded. ÒOne of our other ships picked up a body the other week.  Guy apparently drowned, but no one seemed to know how he got into the water.Ó He said. ÒIt was just off that island you live on, apparently he lived there too.Ó

Dar felt a chill.  ÒHis name Billy?Ó

The lieutenant looked hard at her. ÒYeah. So you did know him?Ó

The dock rocked slightly and they looked over to see Kerry approaching.  ÒIn a manner of speaking, I guess. Ò Dar said. ÒHe was a jackass I ran into on the island and had an argument with.Ó

ÒWhatÕs up?Ó Kerry asked

Davis was nodding again. ÒWell, we heard that some guy on the island told the cops about that, and that they should find you and ask about it.Ó He said. ÒAbout that argument, I mean. He told the cops there was bad blood there, and maybe you knew what happened to him.Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Kerry said, sharply.

ÒThey found the missing guy. The one who was after Kristie.Ó Dar told her . ÒAnd IÕm willing to bet it was her father who told the cops to come looking for me about it.Ó

Kerry looked at her, then at the two coast guard officers, then back at her. ÒSon of a biscuit.Ó She pronounced in a crisp clear tone.  ÒIf thereÕs anyone who might have done something to him it would be that bastard Jim. The developer, who owns that place.Ó

To both of their surprise, the coast guard officer nodded again. ÒThatÕs why IÕm glad we ran into you, because IÕve got some intel on that guy and itÕs not good. You should watch out.  The cops ran everyoneÕs records and the guy who was talking to me told me that guyÕs bad news.Ó

ÒWhat kind of bad news?Ó Dar asked. ÒCriminal background?Ó

Davis shrugged. ÒThat I donÕt know.  He didnÕt say.Ó

ÒWhat a bastard.Ó Kerry exhaled. ÒWhat happened was, Billy, the guy, was threatening Kristie the cashier in the island market. SheÕs JimÕs daughter.  Dar happened to be there, and got in his face, and he left.Ó

The officer frowned. ÒOkay, well..but why is that guy Jim sending the cops off after you then? Sounds to me like you did him a favor.Ó

Dar sighed. ÒLong story.Ó She said. ÒBut thanks for the warning.Ó She said. ÒIÕll be sure to keep my eyes open.   Do the cops want to talk to us?Ó

Davis shrugged ÒNot my area.  It was just coffee machine convo, you know? At the base, because anything that happens on that island gets chewed over.  I listened because I heard your name and weÕd just met.Ó

ÒI appreciate that.Ó Dar said. ÒJim has a problem with us, and so I guess he thought this was a good opportunity to get us in some hot water.Ó 

ÒIs it possible the guy just actually drowned?Ó Kerry asked. ÒHe seemed like a guy who liked to party.Ó

ÒYeah, thatÕs what the cops said.Ó Davis agreed. ÒWho knows? Anyway, just be careful, okay? Especially out here like this in the middle of nowhere.Ó  He lifted his hand in a wave and got back in his pontoon boat, making a gesture to the seaman who was driving it. 

Dar and Kerry watched them putter off, and then they both sighed.  ÒWell, poo.Ó Kerry said. ÒI didnÕt need to hear that.Ó

ÒMe either.Ó Dar put her arm around KerryÕs shoulders. ÒLetÕs go have our lobster.Ó

They walked down the dock back to the beach, where Chino and Mocha were waiting,  both animals not fond of the floating dock and wary of walking on it.   Kerry went over to the pot and took itÕs top off, releasing a cloud of bay leaf and spice scented steam into the air.

As she worked she thought about Billy. To hear something had happened to him seemed sad, in an impersonal kind of way, because as much of a jerk as he had been,  jerkiness didnÕt often deserve death.

To hear that theyÕd been blamed didnÕt surprise her at all.  From the time the security guards had asked her and Dar if they had seen him that time, in the back of her mind sheÕd suspected something was in the works.

Sucks. Kerry got their dinner plated, then glanced up to see Dar standing on the shore, hands in pockets, staring off at the dark horizon.   She put the plates down and covered them, and walked over, nudging Chino aside as she put her arm around DarÕs back. ÒHey.Ó


Kerry looked up, spotting tears rolling down her partnerÕs face. ÒOh, hon.Ó

Dar shook her head and lifted one hand to wipe her eyes. ÒLast time I do someone a favor.Ó She said, clearing her throat. ÒBastard.Ó

Kerry put her other arm around her and gave her a hug.

ÒWhatÕs the point in doing the right thing if all it gets you is kicked in the ass?Ó 

ÒAh, Dar.Ó Kerry felt the ache in her heart for her.  ÒItÕs not always like that.Ó   She rocked them both a little.  ÒA lot of people love you for your doing the right thing.  I sure do.Ó

Dar sighed.

ÒYour mom picked the right name for you, honey. You are a Paladin.Ó   Kerry said.  ÒYou have such a polished, white soul.Ó

Dar blew a raspberry at her.  ÒI tried to do right by ILS, and it gets me lawsuits. I do a favor for some kid, and I get thrown under the bus when some guy croaks.  WhatÕs the damn point?Ó

Kerry patted her on the stomach and hugged her again. ÒThe point is, itÕs who you are.Ó 


ÒYou told me not to talk smack at you.Ó Kerry said. ÒSo IÕm not.  Dar, you are who you are.  DonÕt even contemplate changing that.Ó

ÒGrowf.Ó Chino added commentary.

ÒAhh. Screw it.Ó Dar wiped her eyes again. ÒLetÕs go have dinner. Ò  She walked arm in arm with Kerry back up the beach, circling the fire and dropping into the chairs dug into the sand on either side of the table.

Kerry uncovered the plates and handed her one, then pulled her own over, and they ate in companionable silence for a few minutes.   ÒIÕve got apples baking over there when weÕre done.Ó

A faint smile appeared on DarÕs face as she concentrated on divesting her lobster from itsÕ shell. ÒI can smell them.Ó She said. ÒThanks, Ker.Ó 

ÒAnytime.  I can make them in the oven but theres something about a campfire that makes them extra goodÓ  Kerry replied.  ÒNot sure what it is.Ó

ÒEverything tastes better over a campfire.Ó

ÒWell, thatÕs probably true but I have to admit IÕm glad I donÕt have to gather wood everytime we make coffee.Ó

Dar chuckled softly.

ÒFeel better?Ó

Dar shrugged. ÒI just decided to hell with it.  Let them come talk to us.  By the time weÕre done with Jim and that island theyÕll be sorry they messed with us.Ó

ÒYou mean because weÕre giving the condo to your folks?Ó  Kerry chuckled.

ÒMy momÕll run for condo association president, and my fatherÕll use that golf course for target practice. TheyÕre screwed.  All we did was bring our dog in the gym.Ó

ÒAnd love each other.Ó Kerry reminded her.  ÒThatÕs our biggest offense.Ó

Dar picked up the cup of apple juice and toasted her with it. ÒThat, I plead guilty to.Ó  She waited for Kerry to lift her own cup and touch it to hers.  ÒFor all time.Ó

ÒLikewise.Ó  Kerry smiled.  ÒTo hell with what anyone thinks about it.Ó


The End. (for now)