Body, Heart and Soul

Part 1

A light scattering of snowflakes pattered softly down, dusting the hard packed ground of the central square of the Amazon village.    Figures moved through it, long cloaks covering their bodies briefly kicking free of fur lined boots as they walked along.

Most were headed to a newly built dining hall, with neatly fitted stone walls and a slate roof.  To one side of the roof was a chimney, where the smoke from cookfires was rising and creating a clear spot briefly free of the snow.

Outside the hall three Amazons were chopping wood for the fire, boots braced against cutting blocks and axes rising and falling in a regular rhythm.

Next to the dining hall another recently refinished structure stood, a round building with a covered porch surrounding it.  On the porch were workbenches, and on the workbenches were Amazons busy about any number of tasks.

The doors to the round hall stood open, and a small group of women were in the doorway, having a discussion, the light sound of laughter ringing out over the central open space, echoing softly back from the walls of small dwellings scattered around the edge of the clearing.

From a slight rise behind the dining hall, down a rock lined path two women emerged, both in thickly lined cloaks, and headed towards the round hall.  Both were blond, both were of medium height though one was slightly taller.

ÒYÕknow, Gabrielle.Ó The taller woman said, as they walked. ÒItÕs really damned nice to be able to afford all this stuff.Ó  Ephiny indicated the cloak, and the heavy boots she was wearing. ÒI didnÕt realize really how much colder it would be up here than where we lived before.Ó

ÒOh yeah.Ó Gabrielle agreed. ÒCyrene told me this morning that theyÕve spotted another trader wagon train heading this way. I guess wordÕs good and out that weÕve got coin to spend.Ó  She waved her hand at the group in the doorway. ÒLetÕs go inside, folks.Ó

She put her cloakÕs hood down as she entered the gathering hall, exposing her pale, straight hair to the lamplight inside as she looked around the busy interior.  ÒAh, there you are.Ó  She detoured around to one side, where six Amazons were clustered, surrounding a table full of rocks. 

Behind the table was a tall woman with dark hair, wearing a sleeveless leather tunic and long hide pants tucked into sturdy boots.   One hand was resting on the table, the other hand a piece of rock in it. ÒHere I am.Ó Xena agreed.  ÒI think weÕve got enough ore here to see what kind of steel we can make out of it.Ó

ÒThis the new load that came down yesterday?Ó Gabrielle picked up a piece and examined it.

ÒYup.Ó Her partner said. ÒThey dug this out of that cave midway down the slope.Ó

ÒCould we sell the ore off to someone who wanted to use it too?Ó  One of the Amazons asked. ÒI heard some of the traders talking about a city south of here that wanted stuff like this.Ó

ÒWe could.Ó  Gabrielle answered. ÒWe can sell some, and use some, especially since XeÕs agreed to teach everyone how to smelt iron and steel, and make armor and stuff from it.Ó She bumped her soulmate affectionately.   ÒBut letÕs put that off until after council.Ó

The small group broke up and went to take their seats, as the rest of the tribe filed in the doors and started to fill the room. Gabrielle watched them, her elbow resting casually on the knee Xena had braced up on a bench.

Xena leaned closer and blew gently into her ear, making Gabrielle smile. ÒAnd stuff?Ó The taller woman uttered. ÒThey all want crossbows and swords.Ó

ÒSure.Ó Gabrielle agreed. ÒBut youÕll teach them to make pots and pans too, right?Ó

ÒHeheh. What makes you think I know how?Ó

ÒCÕmon, Xe.  If you can make that hammered leg armor, tell me you canÕt figure out a fry pan.Ó  Gabrielle gave her an indulgent look.  

ÒYou donÕt hammer those.Ó Xena responded, in an absent tone ÒYou cast them.Ó  She watched the gathering Amazons. ÒHard work. I think I can get these guys to learn to make arrowheads, not sure theyÕd buy into putting that much effort into a soup pot.Ó

Gabrielle turned fully and looked at her. ÒWhat?Ó

Xena straightened and patted her on the back. ÒWe can talk about it later.  Your court awaits, your Majesty.Ó She indicated the raised platform at the back of the hall. ÒGÕwan.Ó

ÒJoin me?Ó Gabrielle extended a hand and waited for Xena to take it. Then she led the way up to the platform, climbing up and releasing her consort as Xena detoured around to the back of the dais and her customary seat near the wall behind her.

Customary seat, in this, their newly redone gathering space that now sported river stone walls and a slate rock roof like the dining hall, replacing the wood and thatch that had previously let in wind and dampness.

Three sets of doors, that could be thrown open during the summer heat, and sturdy windows that could likewise be opened, but now were fastened firmly shut against the cold.

Along one side of the hall there was a fireplace, and there now was a neatly built fire in it radiating warmth into the room.   Gabrielle untied her cloak and removed it, draping it over her chair next to the one Ephiny was already sitting in.

She was in leather, but not the brief, revealing outfits they wore in the warmth of the spring and summer in deference to the cold outside, and she looked out over the crowd who likewise, were clad in furs and hide and in some cases, wool.


Gabrielle smiled briefly and took a seat. Her body was covered with a beautifully cured overlay, laced down the front neatly fitted, over a long sleeved linen shirt and her rank tokens were woven into the leather and draped over her left shoulder.  ÒGood morning, everyone.Ó

Xena relaxed onto her little ledge, folding her arms over her chest and regarding the now attentive crowd.   Pretty much every bench was filled, and as she watched the faces that were now focused on her soulmate she had to acknowledge the wave of change that had overtaken them.

The core of the tribe was still there, of course, though many of the older faces were gone now.  Unable to cope with the new direction Gabrielle was taking them, they had taken a share of the newly mined wealth and left gone on to different tribes and a more traditional way of living.

But still the core was there, warriors roughly the same age as Ephiny and Eponin, contemporaries of Solari who were scattered in the crowd, content to be along for the ride.   Around them were the youngers,  GabrielleÕs contemporaries and the newly feathered warriors who were now coming into their own.

And the elders, those who were content to have their retirements now shored up by the tribeÕs new wealth and to live in well built huts with a bit more creature comforts.

Different, but, they had decided in a good way.   Xena muffled a smile as Gabrielle started on her daily announcements, this council encouraging the exchange of information and designed to draw out thought and objections rather than allow them to fester.

Also different.   Also, Xena decided, in a good way.    She drew in a breath, feeling a bit of warmth against her bare shoulders from the fire, appreciating the slight ache of muscles well used in demonstrating the art of the anvil since just past dawn.

She had two promising apprentices.  One being a newcomer to the tribe, who had traveled with them back from the coast, a burly woman who didnÕt talk much, but who had a nice way with a hammer. The other was Paladia,  who had stepped up and showed a surprising knack for the art, though given her drawing ability perhaps not so surprising.

All in all, positive changes.  Xena herself was no longer loathe to spend time in the village, though she spent more of her day down in the town with the militia – grown into a more formidable force as the town once again started to cautiously expand.

ÒSo the news weÕve had from down river is that the train heading this way is twelve wagons.Ó Gabrielle was saying.  ÒThatÕs good news, lets make sure the trading goes both ways as much as we can.  I want people to know weÕve got good products that they can come here for, not just that we want to buy stuff.Ó

ÒWeÕve got some new stuff.Ó  Das spoke up from one of the closer benches.  ÒRenas and I took some of the chips and bits and made some ear cuffs and necklaces.  Town likes em.Ó

Gabrielle smiled at her. ÒThanks, Das.  I heard the miller down in town saying heÕd bought some for his wife.Ó

Renas merely nodded, but her expression was mostly content. 

Big change there.  Xena studied the elder.  Figurehead in the last attempt to oust her soulmate from her position, the older woman had apparently turned over a new leaf.  SheÕd turned her back on the rest of the schemers, at least, and when a slew of them had left, sheÕd stayed behind.

Stayed behind and what was more,  went along with the changes, dropping her protests of the new and ignoring the jibes of others who accused her of changing sides at the breath of the wind.

Smart, Xena reflected.  SheÕd never considered Renas ignorant, just stubborn and maybe seeing their hierarchy, known from birth, shattering beyond recognition.

ÒOkay, so thatÕs all the announcements for today. Anyone got anything for me?Ó Gabrielle rested her elbows on the table and regarded the crowd, her mild expression open and inviting.   ÒNothing?  Wow.  Okay, weÕve got four hunting parties going out today, so anyone who wants to be a part of one, hook up with Eponin after the meeting.Ó 

The buzz of conversation rose immediately, as Gabrielle sat back in her comfortable chair, a beautifully carved wooden item with colorful seat and back pads tied onto it.  ÒQuiet day.Ó

ÒMm.Ó Ephiny agreed, her hands resting on her visibly rounding stomach.  ÒYouÕre good at this.Ó She complimented her friend.  ÒItÕs damn nice to not have everyone squabbling like chicks at feeding time all the time, you know?Ó

ÒWell.Ó Gabrielle hiked up one knee and circled it with both hands. ÒI had a Hades of a lot of help getting this turned around.Ó   She smiled at her regent.  ÒBut yeah, itÕs a nice change.  I think most everyoneÕs gotten used to me by now.Ó

ÒOh yeah.Ó Ephiny nodded. ÒEither they agreed with you, or they took off.  I was scared weÕd end up with ten of us and the nutball twins but itÕs worked out.Ó

ÒMm.Ó Gabrielle watched the groups form and slowly move towards the doors, then her eyes lifted to the entrance as two newcomers entered. ÒAh. Speaking of the nutball twinsÉ  Hey Cait!Ó

The one in the lead was a slim, blond haired young woman, dressed in green leathers and carrying a long bow, and she was followed by a much taller companion, who was covered in a russet leather cloak.

The two walked down the left hand aisle towards the dais against the flow, but they were made room for as Amazons stepped aside between the benches to let them pass. 

This seemed to amuse the taller of the two, who glanced up at met XenaÕs eyes, smirking a little.

Xena eased off her perch and strolled over to GabrielleÕs chair,  draping her right hand over the top of it as the two arrived. ÒWhatÕs the word from the border Cait?Ó  She asked, without preamble.  ÒAny sign of raiders?Ó

Cait climbed up onto the platform and came over, while her partner Paladia just took a seat on the edge of it to wait.  ÒHello.Ó She greeted Gabrielle politely, before turning her attention to the taller woman behind her. ÒNot a bit of a sign.Ó She said. ÒIts all rough and nothing the whole track we took when we found the Spartans.Ó

Xena nodded. ÒDidnÕt expect any different, but it never pays to take a chance.Ó

Cait nodded. ÒJust so.  I did find a herd of goats, though.Ó She added. ÒI left them down by the town.  They werenÕt at all marked or anything like that.Ó

ÒJust running loose?Ó Gabrielle asked. ÒReally?Ó

ÒYes, IÕm afraid so.Ó  Cait leaned on her bow a little. ÒPally found them, really. Ò She glanced over her shoulder at her companion.  ÒWas it by that pond?Ó

Paladia nodded.  ÒWeird.Ó She said. ÒThey were just standing there.Ó  She said, briefly. ÒFollowed us right off. We didnÕt really find em as much as they found us. Ò  Her brow creased. ÒWe didnÕt have to even herd them, it was like they were just waiting for us to get there.Ó

GabrielleÕs brows lifted, and she turned to look up at Xena. ÒThat is sort of weird.Ó

ÒSort of?Ó Xena regarded her ÒYou better go take a look at them. You know a Hades of a lot more about goats and sheep than I do.Ó

Gabrielle lifted a hand and dropped it on the chair arm. ÒWell thatÕs probably true.Ó  She said. ÒIÕve got to go down and meet with the settlement committee in town anyway. IÕll look at them on the way. But nothing else, Cait?Ó

Cait shook her head.  ÒIt seems quite quiet. I didnÕt even find any old campfires.Ó

ÒGood.Ó Xena said.

ÒDid you expect to find something there, hon?Ó  Gabrielle asked.  ÒI know youÕve got people keeping an eye out for Hercules.Ó

ÒWasnÕt sure.  After the Spartans came through, I wondered if any of the chieftains on that side might try their hand.Ó Xena said.  ÒGlad theyÕre not. I want a chance to finish the new barracks and palisades.Ó

ÒAh.Ó Gabrielle stood up. ÒWell, letÕs head on down then.   We can do all that, then get some lunch with our kid down in the school.Ó   She went to lift up her cloak, only to find it already being settled over her shoulders. ÒThanks.Ó

ÒLet me get mine.Ó Xena circled the table and started towards the work table sheÕd been perched behind.   Amazons got out of her way in a hurry as she passed and she paused to regard the contents on the surface as she settled her cloak around her.

Really good quality ore. She picked up a piece and examined it, juggling it and slipping it into her belt pouch before she shrugged the lined and wax surfaced garment into place as she moved to join Gabrielle who was heading towards the door.

ÒCait.Ó Xena called out as she threaded through the benches. ÒCÕmon.Ó

Looking quite pleased, the young Amazon hopped off the platform and followed them out the door. ÒPally, why donÕt you..Ó

Paladia had stood up and started towards the anvil Xena had left behind. ÒYeah, whatever.Ó She waved a hand at her friend. ÒLater.Ó  

Ephiny chuckled, watching them.   She was content to relax in her chair, waiting as she knew there would be one or two or maybe more people who would want to come up and talk, more privately.

More confidentially,  not easy in standing up in council and having their say and hoping they could get a word in her ear that would find itÕs way to GabrielleÕs.

Hilarious, in her mind, since of the two of them without doubt Gabrielle was the more receptive.   But sheÕd found a lot to like in her new role, sitting back quietly and being more of a resource than a leader in the tribe.

It had a peaceful vibe to it.   She looked around the room with a sense of satisfaction, watching Paladia sit down in the corner and pick up a small hammer,  as Das and Renas settled near the fire with their jewelry tools, and a dozen of the youngers took stools near the back of the chamber to work on their arrows.

ÒNice.Ó Ephiny said, to herself, twiddling her thumbs a bit.  ÒWonder how long itÕs going to last?Ó


ÒWhat do you think about those goats?Ó Gabrielle asked, as they rambled side by side down the slope towards the town.  ÒI halfway wondered if it was a trap of some kind, like they were sick or something.Ó

ÒMm.Ó Xena was bouncing a little, her boots pattering lightly over the stones in a jaunty rhythm. She hopped up onto one of the boulders that lined the path and ran along the top of it, tucking her cloak around her before she launched herself into a flip.  ÒI doubt it.Ó

Gabrielle exchanged wry glances with Cait. ÒWatch it hon, thereÕs ice on those rocks.Ó

ÒI know.Ó  Her partner landed neatly and caught up to her.  ÒWeÕre not generally known for livestock here.   Not sure it would occur to someone to do that, or why.Ó   

ÒWeÕre known for horses.Ó  Gabrielle objected.

ÒOnly very recently.Ó  Xena said. ÒNo real point in it.Ó  

They reached the back gate, now visibly and substantially a gate, and Xena lifted a hand in greeting to the militia on guard at the structure. ÒMorning boys.Ó

ÒGenrÕl.Ó   One of them hurried to open the portal, now a well built wall that delineated the townÕs rear border.   No longer could someone merely pass through the town and come up the path to the AmazonÕs village, or the higher plateau that Xena and GabrielleÕs home stood on without challenge.  ÒGÕmorning to ya.Ó

They passed through, the smell of freshly cured wood and newly packed earth strong in their noses as they moved past the guard towers and the doors pulled shut behind them.

Now they were in Amphipolis proper, the back part of the upper town that was now neatly laid out with cobblestone paths and lanes,  with cabins set back into the trees that looked well kept and tidy. 

Xena nodded a little as she strode past,  lifting a hand in greeting as two or three of the townÕs tradesmen came up the lane in the other direction.    There were shops mixed with the cabins, and more activity than there had been but it was nothing like the chaos of their previous growth spurt.

They came to a crossroad and went through it, and up the slight rise that led to CyreneÕs inn and the town stable behind it.  On the other side of the road was the schoolhouse and the newly finished council meeting hall, rebuilt after the last burn out before the Spartan invasion.

Beyond that was the militia compound and the lower town, where merchants had also rebuilt, and then the fortification that now guarded Amphipolis from the river approach, thick and sturdy gates also manned by XenaÕs troops.

Above the gate? The banner flying was the town colors. But over the barracks?  A yellow and black banner floated, XenaÕs hawkshead symbol being dusted now with still falling snow.  Xena found it catching her eye and it made her smile, a little, seeing it.

ÒThere they are.Ó Cait pointed at the guest paddock, just to one side of the barracks.  Usually it held visitorÕs horses, but now it held a small bunch of thickly pelted goats, huddling against the snow as they rooted in the light cover and pulled up the last bit of grass from the ground.

ÒWell.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒTheyÕre goats.Ó

ÒMm.Ó  Xena agreed. ÒNice looking.Ó She said.  ÒIÕm going to the armory. Ò She patted Gabrielle on the back and slipped past, heading down a side lane towards the barracks as the snow continued to drift down and dust her shoulders.

ÒYes, they are.Ó  Gabrielle went over and leaned on the paddock fence, studying the animals. There were no markings on them, as Cait had mentioned, and a few of them stared back at her stolidly, munching the dry, wispy grass.  

Potadeia had raised goats, along with the sheep that could handle the rough scrub that was the best her hometown had been able to offer.  She remembered helping her mother make cheese from the goatÕs milk, and watching her father use the pelts of them to make cushions for the rough wooden chairs in their homestead.

She hadnÕt really been fond of them.  They had tended to use their hard horns to poke her in unlikely places, and one of them had enjoyed snacking on her skirt whenever the opportunity presented itself.  But these looked like a likely herd and they seemed content to be in the somewhat sheltered paddock, with snow covered branches overhead.

ÒWhat are we going to do with them?Ó Cait asked.  ÒI heard that lot up there talking about having some of them up by where we live. Ò

ÒTheyÕre useful.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒThey give milk, and their hair can be woven into rope and cloth.Ó  She straightened up. ÒSo IÕll send a dozen Amazons down to see if they can figure out how to get them up to the plateau.Ó

Cait chuckled.

ÒBe good for them.Ó  Gabrielle turned and started towards the inn, pausing when she heard shouting nearby. ÒUh oh. I think I recognize that voice.Ó

Cait came to her side instantly. ÒGoodness, is that Dori?Ó

ÒIt is.Ó Gabrielle changed her direction and headed for the schoolhouse. ÒCÕmon.Ó

Since Cait had fully intended on sticking to her queen like a burr this suited her admirably and she followed closely as Gabrielle strode along the walkway, her cloak bouncing slightly.  She reached out to open the schoolhouse door when it pulled back ahead of her, and  a woman appeared holding the hand of a small dark haired child. 

ÒMama!Ó  Dori let out a yelp, twisting free from the hand gripping hers and bolting for her mother. ÒMama!Ó

ÒEasy honey. IÕm here.Ó  Gabrielle knelt to put her arms around her daughter. ÒWhatÕs wrong?Ó She saw the tears, and looked up sharply at the teacher. ÒWhat happened?Ó

ÒOh, Gabrielle.Ó The teacher exhaled. ÒIÕm glad youÕre here. I just canÕt keep her in the class. She keeps interrupting everything.Ó She looked exasperated. ÒIÕve been trying to teach a lesson all morning and itÕs impossible!Ó

Gabrielle looked steadily at her, then looked back at Dori, who had thrown her arms around her motherÕs neck. ÒWhatÕs going on, Dor?Ó  She gave her a squeeze. ÒWhatÕs bothering you?Ó

Dori sniffled back her tears. ÒMama sheÕs telling it all wrong!Ó She pointed at the teacher. ÒShe makes the story bad!Õ

The teacher sighed. ÒShe keeps saying that.Ó She said. ÒI was going over the Trojan War, and she just kept getting up and telling me I was wrong.Ó

ÒAh.Ó  Gabrielle used a bit of her cloak to dry off DoriÕs tears. ÒWell the problem is, Sara, Dori knows my version of that story like the back of her hand. DonÕt you honey?Ó

ÒMama tells good stories.Ó Dori leaned against her.

ÒWell, but..Ó

ÒAnd,Ó Gabrielle interrupted her. ÒWhen you tell it differently, then to her its like youÕre saying her motherÕs a liar.Ó  She looked up at the woman. ÒShe doesnÕt like that, and actually  neither do I.Ó

Sara fell silent.

Gabrielle stood up and took DoriÕs hand. ÒBut I canÕt expect everyone to tell stories like I do, so when you get to those parts of the lessons, just let me know and IÕll come get her.Ó  She looked down at the child, who now had one arm wrapped around her leg.  ÒOkay with you Dor?  Boo asked me to come see if you wanted to have some lunch with us. IsnÕt that nice of her?Ó

DoriÕs face creased into a grin. ÒBoo! Where is Boo?Ó

ÒSheÕs talking with her friends the soldiers. LetÕs go find her.Ó  Gabrielle said. ÒSee you later, Sara.Ó

ÒYes, okay.Ó The teacher said. ÒSorry about that, Gabrielle.  WeÕve got a big crowd of kids in ther.e IÕm doing my best.Ó

ÒI know.Ó  Gabrielle lifted a hand. ÒCÕmon people, letÕs go find Xena.Ó

ÒBoo.Ó Dori trotted along at her motherÕs side. ÒMama, that was a mean lady.Ó She looked up at her mother. ÒDonÕt like that school.Ó

Cait chuckled again.

Gabrielle sighed. ÒWell, my wild child, you should be a happy little girl that youÕve got a school to go to. I had to learn everything the hard way.Ó

ÒToo right.Ó Cait agreed. ÒI donÕt think they meant to be mean, Dori.  They just donÕt know as much as your mother does you see.Ó

ÒMama knows evryÕthing.Ó  Dori agreed.

ÒOh ho ho ho no I donÕt.Ó  Gabrielle spotted the tall, dark, cloaked figure heading in their direction at a good clip. ÔLook Dor, thereÕs Xena.Ó

ÒBoo!Ó  Dori pulled her hand free and raced towards her other mother, her little boots sending spurts of snow along the path. ÒBoo! Boo!Ó

Gabrielle smiled indulgently as she watched their daughter bolt into XenaÕs waiting arms, squealing in joy as she was lifted up and over XenaÕs head.   ÒTheyÕre so cute together.Ó

Cait smiled as well. ÒI think she does a bit better up by the village.Ó She said, diplomatically.  ÒTheyÕre always teaching practical things there.Ó

ÒItÕs true. But I also want her to learn other stuff.Ó  Gabrielle said. ÒAnd play with kids from the town.  She should get exposed to more than just the Amazons.Ó  She smiled as Xena tucked Dori into her shoulder and started towards them. ÒSomeday sheÕs going to have to choose if she wants to be an Amazon so I want her to know what sheÕs deciding.Ó

Cait blinked. ÒWell, gosh.Ó  She said. ÒI never thought of that.Ó 

ÒYou knew what you were doing.Ó Gabrielle said.

ÒI did.Ó The young Amazon agreed. ÔThough I do think theyÕre a bit silly at times.Ó She confided to her queen.  ÒItÕs much better now, you  know.Ó

ÒIs it?Ó  Gabrielle eyed her. ÒYou mean now that I finally decided to do my job?Ó

ÒNot that exactly.Ó Cait flushed a little. ÒJust that everyoneÕs stopped arguing so much. Its more fun now.Ó She explained. ÒItÕs actually quite all right to spend time in the big hall.Ó

Hm.  Gabrielle pondered that, realizing Cait was right.  The gathering hall had become a far more friendly place, and sheÕd started to hear more laughter than sniping.  She wasnÕt nearly egotistical enough to think she really was the reason though. 

Dori was busy chattering to Xena, who had slowed to a stroll as she listened. ÒThey gave her trouble at school?Ó  She asked Gabrielle as they met up, expression shifting to indignant.

ÒNot really. She was giving them a hard time because their version of the Trojan War didnÕt match mine.Ó Gabrielle tweaked DoriÕs booted foot. ÒI need to check the curriculum theyÕre using and be  more careful about when I send her there.Ó

ÒMmm.Ó Xena rumbled low under her breath. 

ÒI told them to just come get me next time.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒShe knows what she knows, you  know?Ó

ÒI know.Ó Her partner bounced their daughter up and down a bit.  ÒI donÕt like people giving my kid a hard time though.

Gabrielle took her elbow and steered her towards the inn. ÒCome with us, Cait. LetÕs see what grandma has in her kitchen before this snow buries us.Ó


CyreneÕs inn was busy,  all the tables were filled and it was only due to the back table nearest the kitchen was traditionally reserved for family left them a place to settle into.  

The crowd was a mixture of townsfolk and visitors, and Xena spent a moment studying them before she turned as one of the server girls put down a mug and plate by her side. ÒThanks.Ó

ÒAnytime for you.Ó The girl grinned cheekily at her. ÒHey Dori, hereÕs your cup.Ó She gave the child a smaller utensil, which she gripped, and winked at Gabrielle.  ÒHer nibs says sheÕs sending something special out.Ó She said, before she disappeared back into the crowd.

ÒEh heheh.Ó  Gabrielle bit into a slice of roast lamb. ÒI foresee nutbread in my future.Ó  She chewed, then looked up at Xena. ÒDid I see more recruits by the armory?Ó

ÒTen more.Ó  Xena was sharing the contents of her plate with Dori.   ÒThree of them from the Athenian army.Ó  Her lips quirked a little bit. ÒApparently theyÕve started using their troops to clean the streets there.Ó

GabrielleÕs eyebrows lifted.

ÒAh, there you all are.Ó Cyrene appeared at the side of the table, letting her hand rest on the back of the chair her daughter and granddaughter were seated in.  ÒTrader wagonsÕll be here tomorrow morning.   TheyÕre getting the fairgrounds ready across the river.Ó

ÒUh huh. Save a big stall for us.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒIÕm hoping we sell more than we buy this time.Ó

ÒI told them to rope off that section near the stage.Ó  Cyrene said. ÒI figured you could knock off two birds with one stick.Ó

ÒGramma!Ó  Dori tugged at her tunic.

ÒYes?Ó  Cyrene looked down at her. ÒWhatÕs up, cutie?Ó

ÒLook I found dis.Ó  Dori held up a feather.  ÒPretty!Ó

ÒThat sure is.Ó Cyrene examined the feather. ÒDid you find this outside?Ó

ÒUp with the fevver people.Ó Dori said. ÒMama you make a story with it?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Gabrielle agreed amiably. ÒI bet thatÕs a magic feather, donÕt you think so?Ó She rested her chin on her fist and bit off a chunk of bread.   ÒA magic feather that came all the way up our mountain on the back of a turtle.Ó

ÒTurtle!Ó Dori looked at the feather in amazement. ÒWow, mama!Ó

ÒSee?Ó Xena said. ÒThatÕs how I end up fifty cubits tall with three heads.Ó  She offered Dori her cup of cider. ÒBy the time sheÕs done, the turtle will be speaking Persian and have wings.Ó

Everyone chuckled.

Gabrielle munched a bit of tuber reflectively. ÒYouÕd look cute with wings.Ó She said. ÒI already know in my head what you look like with a tail.Ó

Cait leaned forward. ÒIÕm sure if youÕd like to describe that to Pally  sheÕd love to draw it.Ó

ÒHey.Ó Xena nudged her with one boot. ÒNo tails!Õ

ÒDo do doo..Ó Dori waved her feather back and forth. ÒBoo, can we go fly now?Ó

ÒIn a little while, munchkin.Ó  Xena leaned back in her chair. ÒIÕll take you up to our house and we can play some games, okay?Ó


Gabrielle chuckled.

ÒDonÕt start, mama.Ó   Xena tipped her seat back, bracing her boot against the base of the table.  ÒI can remember some very single minded times of yours especially when nutbread was involved.Ó

ÒHah hah.Ó

Cyrene patted her daughter on the shoulder.  ÒIf any of your boys are going down the river, can they check the ice, please?  One of the travelers who checked in here this morning said he was seeing hard skin near the narrows.Ó

ÒSure.Ó Xena said. ÒIÕve got a patrol going out  past Potadeia later. IÕll have em look.Ó

ÔThank you dear.Ó Cyrene leaned over and gave Xena a kiss on the head, then she tweaked DoriÕs nose before she retreated back into the kitchen. 

It made Xena smile, and she exhaled in contentment as she gazed around the inside of the inn, busy and full of patrons as it usually was these days.  The inside walls had been freshly relined with bark lifted from the trees cleared for the new housing, and she could smell the tang of the lime whitewash theyÕd painted it with.

There were more tables, squeezed in where they could be, and on the other side of the far wall, a new section of the inn was in progress – the first expansion in many years.  

Oil lamps had been added to the walls as well, though they were doused now in deference to the pallid winter light coming in the lead paned windows, and between the lamps the spaces were filled by woven mats and skins, and above the big fireplace a neatly painted scene of the town itself, as seen from the river crossing.

PaladiaÕs work. Xena smiled every time she saw it, though she was glad the other bits of the  ex-renagdes talents were kept for the inner, private rooms where she knew smaller pictures of CyreneÕs family decorated the walls.

Toris, Granella and the twins, and of course, herself and Gabrielle with Dori.   It seemed a little hard to believe, looking at them how much their lives, all of them, had changed over the past few years.


Xena glanced up as GabrielleÕs warm touch circled her wrist. ÒHm?Ó  She noted one of the town councilors seated next to her partner and gave him a nod. ÒWhatÕs up?Ó

ÒXena.Ó The townsman said. ÒJust had a bunch of travellers come up the road, saying theyÕre looking for shelter. DonÕt have much in the way of coin, but one of them says they  know you.Ó

ÒKnow her or just know her name?Ó Gabrielle asked.

The townsman shrugged. ÒSaid he knew her, but who knows right?Ó He admitted. ÒAnyway, could you have a word with them, if you have a minute?Ó

Xena pondered the question.

ÒWant me to go check them out, hon?Ó Gabrielle offered. ÒYou can finish your lunch and DoriÕs.Ó

ÒNah.Ó Xena stood up and put Dori down in her seat. ÒBe right back, kiddo.Ó She said. ÒYou keep your mama company, okay?Ó

ÒBoo!Ó Dori, predictably, protested. ÒDonÕt go!Ó  She started to scramble off the chair but was pre-empted by her mother who slid into the seat with her. ÒMama, want to go with Boo!Ó

ÒYes, I know, but you let Boo go talk to her friends and sheÕll be right back.Ó Gabrielle took a precautionary hold on the child as she watched her partner thread her way through the crowd.  ÒIÕm sure itÕs someone nice.Ó

Dori scowled.

ÒOr maybe not.Ó Gabrielle sighed.  ÒWith XeÕs old friends, you just never know.Ó


Toris came in from the back door and went over to the big family table, settling next to Gabrielle with a long, drawn out sigh. ÒWhoof.  SnowÕs getting worse.Ó

Gabrielle had been tearing a piece of bread in half, putting some soft cheese on it and handing part of it to Dori.  ÒXeÕs sending a patrol to check the ford.Ó  She told her brother in law.   ÒBut the elders up in the village all told me they felt it was going to be a hard winter.Ó

ÒNot so hard as it could have been, with that valley.Ó Toris remarked.  ÒGran said sheÕs seen a big change up there.Ó 

They both paused as the door swung open and TorisÕs twin boys ran in, spotting Dori and rushing over to the table. ÒDor Dor!Ó   Little Lyceus yodled. ÒDereÕs a baby cow in the stable!Ó

DoriÕs eyes lit up. ÒMama, let me go see!Ó She wriggled loose of her motherÕs arms. ÒWant to see the buppit!Ó

Gabrielle released her. ÒOkay, but you guys be careful, all right?Ó She held on to Dori until she got nods from all three children. ÒDonÕt get near the mama cow, she might not like you touching her baby.Ó

ÒOkay mama.Ó Dori tugged against the hold. ÒWeÕll be careful, and we can stay by Rusty okay?Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Gabrielle let her go, and watched the kids scamper off through the back door, and through the kitchen where another back door would let them out near the path to the stables.  ÒOh my gosh those little rugratsÓ

Toris chuckled.  ÒTheyÕre growing like weeds. Ò He smiled as the server came back and offered him a plate of lamb and tubers. ÒThanks.Ó He put the plate down and started eating. ÒSo, I hear Dori got in trouble at school today?Ó

Gabrielle picked up her mug and sipped at the cider. ÒYeah.Ó She admitted. ÒItÕs my fault.Ó

ÒYour fault?Ó

ÒYeah.Ó The bard nodded. ÒShes too young yet for me to explain to her about shades of gray. Everything for DorÕs black and white, right or wrong, and she thinks whatever comes out of our mouths is right.Ó

ÒAh.Ó  Toris looked sympathetic.

ÒItÕs hard, you know?Ó Gabrielle sighed. ÒI know more than anyone how fallible the two of us are, and yet it just makes me hurt to imagine her face when she figures it all out.Ó   She glanced past him at the crowd, then met his eyes again. ÒI remember how I felt.Ó

ÒWhen you saw through my sisterÕs act?Ó  Toris smiled, to take any sting out of the remark, but Gabrielle shook her head.  ÒNo?Ó

ÒNo.. Xe..  I always saw more than one side of her. I mean..  the second time I met her, I was trying to keep your hometown from stoning her to death, you know?Ó

ÒOh. Right.Ó

ÒShe never pretended to be one of AphroditeÕs cherubs.Ó  Gabrielle smiled, then went pensive. ÒBut no I was thinking of my own childhood.   I remember getting beaten by my father the first time, and just not understanding what IÕd done.Ó

Toris reached over and put his hand on her arm.

ÒI remember that moment of everything IÕd believed being turned up side down.Ó Gabrielle sighed. ÒHow much that hurt.Ó

ÒSure, but sheÕll never have to worry about that.Ó  Her brother in law said. ÒHard to think of a more devoted pair of parents than you and Xena.Ó

ÒNow, sure.Ó  Gabrielle smiled faintly. ÒBut someday IÕm going to have to sit down with her and explain to her things sheÕs going to hear about eventually like XeÕs son, and her older half sister.Ó

ÒAh.Ó TorisÕs face scrunched up. ÒYou know, itÕs so hard for me to think about that, knowing you guys now how you are.Ó He admitted.

GabrielleÕs smile broadened a little. ÒYeah, me too to be honest.Ó  She got up and set her cup down. ÒLet me go see who these old friendsÕs of XeÕs are.  Then IÕll go make sure the kids arenÕt making horse turd sculptures out there.Ó She patted TorisÕs arm as she went past, and acknowledged the greetings as she headed for the door.

Toris tucked into his lunch. ÒGlad the worst my kids are going to hear about is me falling on my head and getting dragged behind the plow horse.Ó He shook his shaggy, dark head.


The man was tall and thin, and though his brown hair was now liberally spiked with gray, Xena recognized him. ÒTimos.Ó  She extended a hand and he clasped her arm without hesitation. ÒBeen a long time.Ó

ÒIt has, Xena, it has.Ó Timos perched on the fence post, just inside the sturdy new gates of the town. ÒAfter I retired from the raiding biz, I settled out down south of here, little town, had me a little family, you know how it is.Ó

ÒI do.Ó  Xena was sitting on a barrel, hands braced on the edges of it. ÒWhat happened?Ó

ÒFate caught up with me.Ó Timos said. ÒTown got overrun by a warlord last spring.  They took everything wasnÕt nailed down, including women and children.Ó  He glanced past her, his eyes unfocused. ÒI was out hunting. Came back to nothing but ashes.Ó

ÒDamn.Ó Xena murmured.

ÒSome refugees from the next town, said they saw them taking the plunder with them to the west. My wife and son were with em.Ó  Timos exhaled. ÒMaybe theyÕre gone by now, but I want to find out.Õ

ÒSorry to hear it, Timos.Ó Xena said. ÒThatÕs tough.Ó

ÒHey, we used to do stuff like that.Ó  Timos shifted his eyes to her face. ÒThough I heard you got reformed.Ó

Reformed.  Xena smiled with a touch of grimness.  ÒYou could say that.Ó She said. ÒThough, I tell people itÕs a Hades of a lot more trouble to be hero than a villain.Ó

Timos nodded. ÒI heard. They tell stories of you around.Ó He agreed. ÒAnyway, I spent the summer trying to track the bastards down, but no  luck. They had too long a lead on me.Ó

ÒProbably holed up for the winter now.Ó Xena said.

ÒFigured the same. So I hooked up with a bunch of stragglers and we ended up here.Ó He said. ÒWasnÕt till I saw the banner I remembered this is where youÕre from.Ó  His lined face, with a deep scar across the side of one eye, tensed into a wry smile. ÒThought IÕd drop your name, see if I could work for my keep until spring, and then go out looking again.Ó

ÒSure.Ó Xena answered easily.  ÒGot plenty of work here.. as you can see.Ó She indicated the stockade fence, which was being worked on despite the snow.  ÒWhat about the rest of them?Ó She asked, glancing through the half open gates and the party that heÕd come with. 

ÒThey been on the road a while.  Three of them are buskers.Ó His face showed a touch of disdain.  ÒOlder guyÕs a vagrant who got kicked out of his house by his kids when they had two kids of their own and were out of room.Ó

XenaÕs eyes widened slightly.

ÔNot bad people.Ó  Timos said.  ÒThe buskerÕs probably be some entertainment.. that an inn up there?Ó  He indicated the rise behind them.

ÒYes.Ó Xena said, getting up off the barrel. ÒMy motherÕs.Ó She added, with a brief grin as she pushed the gate open wider. ÔCÕmon in, boys.Ó She motioned the small, somewhat woebegone group inside.  ÒHalston, take this bunch and get them a bed and a meal, wouldja?Ó

ÒGenrÕl.Ó The soldier/woodsman came trotting over, shaking his cloak free of the still falling snow. ÒRight you are.  Come with me.Ó 

ÒTimos, weÕll talk later.Ó Xena said. ÒIÕve gotta get back up the hill.Ó     She watched the small group, relieved looks on their faces, follow Halston off towards the barracks and found herself shaking her head. 

ÔThanks Xena!Ó Timos called back, as he caught up to the group, lifting his hand to wave at her.

Xena waved back, then turned and headed back up the rise to the upper part of town, her boots crunching lightly in the snow.    Timos had left her army about a year before she had, and she remembered him as a mediocre fighter, but good with horses, and possessing a reasonable singing voice whose echo faintly sounded in her head.

HeÕd also been a skilled leatherworker, she recalled, and remembered him spending time in the down times taking old hides theyÕd scrounged and making them into shoes and sacks.

She drew up her cloak hood and settled it around her head, blinking the snowflakes out of her eyes  and licking her lips to find a few on them.  

The lanes were mostly empty now, as everyone got out of the snow, and she made her way up unhindered  until she spotted an equally cloaked figure heading her way, easily recognizable despite the thick fall. 

They met at the crossroads.   ÒHey.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒWhatÕs up?Ó

ÒOld soldier of mine showed up with a bunch of buskers and a vagrant. I gave em house space.Ó Xena told her.  ÒFigured they might be useful.Ó

ÒBuskers?Ó GabrielleÕs voice lightened with interest. ÒIÕll check them out later.Ó  She pulled XenaÕs cloak a little closer to her. ÒYou ready to collect our child and head up?Ó

Xena tipped her head back, then looked back down. ÒSounds like a good idea, since this isnÕt showing any signs of stopping.  Hope it settles out before the train gets here tomorrow.Ó

Gabrielle nodded.

Xena rested her forearms on her partnerÕs shoulders. ÒYou okay? You sound a little down.Ó

Instead of answering, the bard stepped forward and pressed her body against XenaÕs, circling her with her arms and giving her a hug.   Xena returned the embrace,  sensing the turmoil but not really understanding the source of it. 

ÒLets go.Ó Gabrielle released her, but took hold of her hand and turned as they walked along the path towards the stable.  ÒApparently we have a new family member.Ó

ÒAh, the calf?Ó


ÒHope Dori isnÕt trying to ride its mother.Ó


It was an all out snowstorm not long after they got up to their cabin on the top of the mountain.  Gabrielle was glad to hang their cloaks out to dry as she listened to Xena playing with Dori near the fire. 

It felt very good to be in the quiet of their snug home,  and Gabrielle felt herself fully relax for the first time that day.  She went over to the couch in front of the fire and dropped into it, extending her legs out and stretching. ÒAhhh.Ó

 Xena looked over at her.  ÒTough day?Ó

Gabrielle had one arm over her eyes and she kept it there for a moment, then she turned her head and returned the look. ÒIt shouldnÕt have been.Ó She said. ÒI thought the council went okay this morning, and the mood in the villageÕs really improved hasnÕt it?Ó

ÒYeah.Ó  Her partner agreed, focused on playing patacake with their daughter. ÒIt really has and not just because you finally taught some of those women to cook.Ó  She watched Dori grab her hand.  ÒEveryone just seems to be chilled out.Ó

ÒUh huh.Ó

Xena picked up Dori, then rolled onto her back and lifted the delighted child up waving her back and forth as she extended her arms and legs in a flying motion. ÒHelps that most of the cranks left.Ó


ÒWell it does.Ó Her partner shrugged.  ÒI think your idea to pay them off and get rid of them was right on.Ó

Gabrielle studied the ceiling.  ÒThat makes me sound pretty ratty.Ó


ÒIÕm supposed to make people work with each other, hon. Not just throw coins at them.Ó

ÒEh.Ó Xena swung Dori around in  a gentle circle. ÒYou can only do so much leading. Eventually the horses have to decide to drink. IÕm glad they took off. Less crap.Ó

ÒBoo Boo BoooÉÓ Dori burbled. ÒYou know what Wusty told me?Ó

ÒWhat did he tell you?Ó Xena let her down and sat up.  ÒYa canÕt always depend on what ponys say yÕknow.Ó

ÒBoo he said the cow said she wants to run away.Ó  Dori told her in an earnest tone.  ÒTo go to a circus!Ó

Xena looked over at Gabrielle, lifting her eyebrow.

ÒNot mine.Ó The bard held up a hand, palm outward.  ÒI promised you IÕd lay off the cow stories with her, and I did.Ó

ÒWhy does the cow want to run away to the circus, Dor?Ó  Xena asked.

ÒI dunno Boo.Ó Dori pulled her legs up under her crossed on the thick bearskin rug. ÒTo have fun?Ó

Xena scooted over to the couch and leaned back against it, extending her legs out as Dori clambered over them.  ÒNot sure being in a circus is fun.Ó She said. ÒWhat do you think, mama?Ó

ÒHaving been in the center of a bunch of people wanting to be entertained, IÕd have to agree, Boo.Ó Gabrielle reached out and tangled her fingers in her partnerÕs thick, dark hair.  ÒYou  know what I was thinking?Ó

ÒBet IÕm about to.Ó Xena put her arms around Dori, who was leaning back against her. ÒYou ready to take a nap, kiddo?Ó

ÒBoo, can I bring Rusty up here? I want to play with him.Ó  Dori asked, turning around and looking up beseechingly at her parent.

ÒNo.Ó Xena replied, smoothing her hair down. ÒHe canÕt come up here, Dori, itÕs too hard, and too dangerous for him. You donÕt want him to get hurt.Ó

ÒNot to mention, mama really doesnÕt want to clean up his poop in your room.Ó  Gabrielle added, wryly. ÒSo youÕll just have to visit him down in the town, my little horsey girl.Ó

Dori poked her lower lip out in a pout.

Xena got up and picked Dori up in her arms, carrying her into her room.   She put her down in her bed and sat down next to her, taking off her little boots.  ÒHow about we see if you can sleep over at your cousins for a night or so. You like that, munchkin?Ó

Dori considered that. ÒWith Lolo and Lesus?Ó

ÒUh huh. They live right near the stable. You guys could..Ó She lowered her voice to a whisper. ÒTalk my brother Toris into letting you stay in there overnight.Ó She tweaked her toes. ÒYour mama and I used to stay overnight in that barn.Ó

Her daughter looked intrigued.  ÒWas it fun?Ó

Xena smiled at her, blue eyes twinkling. ÒSome of the best fun IÕve had.Ó She said. ÒSo let me see if I can set that up for you, okay?Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Dori grinned. ÒDank you, Boo.Ó  She lay down and reached out to pull XenaÕs nose.  ÒLove you.Ó

Xena leaned over and gave her a kiss. ÒLove you too, Dor.Ó  She tugged the light fur up over DoriÕs small body and got up, moving back into the main part of the cabin where Gabrielle was still sprawled bonelessly on the couch.

She gently lifted GabrielleÕs upper body up and slid underneath her, settling her back down in her lap and wrapping her arms around her. ÒNow.Ó

ÒNow.Ó Gabrielle repeated, hearing the wind whistling outside and the hiss of snow falling down their chimney.  ÒWhat was I saying?Ó

ÒWhat were you saying?Ó  Xena stroked her hair back. ÒYou said you had thought of something.Ó


When the bard didnÕt say anything else,  she gently started massaging her partnerÕs temples, watching her eyes close and a faint smile appear.  ÒHereÕs what I was thinking.Ó


ÒI was thinking itÕs gonna snow all night, and thereÕs no place IÕd rather spend all that time than in our bed.Ó

ÒThat sounds great.Ó Gabrielle said. ÒBut hardly a shock, hon.  I kinda assumed thatÕs what weÕd be doing.Ó She looked up at the planed, angular face regarding her.  ÒGlad weÕre here tonight though.  I felt like being by myself.Ó

XenaÕs brow lifted sharply.

ÒTcha. You know what I meant.Ó  The bard pressed her cheek against her partnerÕs stomach. ÒIm just fidgety today and I donÕt really know why.Ó  She could feel her body relaxing though, savoring the warmth of the contact with XenaÕs. ÒHey, by the way, thanks for staying down in the village with me. I know the tribe really appreciated thatÓ

ÒI donÕt mind it.Ó Xena kept up her massage.  ÒBut I told Dori IÕd arrange a sleepover at Toris and Granellas so she could spend time with her cousins and that damned pony.Ó

Gabrielle peered up at her, a surprised but pleased smile appearing.

ÒSee if we can run out those fidgets.Ó 


Xena woke in the pre-dawn quiet, only the faint sounds of the creaks and pops of the wood frame of their home under the weight of a new coating of snow.  She kept her eyes closed and let her ears wander, detecting the faint patter of a rabbit running over the icy ground and then the soft crack as an overloaded branch broke and caused a tiny avalanche.

Inside the cabin there was still a small residual warmth from the fireplace, and an unusual peace that would remain due to DoriÕs absence down the hill.

She was looking forward to a quiet morning with Gabrielle. Her partner was still deeply asleep, her gentle breathing warming the side of XenaÕs neck and the weight of one arm thrown over her bare midriff doing likewise.

There was a lot going on. They were both very busy, Gabrielle with running her tribe and Xena with building up her army,  and the growth of Amphipolis keeping them really occupied and sheÕd been looking forward a little to the cold season when things tended to slow down and there was less chaos.

Though, with them, sheÕd come to realize, chaos was a given.   Xena smiled a bit, letting her eyes drift open and waiting a moment for the interior of the cabin to come into focus around her.  If theyÕd been down in the village, she knew, sheÕd be hearing the morning watch stirring, and the sound of the dining hall getting their breakfast on.

But here, they had some provisions by the fireplace  and a sense of isolation.  They would break a leisurely fast together, and then go down to meet the incoming traders, along with a honor guard of Amazons and a handful of her soldiers.

Hopefully the quiet time would make her partnerÕs mood better.   Xena studied the pale head tucked into her shoulder.  Certainly it had been as they dropped off to sleep at any rate.  They had some level of privacy in the QueenÕs quarters of course, but Gabrielle was always mindful of how close the village was to them and it was just different when they were up here in their home.

She took a deep breath and let it out, enjoying the comfort of the featherbed as it cradled her body, easily the most decadent thing they both owned.  Their garb was rough leather and cloth, the cabinÕs other furnishings sturdy and functional, but the bed?

None finer anywhere.   Xena watched the dim gray winter light start to peek in through the leaded glass and as it did, she felt Gabrielle stir, nestling closer and then giving her a one armed hug.  ÒMorning.Ó

ÒMorning. Ò Gabrielle burred in response. ÒThanks.Ó


ÒThanks.Ó  The bard repeated, pressing her body against XenaÕs.  ÒFor being so smart, and caring so damn much about me.Ó

Xena returned the hug.  ÒGood thing for both of us we met after I grew out of being such a teenage jerk with a sharp sword and no brains then.Ó  She advised her partner.   ÒI finally got some sense in my old age.Ó

ÒAw, grandma.Ó  Gabrielle kept her eyes closed, just enjoying the banter and closeness.  She could hear XenaÕs heartbeat and feel the steady breathing under her arm, and she rubbed the edge of her thumb against the skin her hand was resting on.

All that smooth surface, still a bit strange for her to slide her hand over and not find any trace of the scars that were taken from them both on Mount Olympus.  Gone, along with the aches and pains that had started to truly plague her, returning an energy and resilience that made GabrielleÕs heart glad to see.

If only that apple seed had worked.  She sighed a little.  But maybe they were both a little bit, back in the back of their hearts, glad.   ÒAh, Xe.Ó She tickled her partner lightly around her navel.  Just let it go, Xena had told her, if itÕs gonna happen, it will.

ÒYeees?Ó  Xena rumbled in response. ÒReady to go stir up the fire and get our butts out of this bed?Ó

ÒHm.Ó  Gabrielle let her hand slide lower, her thumb tracing the soft skin over her hip bone. ÒStir up a fireÉÓ She felt Xena chuckle soundlessly.  ÒI might be into that.Ó

ÒOh yeah?Ó 



Xena sat down on the couch to pull on her boots,  listening to the faint scratching of Gabrielle writing on a scroll nearby.    She tugged the lambswool lined footwear up over her left calf and tightened the gut laces, luxuriating in the ability to perform the task without  Dori trying to help her out.

ÒYou still expecting an emissary from Thrace?Ó Gabrielle asked, after sheÕd paused for a moment.  

ÒProbably not until springÓ Xena pulled on her other boot. ÒGive us a chance to get things built up here.  IÕm hoping they agree to an alliance.Ó

ÒWhy not?  You hornswaggled the nearest Amazon tribe into one.Ó Gabrielle glanced over at her, a distinct twinkle in her eyes.  ÒOf course, I hear the crazy chick in charge has a thing for you.Ó

Xena chuckled audibly. ÒYeah, I heard that too.Ó She stood up and stamped a few times to settle the boots fit.  ÒUnfortunately the warlords west of us probably wonÕt have the same kind feelings for me. I think I ambushed a few of them with my army back in the day.Ó

Gabrielle folded and sealed the parchment she was working on, then put it in her carry bag.  She went over and donned her cloak, then put the bag on itÕs shoulder strap over it.  ÒReady to go see what the roadÕs brought us, General?Ó

ÒYes, my queen.Ó  Xena got her own cloak on over her winter leathers and fastened it, then reached back to sort the hood of the garment and set the slit in place that allowed her sword hilt to pass through  ÒLetÕs go see what calamity our child has caused overnight.Ó

Gabrielle picked up her staff and pushed the door to the cabin open, emerging into the chill winter light to find the ground thoroughly covered in snow that showed no signs of melting. ÒBrr.Ó

ÒBrr.Ó Xena agreed, shutting and fastening the door behind them.  She joined Gabrielle as they walked down the steps to the path and started down the steep slope that would eventually deposit them at the town gates below.

ÒGot cold fast this year.Ó Gabrielle commented, as she used her staff to poke the ground ahead of them.  ÒFeels like it was just harvest time.Ó

ÒIt did.  Glad we got all the crops inÓ Her partner said. ÒBut you know what I am kinda worried about?Ó

ÒNo sign of Hercules.Ó  Gabrielle said.  ÒMaybe he figured out how to get them back up there by himself, hon. HeÕs a demigod.Ó


They came to the hanging bridge, and crossed it confidently, the sturdy planks spaced far enough apart that the snow hadnÕt covered them.  Below the bridge the dry chasm was a vast tangle of dried, dead foliage and snow cover.  ÒWe should watch the floods this spring if the snowÕs sticking this early.Ó 

ÒWe get floods, IÕm staying up at the village and so are you.Ó Gabrielle stated. ÒI donÕt care how many lambs drown. IÕm not doing that again.Ó

Xena put an arm over her shoulders. ÒRight there with ya.Ó 

They walked along the path and within a few minutes they were at the entrance to the Amazon village, where a cluster of fur wrapped warriors were hanging out waiting for them.

Each of them had the usual Amazon feathers and rank markings, but they all also wore a simple silver disk with a quill and a staff crossed on it.

QueenÕs guard.  Xena had been tickled to see the disks, even more that the women had made them on their own, from ore theyÕd dug up in the valley.    There was no question in anyoneÕs mind of course who the QueenÕs actual guard was, but still and all she enjoyed the sentiment and was glad the whole attitude of the tribe towards her soulmate had shifted.

In the three months since theyÕd come back from Therma, Gabrielle had become their queen in fact, as well as in name.  

ÒMorning, people.Ó  Gabrielle waved at them. ÒLetÕs head on down.Ó

ÒYour maj.Ó  Solari saluted her with a grin, then she and Nala fell into place behind her  as Cait and Paladia,  Aaliene and Pasi joined them.   ÒGotta tell you, that stone bathing room was total awesome this morning.  DidnÕt freeze any parts of my body off.Ó

ÔYes!Ó Nala added with a fist pump.  ÒAnd the changing room so you donÕt have to break icicles off your hair on the way back to your hut.Ó

Xena chuckled soundlessly.

ÒYeah.Ó Gabrielle nodded. ÒI thought Xe was coddling me when she built on the tub area in our place, but boy, mornings like this itÕs the best.Ó

ÒCoddling you?Ó  Her partner eyed her. ÒWhat makes you think I enjoyed breaking ice all those damn ponds in the morning?Ó

ÒYou didnÕt?Ó  Gabrielle affected astonishment. ÒXena!Ó

They were on the bottom slope of the mountain and as they emerged into the approach to the gates they swung open, the guards recognizing them at once.    ÒMorning, boys.Ó Xena lifted a hand in greeting. ÒAny news?Ó

She was fairly sure there would be none, as the guard had orders to relay anything important up the ridge regardless of the time.

ÒMorning, Xena.Ó The nearest guard said, with an easy smile. ÒOnly that the trader wagons are coming into the lower town, says the watch.  TheyÕre getting them set.Ó

ÒGood.Ó Gabrielle patted her bag.  ÒIÕve got some birthday shopping to do.Ó

The Amazons all laughed at XenaÕs exaggerated eye rolling on hearing that.  ÒHey, Champ, youÕve only got yourself to blame, you know?Ó

ÒI know.Ó Xena lifted her hand and waggled it. ÒSomeday IÕll learn not to egg her on by upping the ante every year.Ó

The group of women walked along the fence lined road through the back half of the town and then took the turn that would take them up to the front door of CyreneÕs inn.    There were already people out on the porch, and the windows were half open to allow air to cross through the interior.  ÒMust be busy in there.Ó Gabrielle commented.

They pushed open the door and almost wished they hadnÕt. The inn was stuffed full of customers, getting some breakfast before the traders set up camp, and they  had a slow go to make it through the crowd to the back of the inn.

ÒKitchen.Ó Xena said, pointing to the door, edging past a group of men with thick hide tunics as she pushed open the panel and ushered the rest of her gang inside.

The cooks looked up in surprise then paused and waved as they were recognized.   ÒItÕs crazy out there!Ó Eustace said, turning back to her pot.  ÒHave a seat there, ladies.Ó

The Amazons looked at Xena and Gabrielle, who looked back at them, shaking their heads.  With shrugs, they all took seats except for Gabrielle who patted XenaÕs shoulder. ÒIÕm going to go check on Dori.Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Xena relaxed, as one of the cooks hustled over and put down a platter of assorted goodies on the table.  ÒThanks, Softe.Ó

ÒGo on with you, Xena.Ó The older woman smiled at her. ÒYour little one was here already, with those rapscallion cousins of hers. Ate us out the whole pot they did.Ó

ÒNot surprised.Ó  Xena waved off the platter but accepted a mug of morning ale from Eustace.  ÒShe and her mother eat twice what I do. No idea where the Hades it all goes.Ó She took a sip.  ÒBet she grabs off this platter when she gets back even though we just had breakfast at home.Ó

The outer door swung open and Cyrene appeared. ÒAh! There you are.Ó She came over to where Xena was sitting. ÒYou in the mood to chase chickens?Ó

Xena eyed her.

ÒAll fifty of them.Ó Cyrene tapped her on the head. ÒItÕs like having you all over again.  The Fates must be laughing their behinds off at me.Ó

ÒWeÕll go find them.Ó Cait stood up and tugged Paladia up with her. ÒCome on you lot, itÕll get the blood going.Ó

The Amazons got up and followed her, leaving Xena at the table.  Cyrene sat down in one of the vacated chairs, and picked up a mug.  ÒYou know the old saying?Ó

Ò The one about wishing your kids have kids like they were?Ó  XenaÕs eyes twinkled.   ÒBut letÕs hope that only goes so far, know what I mean?Ó

Cyrene lifted her mug in silence.


Gabrielle could hear the giggles when she was still several steps outside the barn.   She let a smile appear as she pushed the door open, sticking her head inside.  ÒHey kiddos.Ó

Dori was at RustyÕs side, and she turned at the voice. ÒMama!Ó 

ÒAuntie Gabwielle!Ó The twins chorused together.

Gabrielle came all the way inside and closed the door.  The barn smelled of hay and animals, and in big stalls along one wall were comfortably ensconced   Argo and Iolaus, Shadow and several other well cared for horses along with the sturdy enclosure that held DoriÕs shaggy pony Rusty.

Against the other wall was a set of stalls that held three of CyreneÕs treasured milk cows, one of who had given birth to a small, wisp haired calf who was drinking from itÕs mother as she watched.

It was a friendly place.  There was a hayloft overhead and if Gabrielle turned her head and looked up, she would see the faint outlines of letters carved in the beams of the roof and there were memories popping up in her mind of long, chilly nights spent sleeping under those marks wrapped up in XenaÕs arms.   ÒWhat are you kids up to?Ó

Rusty was chewing some hay, and he stepped forward as she approached and nuzzled her hip, sprinkling bits of the dried grass on her cloak.   She rubbed his ears affectionately, looking around at the almost random scattering of boxes and bits of hide that were apparently being used for.. 

ÒMama, weÕre doing a story.Ó Dori pattered over. ÒSee, dereÕs the town, and the riber.Ó  She pointed at a box, and the water trough. 

ÒYeah yeah.Ó Little Solon tugged on her cloak. ÒCome see we made a fort!Ó

Gabrielle allowed herself to be pulled over to inspect the fort, which was a crate covered in an old pigskin.  ÒThatÕs amazing, guys. WhatÕs in the fort?Ó

ÒWe gots rocksÓ  Lyceus showed her a handful. ÒAnd this!Ó He lifted something else.

Gabrielle reached down and took it. ÒWhere did you find this, Ly?Ó  She asked, turning it over in her fingers. ÒSomewhere here?Ó

Lyceus nodded vigorously. ÒBy the riber.Ó

ÒMama what is dat?Ó  Dori came over and looked at it.  She extended her hand and touched one of the several points on it.  ÒPretty?Ó

ÒWell.Ó Gabrielle exhaled. ÒNot really, kids. I think mama should keep this.  If it gets around in here, it can hurt our friends the horsies.Ó

All three young faces were stricken. ÒMama how?Ó  DoriÕs eyes were big. ÒNo hurt anyone!Ó

ÒLet mama show you.Ó Gabrielle knelt and brushed the straw away from the ground. ÒSee, something like this can fall, and it falls this way.Ó She dropped it.  The iron pronged item clattered on the stone and came to rest. Òsee how this points up?Ó

Dori had crouched next to her. She put her hand out and touched it. ÒSharp. It gets in the horsies foots, right mama?Ó She looked up at her mother.  ÒOwie!Ó

ÒYes, Dor, thatÕs right. You remember Boo taking pointy stones out of ArgoÕs feet right?Ó

ÒGogo!Ó Dori said.  ÒBoo made it good.Ó

ÒRight, so let mama take this, and IÕll put it somewhere safe so it canÕt hurt the horsies.Ó  She  dug in her pouch, and handed Lyceus a wooden ball in return. ÒHere, you take that instead.  Xena made it, so IÕm sure itÕs perfect for a fort.Ó

LyceusÕ eyes lit up as he took the ball and examined it.  ÒPretty!Ó He held it up for his brother to see. ÒThank you Auntie Gab!Ó

Gabrielle put the caltrop into her bag and glanced at her daughter, who was watching with mild interest.  Dori had, after all, dozens and dozens of carved items from XenaÕs skilled hands but also, sheÕd noted, her daughter wasnÕt possessive about her things.

Curious, a little. ÒOkay, so you made a fort.Ó Gabrielle returned her attention to the play.  ÒWhat are you protecting against? Ò

ÒWusty.Ó Dori supplied instantly. ÒHe has big feets, mama, and he goes boom boom boom!Ó  She went over and lifted up one of RustyÕs hooves. The pony allowed this, picking up his foot and letting Dori inspect it. ÒSee?Ó

ÒI see.Ó  Her mother said, gravely. ÒWhy would Rusty want to go boom on the fort though, Dor?Ó  She asked. ÒHe looks like heÕd rather just have an apple.Ó

ÒYou have happles?Ó  Dori pulled at her bag. ÒHeÕd like that!Ó

Her mother produced one, with a smile. ÒThatÕs from our tree near our house, so itÕs very special.Ó She told her. ÒHow about you split it up and share it with your cousins.Ó

Argo let out a snort, tossing her head at the little crowd.

ÒAnd Argo.Ó Gabrielle pulled another fruit from her bag and broke it in half, walking over to deliver the treat to the two golden horses as she heard a soft creak and turned, as the door opened and a stranger came in, closing the door behind him.

He had a thick beard and a hat pulled down over his eyes, and he was covered in mismatched furs.

Gabrielle casually crossed the floor and got between him and the children.  ÒHi. Can I help you?Ó

The man stared at her, then pulled the hat off.  ÒI sure hope so.Ó

ÒIolaus!Ó Gabrielle yelped in surprise.  ÒWheres..Ó

ÒDonÕt ask.Ó He blinked exhausted, red rimmed eyes.  ÒAt least not in front of the kids.Ó

ÒAh.Ó  Gabrielle exhaled. ÒOne of those things, huh?Ó

ÒBoy is it ever.Ó


Continued in Part 2