Storm Surge

Part 16

ÒDar.Ó  Kerry looked up from her laptop, and across at her visibly miserable partner. ÒIÕm sorry, sweetie, but theyÕre going to need you to go down there.Ó She grimaced in sympathy at DarÕs hunched over posture.

ÒFuck.Ó Dar had her eyes covered with one hand, having just swallowed a second set of pills. ÒWhy?Ó

Kerry felt as emotionally miserable as Dar physically was. ÒThey wonÕt let them in the demarc room at the Intrepid.  Not even our local people.Ó  She got up and circled the table, putting her hands on DarÕs shoulders and beginning a gentle massage.  ÒWant me to go? If you tell me what to look for, and I take Dad, maybe we can do it.Ó

ÒStupid fucking bastards. What do they think theyÕre going in there for with a three hundred pound spool of fiber options? Wiring the admirals urinal?Ó

ÒDoes the admiral have his own urinal?Ó Kerry returned the wry attempt at humor.  ÒIÕll go down there. Let me get some usefulness out of my PMS before IÕm as miserable as you are.Ó

Dar sighed. ÒIÕm in hell.Ó  She straightened up. ÒWeÕll all go down there.  If I donÕt kill someone we can stop by a bar I know near there and get me some alcohol and see if that helps.Ó

ÒAw, honey.Ó Kerry kissed the top of her head. ÒYouÕre making me crazy watching you be so miserable.Ó  She wrapped her arms around Dar from behind, resting her cheek against her hair.  ÒI wish I could do something besides ache for you.Ó

ÒLife sucks.Ó Dar sighed mournfully.  ÒSomeone once asked me if I wasnÕt pissed off I was born a woman instead of a man. I told them – Absolutely.  For about four or six hours every god damned month.Ó

Kerry chuckled wryly. ÒBuy me a beer at that bar?Ó

ÒBuy you the bar if you want.Ó Dar gathered herself and stood up.  She followed Kerry around to her laptop and waited for her to start to shut it down.   Then she came up behind her and wrapped her arms around the blond woman, returning the hug and the emotion behind it.  ÒWe get this office up, you and I are going to our hotel, and chilling.Ó

Kerry glanced at her watch. It was almost two PM, and she figured it would be at least two hours before they had an even chance of getting the problem on the river resolved.  That would make it four. ÒWe can schedule more stuff from there.Ó She agreed. ÒAnd at least get comfortable.Ó

ÒWhat have we done to get someone into lower Manhattan?Ó Dar asked. ÒThatÕs going to be a lot tougher than fixing this damn office of the mayors.Ó 

ÒI called my contact at ATT.Ó Kerry said. ÒHeÕs arranged to get us credentials down there.  I havenÕt told him what weÕre doing.. I just said we might be able to help somewhere.Ó


ÒWell, itÕs true.Ó Kerry closed her laptop. ÒJust not how heÕs going to think of it.Ó  She went still, taking a moment to savor the warmth of the body pressed against her back, finding herself rocking gently as Dar did.

How crummy and unbearable it would be if Dar wasnÕt here, she mused. No matter how lousy they both felt.  ÒI love you.Ó She said, into the silence they were standing in.  Dar didnÕt answer. She just hugged Kerry a little harder and nibbled the edge of one of her ears.

Then they both sighed at the same time, and Dar released her so she could slide her laptop into itÕs case and zip it shut.  ÒLet me call Dad.Ó  She took possession of KerryÕs phone and opened it, half turning as she heard footsteps outside the door. ÒGrrr.Ó

ÒCÕmon honey, remember where we are.Ó Kerry murmured. ÒTheyÕve had it really rough.Ó

ÒRowr.Ó DarÕs eyes narrowed, but she subsided, juggling her phone in one hand as they waited.

The door lock worked, and then it opened, and Alastair came inside, shutting the large wooden panel after him and leaning against it.  ÒYÕknow, I could get to not like people after a lot of this.Ó He studied them. ÒYou two off somewhere?Ó

DarÕs brows twitched. ÒWeÕre going to the emergency office. Try to get the cross-connects done and get those people off our backs at least.Ó She paused, holding the open phone in one hand. . ÒWanna go with us?Ó

ÒYep.Ó Alastair didnÕt hesitate even an instant.  ÒOne more person calls this office from somewhere in New Jersey and tells me theyÕre down and IÕm going to take my Longhorns coffee mug and stick it right up their behind.Ó

KerryÕs eyes widened. ÒWow.Ó

ÒI didnÕt think so many people these days didnÕt read the newspaper. Or watch the evening news. Or have CNN in their houses. Or lived in such a bubble.Ó Alastair said.  ÒI simply donÕt understand it. The farriers on my damn ranch know more about whatÕs going on in the world than some of these folks.Ó

ÒYou mean, they really didnÕt know what happened?Ó Kerry asked, in an incredulous tone.

ÒApparently not.Ó Alastair sighed. 

ÒCÕmon.Ó Dar was at least glad for this startling distraction to her cramps.  ÒI think you could use a beer too.Ó   She indicated the door as she put the phone to her ear.  ÒLetÕs get out of here for a while. I need some fresh air.Ó  She paused. ÒHey dad. Meet you downstairs?Ó

ÒAir.Ó Alastair agreed, waiting for them to exit and following along.  ÒDonÕt much care if itÕs fresh or not at this point.Ó

Dar hung up as they got to the elevator, pausing to exchange a brief smile with the receptionist.  ÔSorry if I startled you earlier. Ò She apologized.  ÒItÕs been that kind of day.Ó

ÒOh.Ó The woman smiled back. ÒActually, what you did was really cool.Ó She said. ÒAnd I forgot to say thanks.Ó 

ÒWhat did you do?Ó Alastair asked, as the doors slid open. 

ÒTold a customer to kiss my ass.Ó Dar entered the elevator and impatiently waited for them to follow before she punched the door button. ÒDadÕs downstairs at the bus.Ó  


Kerry leaned against the back wall of the elevator, swallowing a little as it descended and she felt the familiar pressure against her inner ears.  It reminded her of their last diving trip on the boat, where Dar had taken the Dixie out deep to a wreck in nearly 140 feet of water.

They had descended in the blue, clear water until the wreck had morphed out of the depths, half on itÕs side, filled with ghostly schools of fish robbed of their brilliance by the depth.

Gorgeous and spooky, startling when a huge grouper came nosing around from the gloom around the wreck, and reeking with mystery they could only barely get a few minutes look at.   The loneliness of the wreckÕs position, settled in itÕs bed of white sand had triggered her poetic side and sheÕd thought about the site frequently since.

What story was behind it, she mused.


ÒHuh?Ó Kerry looked up, to find the elevator doors open and her partner gazing back at her with mild bemusement.  ÒOh. Sorry.Ó She pushed off the back wall and scooted out of the car, feeling a little embarrassed. ÒDaydreaming.Ó

Dar patted her on the back as they walked across the huge lobby and out the side door, where a large parking area complete with two of their buses were to be found.   There were a few people around them including Andrew, and they walked quickly across the lot to join him.

ÒHamiltonÕs gone down to represent us at the big shindig.Ó Alastair commented.  ÒI figured it wouldnÕt do for me to be showing the flag there with all this stuff yet to be done.Ó

Dar gave him a wry look.

ÒGlad IÕm not trying to fly out of here today.Ó Kerry muttered. ÒIÕd be stuck on the tarmac at Laguardia until the circus leaves town.Ó

Alastair gave her a wry look.

ÒKerry had an unfortunate ground hold the last time the president was in Miami.Ó Dar explained. ÒShe got stuck in a 737 in the middle of July for six hours with no air conditioning.  It made an impression.Ó

ÒI can still smell the inside of that airplane, matter of fact.Ó Kerry said. ÒClosest I ever came to going postal in publicÓ

Alastair grimaced  ÒThat does sound painful.Ó He dredged a smile up as they arrived at the bus, and people turned to greet them. ÒHello, folks. HowÕs everyone doing?Ó

ÒLo thereÓ Andrew cocked his head and regarded Kerry and Dar. ÒHow are you kids doing?Ó

ÒIÕve been better.Ó Dar didnÕt bother to dissemble.  ÒLetÕs get a cab and get down to the pier. The faster we do that, the faster Alastair can go preen for the press.Ó

ÒWell, hey.Ó Her boss turned around, startled. ÒI didnÕt mean you should go make me into a hero, Dar. For PeteÕs sake!Ó

ÒDonÕtÕ worry about it.Ó Kerry whispered to him.  ÒSheÕs just in a really bad mood.Ó

Alastair frowned. ÒIÕm in a really bad mood too.Ó He said. ÒShould I say mean things?Ó

ÒIf you want to.Ó Kerry exhaled, blinking into the cool air. ÒI donÕt think she meant to be mean. ItÕs just been a long couple of days and she doesnÕt feel well.Ó

Alastair grumbled under his breath, but kept his comments to himself and stuck his hands in the pockets of his khaki pants instead.

ÒCÕmon then.Ó Andrew pointed to the curb.  ÒDardar said you allÕs got some folks down at the flattop giving you a hassle?Ó  He asked Kerry, as they steered between the buses and headed for the road. ÒWhatÕs that all about?Ó

Dar hailed a cab and they got into what was fortunately one of the mini van versions. ÒI need to go to the Air Space museum, please.Ó She said, crisply.

ÒSÕclosed, lady.Ó The man said.

ÒI know. I need to go there anyway.Ó  Dar told him.  ÒItÕs business.  We donÕt want a tour.Ó 

The driver took off without another word, pulling into the traffic stream with a typically supreme lack of regard for anything including other cars and his own safety.

ÒWhatÕs that all about.Ó Kerry sighed.  ÒWell, see, they decided to put the new emergency response center down at the pier, Pier 92 I think Dar said.Ó

ÒAll right.Ó AndrewÕs brows knit a little. ÒSeems like a funny place to put something like that, ainÕt it?Ó

ÒWell.Ó KerryÕs lips twitched. ÒI have to say if I was thinking of doing an emergency center in Miami, that port we were in is the last place IÕd pick but IÕm sure they have their reasons. Anyway, they need things to connect and the only place we have something close enough thatÕs got a good link to our systems is at the Intrepid.Ó

Dar let her head rest against the window, wishing fervently she was several thousand miles away in a quiet, dark room, with a cup of hot chocolate and nothing more to do than read a magazine.  She didnÕt really feel like making the effort to get out of the cab and get involved in all the chaos she knew she would have to and for once, didnÕt mind the traffic making it take longer to get somewhere.

She let KerryÕs quiet voice go past her, not really hearing the words or the answers to them, aware only of the warmth of KerryÕs fingers curled around her hand, her thumb idly rubbing against DarÕs knuckle in absent caress.

Kerry probably didnÕt even realize she was doing it. Dar remembered when they first started dating, when Kerry was so very self conscious about touching Dar in public – though sheÕd never been in private. 

Now, it was second nature to her, and to be honest, second nature to Dar as well.  She liked the warmth of the touch and the affection in the gentle squeezing. It soothed her ragged temper a little, and allowed her to put aside her discomfort  in favor of this tiny bit of physical pleasure.

Outside the window, the city moved past. Though traffic was heavy, she noticed the frenetic pace of the cars seemed subdued, and the people on the streets were as well. Men and women were gathered around storefronts, talking. There were few trucks on the road.

They passed a crossroad, and she watched two men simply standing, looking at each other in front of a subway entrance, seemingly frozen in place.   A woman was sitting in front of them on the edge of the road, her feet resting on the tar surface itself, her arms wrapped around her knees.

In her hand, she clutched a sheaf of papers. Dar could see something square on them that looked like a picture, but she was struck by the expression on the womanÕs face, which was dull, and lost and so full of grief it was hard to look at.

It brought back to her, suddenly, what had happened a few days prior, and she felt small thinking about how sheÕd been bitching to herself only a minute ago and wanting to be somewhere else.


ÒHm?Ó Dar turned her head and regarded KerryÕs face. ÒSorry.  I was just thinking of something else.Ó

ÒI just got a message from my contact at AT&T.  TheyÕve got credentials for us. HeÕs dropping them by the office.Ó  Kerry glanced behind her, as Dar did the same. They looked at each other, then Kerry shrugged a little.   ÒFor what itÕs worth.Ó

ÒWeÕll use them.Ó  Dar settled back as they started moving faster, heading across town towards the Hudson River. ÒOkay.Ó She said. ÒDid we get a handle on what the roadblock is at the Intrepid?  Are we running into labor issues already, or is ti something security related.Ó

KerryÕs eyes looked apologetic. ÒSorry, donÕt know.Ó  She said. ÒAll they said was it wasnÕt working.Ó

ÒAll right.Ó Dar rested her elbow on her knee. ÒThen weÕll get it working.Ó  

ÒOne way or tÕother.Ó Andrew remarked, from his seat behind them.  ÒLetÕs get this here show on the road. IÕve bout had enough of people fussing.Ó

ÒYou got that right.Ó Alastair agreed.  ÒItÕs time to get things rolling.Õ

Dar and Kerry exchanged glances, and Kerry leaned closer, lowering her voice. ÒWeÕre the only ones who are actually going to do anything, arenÕt we?Ó

Dar chuckled dryly, and shook her head. ÒGuess weÕll find out.Ó


Security around the Intrepid was heavy. Kerry edged to one side as they got out of the taxi, seeing a line of National Guard in front of the entrance to the Museum.  There were also large orange traffic barrels blocking any vehicle access and to the right hand side, she could see the ramp that led up to the pier entrances sealed by yet more guard vehicles. ÒWow.Ó

Dar settled her backpack onto her back and cinched the straps a little tighter.   She paused to study the front of the structure, spotting a cluster of vehicles and a barrier that was surrounded by people. ÒOver there.Ó She started for the spot, quickly joined by Kerry as her father and Alastair trailed a little behind them. 

Scuzzy was there, and she spotted them as they approached. ÒOh, hey.Ó She called out.  ÒNow weÕre talking.Ó

Dar kept walking towards her and the guardsmen who were gathered around turned to watch them approach.  She had about ten steps to decide on her approach, and with the cramps and her exhaustion, she decided on mellow just as she reached ScuzzyÕs side. ÒGood afternoon, gentlemenÓ She greeted the guards courteously.  ÒSorry weÕre causing a commotion.Ó

The guard nearest her, apparently in charge, had opened his mouth to respond, his body tense and shoulders squared off, but blinked and paused at her words. 

Dar smiled at him, cocking her head slightly as she stuck her thumbs in the straps holding her backpack on and shifted her own posture. ÒI know youÕve got a big load on your shoulders here. I donÕt want to add to it.  What can we do so I can provide what you need to let me do what I have to do?Ó

Kerry merely stood there, her hand on the strap of her briefcase looped over her shoulder, as she watched her partner use one of her rarest strategies, her innate charm.  She often wondered why Dar didnÕt use it more often, since it was compelling and irresistible, and she wasnÕt just saying that because they were lovers.

She could see the man wavering, in fact. HeÕd been all set to respond to anger, to aggression, to a yelling civilian out to make his life miserable, and faced with that gentle smile and those pretty blue eyes he had no idea how to get the adrenaline out of the way of his testosterone fast enough to respond.

She understood. In the few times they argued, more often than not it was that charm that made her anger evaporate no matter which one of them won or lost the fight and even now, Kerry felt herself responding to it, her body relaxing and a smile edging her lips as she watched DarÕs face.

ÒWell.Ó The man said. ÒThis is a secure area.Ó

Dar nodded.  ÒIÕm sure it is. That flattopÕs a big target, and thereÕs a lot of history both inside and on her decks. No one wants anything to happen to it.Ó She went on.  ÒI donÕt want anything to happen to it. Ò

ÒOkay.Ó The man leaned back against the truck blocking the entrance. The other guardsmen also relaxed, moving their guns down and turning aside a little as it became apparent these civilians were not about to physically storm the barrier.   ÒSo what is it exactly you people need to do?  This lady here was explaining it but it didnÕt make any sense to me.Ó

Scuzzy frowned. Kerry winked at her, and gave the waiting, grubby looking techs a smile. ÒWhy donÕt you guys go relax for a few minutes over there.  I think they have sodas over at that hot dog stand on the corner.Ó

ÒThanks, maÕam. Great idea.Ó The taller one said. ÒItÕs like a nightmare under those piers running this stuff.Ó He turned and pointed at the big spool of rubber coated wire, the strand a full two inches wide. It trailed back behind them, snaking across the ground and underneath the rampway towards the depths of the inner pier structure.  ÒI live here, but man, I saw rats bigger than my brother under that thing.Ó

ÒIÕm up for lunch too.Ó Scuzzy said. ÒCÕmon you guys. IÕll buying.Ó She tilted her head in Dar and KerryÕs direction. ÒYou want something?Ó

ÒWeÕre fine for now, thanks.Ó Kerry answered for both of them.  ÒBut the next round weÕre having after this IÕm buying.Ó

Scuzzy grinned. ÒYou got it. Ò  She jerked her head at the two techs.

They set their gloves on the top of the spool and trotted quickly to the nearby crossing light, waiting for it to change before they headed across towards the pushcart vendor. 

ÒWell, itÕs like this.Ó Dar half turned and pointed over towards the pier. ÒThe Mayor decided to put his new emergency management office in that building over there.Ó

The soldier nodded. ÒYeah, we know. TheyÕve been coming back and forth and going crazy over there since yesterday. Trucks full of stuff.Ó  He said. ÒWhatÕs that got to do with you and this thing?Ó He thrust his thumb behind him, towards the Intrepid.

ÒItÕs the closest place I can connect the Mayors new office to so they can have computers and phones.Ó Dar explained. ÒI have a connection in there, because we run all the IT for the gift shop, and the museum.Ó

The guard thought about that. ÒOh.Ó He said. ÒSo you want to run that cable in there for the mayor?Ó He turned and looked up the ramp, where the entire top was filled with official looking cars. ÒHow come no one just said so? For peteÕs sake.Ó

 ÒWell, you know itÕs pretty crazy for them up there.Ó Dar regained his attention.  ÒJust like it is for you, and for us too.  ItÕs hard to keep track of everything thatÕs going on, but we just want to get them connected, so they can work.  We have identification.Ó

Kerry glanced at her partner, wondering if she was forgetting that she, in fact, did not.

The guard nodded. ÒOkay, I need to get my lieutenant here to sign off on it, let me radio him and have him come up.   Sorry to have caused you some heartache, maÕam, but I know you understand whatÕs going on here.Ó

ÒI do.Ó Dar kept eye contact, and injected a good dose of sincerety into her tone.  ÒWeÕll just move over here and wait, and you let us know when youÕre ready.Ó She held her hand out. ÒThanks.Ó

The man took her hand and they exchanged clasps.   ÒCan I get your name?Ó He asked. ÒLieutenantÕs going to ask. They probably need to run a check.Ó

ÒSure.Ó Dar motioned Kerry forward. ÒIÕm Dar Roberts, and this is Kerry Stuart. WeÕre with ILS.Ó

The man scribbled down the names. ÒAnd those guys?Ó He indicated the bemusedly watching Andrew and Alistair.

ÒWeÕre just footmen.Ó Alistair spoke up, in a mild tone.  ÒWe came to help move that big round thing.Ó

Andrew chuckled, and handed the man a bit of pasteboard card. ÒThar.Ó He said. ÒYaÕll donÕt donÕt half understand me when I talk up here anyhow.Ó 

Thus prompted, Alastair handed over his own business card.  The guard took it and tucked it into his clipboard, then he moved over to the truck and stuck his head inside, picking up a radio mic and talking into it.

They walked over to the spool and sat down on it, the techs having laid it flat on the ground to keep it from rolling anywhere.  ÒDar.Ó Alastair peered over at her. ÒHow come you never talk nice to me like that?Ó

ÒYou donÕt have a gun.Ó Dar responded, deadpan. ÒBesides, with how I feel right now it was either be nice, or pick up that pipe and end up getting arrested. I figured nice was more productive.Ó  She rested her hands on the edge of the wooden spool and sighed.

Alastair was facing the pier, watching all the activity.  ÒSo.Ó He said. ÒWe roll this big thing inside the aircraft carrier, then what? Ò

ÒThen we hope the fiber tech coming here by train gets his ass here in time to terminate it to a patch panel I have no idea if we have inside, with connectors I donÕt know he has with him and we canÕt get at your average hardware store or Radio Shack, and then connect that patch panel to another patch panel with cables that donÕt exist yet.Ó


ÒSounds like a Navy kinda plan.Ó Andrew commented, with a faint chuckle under his breath. ÒGood to be out of that damn office though.Ó

ÒAmen.Ó Alastair said. ÒIs there anything we can do to fix any of those variables, Dar? Someplace we can get those things while youÕre charming the fatigues off all the boys?Ó

Dar turned her head and looked at Kerry. ÒDid we source those yet?Ó

Kerry checked her PDA, scrolling through messages with a flicker of the LCD.  ÒAh.Ó She tapped on one and read it. ÒYes, we did. We found a place that can make the patch cables, and has the bits and pieces for the patch panel.Ó  She tilted the device so Andrew could see it, as he pulled a half pencil from his shirt pocket and wrote down the address on the back of one of his cards.

Alastair craned his neck to watch. ÒWhere is that? Long Island?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Kerry agreed.  ÒItÕs nowhere close. IÕd better send one of our guys for it so..Ó

ÒAh. Ah  ah.Ó Alastair stood up. ÒGood grief. IÕm the CEO of the biggest tech company on the planet. DonÕt you think I can find Long Island?Ó  He motioned Andrew to stand up. ÒCÕmon,  Daddy Roberts. LetÕs go find us some bits and parts.Ó

ÒAll right.Ó Andrew agreed. ÒDar, you be all right here? I think these fellers are going to be okay.Ó

ÒWeÕll be fine.Ó Dar assured him.  ÒThanks for taking care of that for us.  Sooner it gets here, sooner we can get this connected.Ó  She watched her father and boss walk off, heading for the corner to hail a cab.  ÒWhy do I feel nervous all of a sudden?Ó

Kerry leaned her head against DarÕs shoulder. ÒHoney, IÕm sure they can handle this.Ó She exhaled. ÒBesides,  we really need the stuff.  I sent a list to the vendor, and he said he had it, but he didnÕt deliver and wasnÕt about to start.Ó


ÒCanÕt really blame him.Ó Kerry kicked her feet out a little.  ÒWeÕre not really local here. He didnÕt know me from Adam.Ó

ÒWith your voice, if he didnÕt know you from Adam IÕm scared to be buying fiber from him.Ó Dar remarked dryly. ÒOkay, here comes our boy. LetÕs see where this gets us.Ó She got up as the two men approached. 

The lieutenant was an older man, with grizzled gray hair and stocky body. He looked tired and harassed, which put him in league with everyone else in the city, she reckoned.  ÒLieutenant. Thank you for coming to talk with us.Ó

The man nodded briefly. ÒMs. Roberts, IÕve had a call from the mayorÕs office.  WeÕll give you the access and anything else you might need. Sorry to hold you up.  EverythingÕs crazy here.Ó  He glanced at the pier. ÒI donÕt know what the hellÕs going on.Ó

The other guard looked somber, and apologetic. 

ÒPlease.  DonÕt apologize, we know how stressed everyone must be.Ó Kerry picked up the conversational ball.  ÒWe appreciate that you took the time to get everything sorted out. Is it okay for us to proceed now?  IÕll get my guys back from the hot dog stand.Ó

ÒSure.Ó The lieutenant said.  ÒJohn, give these folks an escort back to where they need to be, and a few hands to help moving whatever this is.Ó He gestured to the spool. ÒLadies, have a good day.Ó He turned and walked off. After an awkward moment, the other guard hurried after him, leaving Dar and Kerry alone with their spool again.

ÒWell.Ó Kerry exhaled. ÒThat was easier than I thought it would be. Want me to go get the gang?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Dar said. ÒIÕll just sit here and wish I was under a bus.Ó

Kerry stroked her arm.  DarÕs face was a little pale, and she could see her biting the inside of her lip. ÒHoney, why donÕt you go to the hotel. I can handle this.Ó She urged. ÒCÕmon. You look like hell. It makes no sense for you to sit here and suffer. Go relax and get a heating pad or something.Ó

Dar paused, then looked mournfully at her. ÒI canÕt.Ó She tilted her head and indicated the returning techs. ÒMy macha wonÕt let me. CÓmon.Ó She got up as the techs approached. ÒAll right, folks. LetÕs get this rig rolling. TheyÕre letting us in.Ó

ÒYour macha can kiss my ass.Ó Kerry growled, earning her a raised eyebrow look from her partner. ÒI should have made your dad take you back to the hotel.Ó

ÒHey, good deal!Ó Scuzzy said. ÒYou knew how to talk to those guys for sure, Dar from Miami.Ó

The techs put their shoulders to the spool and got it upright, then pulled their gloves back on.  They started rolling the spool carefully, laying out the fiber wire behind them as they maneuvered down the slight incline to where the entrance to the museum was. 

The guardsmen drew the barricades aside  and two of them came over. ÒCan we help?Ó  The first one asked, a tall blond with a scar across his mouth.  ÒWhere you going?Ó

The techs looked at Dar in question. ÒThat way.Ó She indicated a tight path around one edge. ÒDown that ramp, between those two posts, and then stop by that second hatch panel.Ó   She stood back as the guard and the techs wrestled the spool of wire forward.  ÒWhat was that about my macha?Ó She asked Kerry.

Kerry stuck her tongue out.

They followed the techs down the ramp and through the truck barricades, past the visitor entrance down to the walkway alongside where the big carrier was anchored.  It was quieter here, since the museum was closed, and the sound of the Hudson lapping against the old pier was much louder.

It smelled rank. KerryÕs nose wrinkled, as she glanced past the pier towards the shores of New Jersey.  Above that, she could also smell the scent of iron, and grease and sun warmed metal, and they stopped just before a big metal housing from which extended thick black cables that ran into a hatch onboard the ship.

Dar studied it. ÒWe need to figure how much weÕre going to need in slack, and cut it.Ó She said. ÒThat spool canÕt fit in the hatch.Ó

The techs straightned up, and peered at the ship uncertainly.  ÒWow.Ó  The younger one sighed. ÒDidnÕt bring my measuring tape.Ó

Dar ducked to one side and looked, trying to measure with her eyes.  She shook her head. ÒNeed to extend inside too.Ó  She headed for the lower gangway, which was chained off and led to an open shell door in the shipÕs side.  ÒLetÕs see for how long.Ó

After a quick look around, Kerry followed her, and after a moment, the rest of them did too.  They waited for Dar to unlatch the chain and let it fall, then they all trooped across the gangway, itÕs surface flexing under their weight as they made for the entrance.

Dar didnÕt hesitate. She stepped over the edge of the shell door and entered the ship, ducking inside the next watertight door and into a larger open space. 

Kerry got a flashback, suddenly, to the cruise ship. It had the same smell of age and old oil and she rubbed her nose as she carefully stepped over the door sill and followed Dar into the shadows.  She found herself in a narrow hallway and spotted Dar ahead of her, sticking her head into an open doorway. ÒDar?Ó

ÒIn here.Ó Dar squirmed into another compartment, this one admitting some light from outside. Kerry poked her head in, and saw the cables running in the opening. ÒOh. ThatÕs the hole from outside.Ó

ÒUh huh.Ó Dar turned and followed the cables to a pipe on the far wall, and tipped her head up. ÒOh crap. I forgot it was two decks up.Ó

Kerry looked up at the pipe, aware of the techs behind her. ÒHang on guys, DarÕs tracing the cable path.Ó

ÒDarÕs wishing she was curled up in a ball in the bilge, actually.Ó  Her partner sighed. She went to the pipe and stuck her hand in it, then pulled it out and studied her extended fingers. ÒMight have space.Ó  She muttered. ÒOkay, we need to find either a thin cable, or stiff rope.Ó 

ÒOkay.Ó  Kerry backed up so the techs could hear. ÒDid you get that, guys? We need some cable – I guess Dar wants it for a pullstring.Ó

ÒGot a spool of Ethernet in the truck. Ò The nearer tech offered. ÒThat work?Ó

ÒPerfect.Ó DarÕs head appeared from around the doorway.  ÒGet it, and IÕll show you where the demarc room is. We can run a pull cable down here, and pull the fiber up once we get it across from the pier.  Ker, while they do that, letÕs see if we can find a hank of rope.Ó

ÒRope. You got it. Ò  Kerry backed up so Dar could exit the space and then followed her as she started a methodical exploration of the pretty much deserted ship.   They moved out of the tightly confined hallway and into a bigger space, with a tall ceiling that spanned the interior of the ship. ÒWow.Ó

ÒHanger deck.Ó  Dar interpreted the exclamation.  ÒWatch your step. There might be tie downs on the decking.Ó

ÒAye Aye, Captain Dar.Ó Kerry shifted so she was walking in DarÕs footsteps and put a hand out, hooking one finger on her partnerÕs belt loop.  ÒDid Dad sail on one of these?Ó

ÒHe did.Ó Dar answered, as she wandered around the big space, peeking behind boxes. ÒCÕmon, they have to have a damn coil of rope in here.  Who the hell heard of a Navy ship without rope.Ó

ÒWhat about over there?Ó Kerry pointed to something vaguely circular on the wall. ÒIs that rope?Ó 

They walked over to the wall and looked up.  On the metal surface was a hook, and from the hook a coil of thick rope was coiled, with a float fastened on one end.  ÒPerfect.Ó Dar complimented her partner, then for good measure, she turned and kissed her on the lips.  ÒAbsolutely perfect.Ó

Kerry rested her hands on DarÕs hips, gazing up into her eyes. After a long pause, they kissed again. ÒThis has to be one of the last places on earth IÕd ever expect to be doing this.Ó  She admitted, when they paused for breath. ÒBut yÕknow, itÕs kinda sexy.Ó

DarÕs eyes took on a twinkle in the half light. ÒSure is. Making my cramps feel better too.Ó

They rubbed noses, then reluctantly parted, as Dar turned to face the wall and started to take the rope down.  ÒHowever, business first.Ó



KerryÕs cell phone rang, sounding loud and jarring against the steel she was surrounded by.  With a muffled curse, she pulled it out with her free hand and flipped it open, putting it to her ear as she squirmed around into a marginally better position. ÒHello?Ó

ÒKerry? This is your mother.Ó

Kerry blinked at the steel wall inches from her face. ÒOh. Hi.Ó She said. ÒWhere are you?Ó

ÒI have just returned home. Are you terribly occupied?  I was wondering how things were going for you there.Ó

How were things going. Kerry felt the cold surface chilling her back through her shirt. ÒWell.Ó She grimaced as the edge of the pipe she had her arm extended up into bit into her skin. ÒWeÕre making some progress.Ó

ÒAre you? Wonderful. Where are you now?Ó

Kerry heard a curse echo softly down the interior of the pipe. ÒLying on my back on the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier with my arm shoved up a pipe covered in axel grease.Ó  She responded with complete honesty.  ÒYou?Ó

Absolute silence.  Kerry wiggled the tips of her fingers in the vain hope of feeling a bit of cable impacting them.    Above her, through the pipeÕs metal confines she could hear Dar cursing, the soft grunts traveling down with wry accuracy to her ears.

ÒI donÕt understand.Ó  Cynthia finally said.  ÒWhat exactly are you doing?Ó

ÒWell.Ó Kerry squirmed a little and extended her fingers a bit more.  ÒItÕs a long story. IÕm helping hook up the emergency management office for the City of New York. In a really material way.Ó

ÒAh. I see.Ó

ÒKer?Ó Dar called down. ÒAnything?Ó

Kerry stretched and wiggled, closing her eyes as she wished the end of a cable probe into her hand. After a moment, she relaxed. ÒSorry hon, no.Ó She called back.  ÒNot a damn thing.Ó


Kerry returned her attention to the phone.  ÒHow are things there?Ó She asked. ÒSince theyÕre sort of crummy here?Ó

Her mother sighed. ÒIÕm very disturbed. ThatÕs why I decided to call you.  When I got here, one of my aides informed me that we have had several incidents of people being beaten.Ó


ÒFor being.. .well, I suppose they were thought to be from abroad.Ó

Kerry heard footsteps and she turned her head, to see DarÕs tall body slipping into her torture chamber. ÒHey.Ó She said. ÒSay hello to my mother.Ó

ÒHello KerryÕs mother.Ó  Dar dropped down into a crouch. ÒListen. ThereÕs something in the middle of that damn pipe thatÕs stopping the probe. I canÕt get it to go any further.Ó

ÒHang on mother.Ó Kerry put the phone on her chest. ÒSo whatÕs the plan?Ó She watched DarÕs face, which had liberal streaks of grime on it.  ÒIs there any way to clear whatever the obstruction is? Can you get inside the pipe anywhere?Ó

ÒI can.Ó Dar said. ÒBut it means IÕve got a good chance of ripping up what ever elseÕs in there.  I think itÕs a damn cable tie thatÕs blocking it.Ó

ÒA cable tie???Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Dar sat down and braced her elbows against her knees, grimacing.   ÒI feel like such crap.Ó

Kerry gazed compassionately at her. ÒI wish I could give you a hug, hon, but I donÕt think this axle grease being all over you is going to make you feel any better.Ó She put the phone back to her ear. ÒSorry, mother. Did you say someone was attacked?Ó

ÒI can see youÕre very busy Kerry.  I will be glad to fill you in later, if you want.  Please go take care of poor Dar. She sounds terrible.Ó Her mother said.  ÒI have another call to take, so we can speak later.Ó

ÒOkay. IÕll call you when IÕm somewhere more comfortable.Ó Kerry promised. ÒGoodbye.Ó She closed the phone and clipped it back on her pocket to free her hand, which she then put on DarÕs leg. ÒCable tie?Ó

ÒYeah.Ó Dar repeated, gazing at her dirt covered hands glumly. ÒOne of the big half inch ones, turned sideways.Ó

Kerry pictured it and made a face. ÒHow in the hell do we get past that?  Why the hell would someone put it in there, anyway?Ó

ÒFigured nothing else would need to go in the pipe I guess, or it twisted.. who the hell knows.Ó  Dar sighed.  ÒMaybe if I can find a rod long enough, I can put some kind of edge on it and cut through it.Ó She blinked a few times.  ÒI tried to find an outside hatch or something.. anything, to bring the cable through somewhere else but I couldnÕt.Ó

Kerry eased her arm out of the pipe, her skin covered in black goo. She sat up and flexed her fingers, looking around with a vague sense of despair.  The light was just a bare fluorescent fixture, a pale, dim glare that hurt her eyes and made the metal space even more depressing. ÒDar, IÕm sorry.Ó

ÒFor what?Ó Tired blue eyes regarded her.

ÒSorry I canÕt just make this better.Ó Kerry admitted. ÒSorry weÕre here. Sorry we canÕt just leave and go rest.Ó

ÒMe too.Ó Dar agreed. She rested in silence a moment more, then she started hauling herself to her feet.  ÒJason?Ó She called into the hallway. ÒYou back?Ó

ÒYes, maÕam.Ó One of the techs appeared immediately.  ÒWe measured the rope you threw over to the pier, and weÕve got enough cable, maÕam.  You want me to tie the end of the rope to the end of the fiber? John found a hardware store too, so heÕs going to go get some flexible ducting.Ó

Dar paused, one hand on the metal doorsill. ÒHe found a hardware store near here?Ó

Jason nodded his tow, curly head. ÒLittle place. Not like a Home Depot or anything, but they got stuff.Ó He glanced over at Kerry who was carefully keeping her greased up forearm away from her clothing. ÒWow. That looks gross.Ó He blurted, then looked abashed. ÒSorry maÕam.Ó

ÒIt does look gross.Ó Kerry agreed. ÒI feel like a plumber on a bad day.Ó

ÒJason.Ó Dar spoke, suddenly, her eyes a trifle unfocused. ÒTell John to get to that hardware store. Get a metal rod, long as he can find,  and a stick soldering iron, the narrowest one they have. Plus a spool of metal wire.Ó

ÒUh.Ó Jason pulled a small pad out of the back pocket of his khakis and started scribbling on it. ÒA metal rod, maÕam? How big?Ó

ÒHalf inch. If they donÕt have rods, get the narrowest conduit they have.Ó Dar said. ÒEight or twelve foot length if you can get it.Ó

ÒGotcha, maÕam.Ó Jason nodded. ÒAnd you want a soldering iron?Ó

ÒA soldering iron.Ó Dar confirmed. ÒAnd a 16 or 14 gauge extension cord at least twenty five feet long. Got that?Ó  She asked. ÒAnd a bar of soap.Ó

ÒGot it.Ó Jason trotted off. ÒNot sure what I got, but weÕll get it. Be right back.Ó

Dar went to the open hatch and perched on the edge, taking in a breath of diesel tinged brackish water air,  letting her hand drop to rest on the coil of rope. She glanced up as Kerry came over to join her. ÒUgh.Ó

ÒUgh.Ó Kerry sorted through DarÕs hair, pulling it out from under her collar and riffling it in the light breeze coming through the hatch.  Looking up the river this way, everything looked so normal. She could see the other piers, all old and rusted, and the buzz of activity on the rooftop parking of the furthest one down that was the emergency center.

A few small boats moved quietly past, police boats, with slowly flashing lights.  They were too far away to see the two figures in the opening, but they cruised past, obviously watchful.  In the distance, the air was hazy and from the right she could hear the sounds of the city in a muted way.

Jason finished tying the rope to the cable, and waved at them. He stood by the spool, and started unwinding it as Dar sighed and stood up again, taking hold of the rope and starting to haul it in. ÒWatch it.Ó

Kerry took a step back, holding her grease covered arm out to one side and out of the way.  ÒWant more Advil?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Dar stolidly coiled the rope as it came in, making a neat circle on the deck. ÒPlease.Ó

With a nod, Kerry turned and headed out of the small space, glad herself to take a break and stretch her legs.  She moved down the hallway and into the hangar deck again, aware of the slowly fading light as the sun edged towards the west and left the outside in a haze of blue.  

She entered the small office like room theyÕd stored their bags and gear in. It had a desk against the wall, and filing cabinets on either side.  The furniture was functional but plain, and there were banners on the wall celebrating the many functions and trials the Intrepid had gone through.

ÒUgh.Ó Kerry paused, as she remembered not to touch her bag with her right hand. She opened the latches with her left, and fished inside the leather sack, finding her bottle of Advil and pulling it out.  She removed her bottle of water along with it, and latched the bag shut again, turning to head back out of the room.

Her cell phone rang. She almost reached for it, then stopped again, and cursed. ÒSon of a..Ó  She went back to the desk and put the bottles down, then grabbed the phone. ÒKerry Stuart.Ó

ÒHey, Kerry. ItÕs Mark.Ó

Could be good, could be bad. ÒHey, Mark. WhatÕs up?Ó Kerry sat down on the edge of the desk. ÒWeÕre making some progress here in case anyoneÕs asking on the call. Ò  She wrinkled her nose at the smell of the axle grease.

ÒThey found our two guys here.Ó

Kerry felt her own breathing stop. The tone of MarkÕs voice held more explanation than any words could have, and she bit the inside of her lip, feeling a deep pang of loss for these unknown to her techs that had, at some level, traced up an org chart to her name. ÒI see.Ó

ÒThey were in that part that got hit.Ó Mark added, after a momentÕs silence.  ÒAbout all they could identify were their badges.Ó

Oh my god.  ÒIÕm sorry, Mark. Did you know them well?Ó Kerry wasnÕt really sure of what to say, or really, of what she was saying, It sounded just like random words.

ÒI didnÕt. The guys here did though.Ó Mark sounded somber. ÒDannyÕs pretty trashed. I sent them off to hang out for a while. My guys are handling the stuff.Ó

Kerry exhaled heavily. ÒOkay.Ó She said. ÒHave you told Mariana yet? Ò

ÒNo. Called you first.Ó

Only right. ÒSend me their names.Ó Kerry said. ÒIÕll call her.  WeÕll get the process started.Ó    She felt profoundly sad. ÔAnd contact their families.Ó

ÒOkay.  Will do.Ó Mark said. ÒSorry to bring such totally suckage news.  StuffÕs going pretty good here otherwise.  We got a few more circuits in. Those telco guys really helped.Ó

ÒGood.Ó Kerry murmured.  ÒGlad to hear that, anyway.  Let me get hold of Mari so she can get the ball rolling. I know she was sending some people here to talk to the staff, I want to make sure she sends some folks there too.Ó

ÒOkay boss.Ó Mark said. ÒTalk to you later.Ó

Kerry closed her phone and simply sat there for a few minutes.  The senselessness of it all overwhelmed her, and she closed her eyes, sparing a bit of her soul and thinking of the split second of terror and heat and pain the techs must have suffered.

There was no sound, no indication of any one approaching, but Kerry was suddenly aware of DarÕs close presence, and she opened her eyes just as her partnerÕs hand touched her cheek and she looked up at her in question.

ÒHad a feeling you needed me.Ó Dar said bluntly. ÔWhatÕs wrong?Ó

Kerry leaned against her touch. ÒHumanity.Ó She answered. ÒI think the whole fucking species sometimes is just one big screw up.Ó

Dar ignored her grease covered arm and settled against her anyway, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close.  ÒPresent company excluded.Ó

Kerry turned and buried her face against DarÕs shoulder, allowing herself that little time out before the nightmare continued to roll on.


Andrew studied the small bit of cardboard in his hand as he maneuvered down a steep set of stairs bracketed by old fashioned brass railing.  He got to the bottom of the steps and was pleased to find a train waiting, itÕs doors open. ÒFigure thatÕs the one.Ó

ÒYouÕre probably right.Ó Alastair agreed. ÒAnd with the bridges and tunnels still tied up, this is the fastest way to get where we need to be.  Damn nice to have rapid transit thatÕs both, isnÕt it?Ó

Andrew made a low grunting sound.  He led the way into the train and they found a couple of seats near the front, with enough room for AndrewÕs long legs and got themselves settled.  ÒHope them kids are getting on all right.Ó He said.

Alastair folded his hands over his stomach. ÒYou know, I donÕt think of them as kids.Ó

ÒYou ainÕt their father.Ó

ÒThatÕs very true.Ó The ILS CEO admitted.  ÒIÕve got my own handful back home, but IÕll tell you what, theyÕre nothing compared to yours.Ó

Andrew chuckled and sat back, tapping his thumbs together in front of him.  ÒHow many you got?Ó

ÒThreee.Ó Alastair responded promptly. ÒTwo girls and a boy.  Two of them are married, and IÕve got three grandkids.Ó  He glanced at his traveling companion. ÒI think Dar said she was an only child?Ó

One grizzled eyebrow twitched, as Andrew peered back at him. ÒAh do believe that one was sufficient.Ó  He paused, as the doors closed, and the train prepared to leave the station.  ÒThough mah wife and I did think about another, it was tough on her.Ó

ÒAh.Ó Alastair nodded. ÒMy daughter had trouble with her first.  He was born breech.Ó

ÒWall.Ó Andy glanced out the window as the train moved through the underground tunnels that burrowed into Manhattan island and into Penn station.  ÒDar came right way round, but wasnÕt no small baby and mah wife ainÕt big.Ó He glanced down at his long legs. ÒI do believe thatÕs likely mah fault.Ó

ÒDar does take after you, no doubt.Ó Alastair agreed. ÒSpitting image, matter of fact. I remember meeting you the first time and being struck by that.Ó  His PDA chirped, and he removed it from his pocket, opening it to review. ÒExcuse me.Ó

Andrew was content to turn his head and watch the windows change from underground darkness to the late afternoon light.  He was glad they were off doing something useful, though it was possible they could have done some good back at the flattop.   

He pulled the list of things from his pocket and studied them again. They appeared to be something like electrical parts to him but he figured Dar certainly knew what she was looking for.   He watched the landscape go by for a moment more, then he removed his cell phone from his pocket and opened it.

There were only a few numbers in the speed dial, and he selected one and keyed it in, putting the phone to his ear and waiting for it to be answered. ÒLo there.Ó

ÒAh, my husband.Ó Ceci replied. ÒWhere are you?Ó

ÒNother damn train.Ó Andrew said.  ÒGoin out to get Dar some special cables and some such. What are you up to?Ó

ÒWell.Ó  Ceci said. ÒBelieve it or not, my family called to find out either if we were all right, or if we were part of the insurrection, hard to say.   My sister sends her regards.Ó

Andrew made a slightly snorting noise.

ÒWell, she does.Ó His wife responded mildly. ÒHowÕs Dar and Kerry doing?Ó

ÒThem kids are having a time.Ó Andrew said. ÒAh donÕtÕ think DarÕs feeling well, and everÕbodyÕs chewing a piece of them all over.  Makes mah eyeballs itch.Ó He grumbled.  ÒPeople here are pretty shook up though.  Bad stuff.Ó

ÒI saw on TV.Ó Ceci murmured. ÒAndy, you stay away from that place, okay? TheyÕve still got buildings falling down around everywhere and I donÕtÕ want you near any of them.Ó

ÒNo problem.Ó Andrew said. ÒRight now me and thÉ DarÕs boss are on this here train heading for Long Island.  AinÕt nothing keeling over out there, and DarÕs over at that old flattop off the Hudson fussing with them bolts and nuts there.Ó

Ceci chuckled wryly. ÒNo matter what the situation, she ends up with the Navy.Ó

ÒEh.Ó Her husband smiled briefly. ÒGot salt water in her even if she didnÕt end up no swab.Ó  There was something of that he was happy with.  The sea had been a passion of his since the first time heÕd seen it, opening wide in front of him after an eternally long two months in basic training up at Great Lakes.

Huge. Beautiful. Full of deep greens and blues and rich with salt like nothing ever before in his life had been back in Alabama.   HeÕd loved everything about it, even the rough motion in weather, and the agonizingly small amount of space heÕd been assigned for someone his size.

Finding his daughter with the same love in her heart had charmed him and some of the best times when Dar was growing up had centered around the beach, and the sea and the underwater world they all shared.

ÒShe certainly does.Ó Ceci interrupted his musing.  ÒBut thatÕs not helping her there now. Anything we can do from here?  Can I use my nonexistent family influence and insult someone for her? Browbeat some government official? Offer to paint the president in the nude? Wait. Scratch that one.Ó

Andrew chuckled in reflex. ÒYÕall do say the damnedest things.Ó

ÒItÕs hard being here and just watching.Ó Ceci admitted. ÒAt least youÕre there on trains getting gizmos. All I can do here is watch CNN and try to imagine what scandal MiamiÕll be involved in next in this whole thing. You know that airport Dar landed in was where all those terrorists trained in.Ó

ÒAh heard.Ó

ÒI feel like theyÕre going to close the border at Orlando.Ó

Andy chuckled again. ÒYou just keep your head down there on DarÕs island. WeÕll fix this joint up best we can and head back soon as weÕre able.Ó He promised.  ÒGot to go now. Ah think this trainÕs fixing to tunnel again.Ó

ÒCall me back later, sailor boy.Ó

ÒYesÕ maÕam. GÕbye.Ó Andrew shut the phone and leaned back, tapping it against his knee as his brow furrowed into a frown.  ÒKnow what?Ó He addressed Alastair. ÒThis here world surely does suck sometimes.Ó

Alastair looked up from his PDA. ÒSure does.Ó He answered after a brief pause. ÒWish we could just find another one sometimes.Ó


Kerry removed the contents of the brown paper bag  and set them down on the piece of metal wall near where Dar was working.  They were up on the second level now, in the space where the cable would have to come up.

There was no opening in the space save the small oval door hatches, and it was close inside, full of the scent of grease and silicon.  Against one wall was a large patch cabinet, painted to match the inside of the ship with thick coats of paint.  The door to it was open, exposing a plethora of connections, and there was already a shunt opened in the side to receive the new cable.

Dar was standing near the wall where the pipe emerged, a long piece of thin conduit in her hand, and a soldering iron in the other.   ÒLetÕs see.Ó

Kerry set out the various supplies, glad sheÕd taken the time to go and get most of the grease off her skin so it wasnÕt getting all over the place.  She could still smell it though, and cast a brief, wistful thought towards a nice long shower with lots of soap to scrub with.

Dar leaned the pipe against the wall and concentrated on the soldering iron, using a tiny screwdriver from the techÕs tool kit to unfasten the plastic grip and remove it.   She experimentally fit it into the end of the pipe, glancing up as Jason stuck his head in the hatchway.  ÒI think thisÕll work.Ó

Jason eyed her. ÒYes maÕam.Ó  He responded dubiously.  ÒIf you say so. Is there something else we can do in the meantime?  Any prep we can do for the fiber guy?Ó

Dar looked around. ÒI need some 110 in here. Can you rig that while IÕm duct tape and twining us into a solution for this pain in the ass problem?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Jason disappeared.

Kerry took the opportunity to sidle closer. ÒWhat are you doing with that, hon?Ó

ÒTrying to resist the urge to bash it against the wall.Ó Dar responded. ÒItÕs probably good theyÕre leaving us alone in here. YouÕre the only person I want around me right now.Ó

Responding to the compliment, Kerry pressed her cheek against DarÕs shoulderblade, then kissed it.

Dar put the pipe back against the wall and looked at the plug of the soldering iron, holding it up against the opening. It was obviously too big to fit inside.  She went over to the makeshift shelf and pawed among the supplies. ÒI need wire nuts.Ó

ÒWire nuts.Ó Kerry repeated. ÒIs that something I need to send the guys back for?Ó

ÒNo.Ó Dar removed a pair of cutters from the toolbox. ÒIÕll just tape the damn thing.Ó She cut the end of the plug off, then she removed the extention cord from itÕs wrapping and cut the female end of that off as well.

Kerry merely stood back and watched, her arms folded across her chest.

With the cutters, Dar clipped the cord in the middle of the two wires that made it up, and pulled the ends apart. Then she stripped the ends off, exposing the copper.   She then repeated the process on the end of the cable connected to the soldering iron. 

Setting the cutters down, she took one of the ends from each cable and twisted it together, taking a piece of the duct tape and wrapping it around the ends.   She repeated the act with the other end, then she wrapped all of it together into a neat bundle.  ÒThere.Ó

ÒOkay.Ó Kerry glanced at the pipe. ÒDid you want to put that through the pipe there before you connected that? Cause the other end wonÉ sorry, sweetheart.Ó

Dar was banging her head gently against the metal wall.

ÒYou did such a pretty job though.Ó Kerry picked up the other end of the extention cord and examined it. ÒYou can do that with this end too if we cut it off, right?Ó

ÒI want ice cream.Ó Dar said, on the tail end of a long sigh.

ÒMe too. Should I cut this off though? I got the idea.Ó Kerry picked up the cutters. ÒYou want to put the cable down that pipe, then plug it in, right?Ó


Kerry clipped the plug off and retrieved the pipe, carefully threading the end of the cord through it and pushing it down.  She continued until she got to the taped part, which she wiggled in and coaxed onward, glancing at the bottom of the pipe and smiling as she saw the end of the cord emerge. ÒThere.Ó

Dar fitted the soldering iron into the end of the pipe and took the tape, strapping the device in as tightly as she could.  ÒThanks.Ó She eyed Kerry. ÒMy brainÕs a little off right now.Ó

Kerry walked to the other end of the pipe and drew the cable out. It extended a good foot outside, and she took the cutters, neatly cutting the end and pulling it apart as sheÕd seen Dar do. 

Electrical work was definitely not a general part of her skill set. In fact, she hadnÕt thought it was part of DarÕs since her partner had contacted electricians on the few occasions they had issues either at the condo or the cabin.  

However, this seemed simple enough.    She picked up the plug sheÕd cut off and split the ends there, then looked at it. ÒDar, does it matter which one connects to what?Ó

ÒOne of the cables has a white line.Ó Dar answered. ÒWhite to white. Brown to brown.Ó

ÒOh.Ó  Kerry examined the cable, and proceeded. ÒCool.Ó

They worked in silence for a few minutes, until Dar had the soldering iron fastened to her satisfaction. Then she set the pipe aside, coming over to KerryÕs end to watch her finish taping the ends of the cable. ÒGood job.Ó

ÒFirst time IÕve ever done that.Ó Kerry admitted. ÒNow what?Ó

ÒNow we wait for 110 power.Ó Dar carefully leaned the conduit against the wall.  ÒThen we plug that in, I stick the pole down the pipe, and with any luck, I use the soldering iron to melt the cable tie.Ó

Kerry studied the pipe, then turned to look at her partner. ÒDar, thatÕs really ingenious.Ó

ÒThanks.Ó Dar sat down on a metal shelf. ÒI could have tried to shear through it with a blade, but chances are IÕd cut through some of the damn cabling in there and thatÕs the last thing we need.Ó She exhaled as her partner came over and put her arms around DarÕs neck, cradling the side of her face and kissing her on the cheek.  ÒMm.Ó

ÒYouÕre so damn smart.Ó Kerry whispered in her ear.  ÒI wanna be you when I grow up.Ó

Dar let her forehead rest against KerryÕs collarbone. ÒKnow what I want?Ó

ÒMore Advil?Ó

ÒThat or a gun.Ó Dar sighed. ÒCause I donÕtÕ think this dayÕs ever going to end.Ó


It was full dark by the time their train pulled back into Penn Station, halting with a jerk and a screech and the hiss of hydraulic doors preparing to open. 

ÒWell.Ó Alastair stood up and opened the storage bin over the seats. ÒThat wasnÕt so bad.Ó

ÒNope.Ó Andrew also stood, stretching out his long frame before he carefully lifted  a box from in front of his feet and cradled it.   ÒGlad that place wasnÕt but a minute from the train. That feller was looking to close up on us.Ó

ÒWasnÕt very friendly was he?Ó Alastair agreed. He pulled down another big brown sack and followed Andrew as he stepped off the car and back into the lower levels of Penn Station. 

ÒJackass.Ó Andrew grunted. ÒLike he was doin us a favor selling this stuff. Ò  He paused to let a woman with a large child stroller move past, then continued.

ÒThen asking twenty questions about what weÕre doing to do with it.Ó Alastair frowned. ÒWhat in the hell did he think we were going to do with it?  Install fiber optics in our hotel room?Ó


It was a bit quieter now, the rush hour just getting passed, and when they climbed up the brass lined stairs to the concourse there seemed to be more National Guard in the area than passengers, a number of the guard with large dogs on leashes nearby.

Everyone looked a little nervous, walking by. But the dogs merely sat there, tongues lolling, waiting to be called into whatever action they were apparently trained for.

At least it was less chaos. Alastair tucked the bag of gewgaws under his arm and was glad of the noise reduction. He gave the guardsmen a pleasant smile as they crossed the open concourse and headed for the hallway that would take them eventually to the escalator and outside. 

ÒLong day.Ó He commented, as they entered the main part of the station, a large, high ceilinged space with several branch corridors and plenty of signage pointing to trains and subways in three different directions.

ÒGot that right.Ó Andrew agreed, as they headed up another hall.  He glanced to one side, then paused. ÒGoin to get me a hot dog. You want one?Ó  He indicated a shop to one side.

Alastair looked past him, to a cluttered gathering of fast food marquees, all crammed into one low ceilinged space.  ÒWhy, sure.Ó He said. ÒBeen a long time since lunch.Ó

Andrew went inside and set his box down on a table near the hot dog counter.  He removed his wallet from his back pocket and advanced on the woman behind the counter, turning his head as he stopped. ÒYou want one with all them things on it?Ó

Alastair set his bag down on the box and pondered the menu.  ÒChili dog.Ó He said. ÒMight  as well hold up my end of the Texas stereotype.Ó 

ÒGimme two of them there things, and some taters, and a couple of cokes.Ó Andrew addressed the woman.  

The woman studied him. ÒYou want two chili dogs, French fries, and two sodas?Ó  She hazarded a guess.


ÒNo problem.Ó The woman turned to take care of the order, leaving Andrew to loiter in front of the desk.   Near the back, a man was starting to clean up, putting chairs up on tables to sweep under them, carefully avoiding the two tables of guardsmen finishing up their dinner.

Andrew briefly pondered bringing some dogs back for Dar and Kerry, then figured theyÕd be stone cold before they got out there, and a mess to boot.  He turned and leaned against the counter, folding his arms over his chest.

Alistair took a seat and rested his elbows on his knees.  Ending up having a chili dog in a train station didnÕt even seem odd after the last few days; he could barely even remember how the morning had started and he found he was mostly looking forward to some kind of success before the night ended.

He suspected there would be one. Dar generally created success, which was one of the reasons he trusted her the way he did.   He also suspected she was probably waiting on their return, but he figured a five minute stop for hot dogs probably wouldnÕt skew the pitch one way or the other.

His cell phone was off.  He intended it to remain that way until they were back at the port, when there was some chance he could actually report on whatever status whatever politician on the other end was asking for.

Right now, tired as he was, he gained a glimmer of understanding of the undisguised sigh of exasperation that Dar sometimes uttered when she was being hounded for something.  Sometimes, you could just do what you could do, when you could do it.  

ÒHere.Ó Andrew handed him a cardboard box, which had a hot dog and a paper dish of fries in it, with a little plastic pseudo fork poked in them.  ÒFigure thatÕs good as any till we finish up.Ó He took a seat at the table and bit into his dog.

Alastair followed suit, tilting his head just a bit as he realized the guardsmen were watching them from the corner of his eye.  He wondered if they looked particularly suspicious or something.  He glanced at both himself and Andrew, then at their burdens, which heÕd shifted carefully to the floor  so they could eat on the table.

Hm. Two guys, in a train station, with a brown box and a brown bag full of electrical parts, and one of the guys was wearing combat boots and a face full of scars.    He watched the guardsmen in his peripheral vision, as they all started looking their way and whispering.

Andrew shifted a little, so that he was facing Alastair and could see over his shoulder.  His eyebrows hiked up a little.

Alastair took another bite of his hotdog. ÒNot bad.Ó He commented, wiping his lips on a lurid napkin and just hoping the guard would find some other thing to interest them.

ÒSÕallright.Ó His companion agreed.  ÒTwo things I always did like tÕeat round here is hot dogs and pizza pie.Ó  He said.  ÒHad liberty here once and mah whole SEAL team went and got us ten of them big pies and nearly got ourselves sick to death with it. Still like it though.Ó

The ILS CEO chuckled. ÒHave to say when I was in the Army, the most interesting place we ended up having liberty in was Fargo, North Dakota. Those people know how to party, IÕll say that.Ó He thought the conversation had died down over at the other table, but didnÕt want to be obvious and look.

ÒArmy, huh?Ó Andrew gave him a wry grin. 

ÒIÕm from Texas. ItÕs a family tradition.Ó  Alastair admitted. ÒGranddaddy was in, daddy was in, I did the ROTC rounds in collegeÉI kept it to one hitch, though.  After that I decided I liked climbing the corporate ladder better than the one in the obstacle course.Ó He finished off the last bite of his hot dog and poked among the wedge cut fries, selecting one with the little forklet and tasting it.  ÒWhat made you pick the Navy?Ó

ÒDidnÕt like hiking around with them big old packs.Ó Andrew said. ÒAnd ah figured at the least IÕd learn me to swim in the Navy.  DonÕt do that much in Alabama.Ó He paused, studying a fry.  ÒWanted to see something but dirt roads and candy assed rednecks.Ó

Alastair glanced casually over at the guardsmen, who were now studiously looking in another direction.   ÒI got to see a little bit of Korea.Ó He mused.  ÒThen I got posted in Italy and Belgium. That wasnÕt so bad. Ò

Andrew stood and took his cardboard tray over to the trash and disposed of it. He glanced at the guardsmen as he finished. ÒLo there, you all.Ó

ÒHello.Ó The one nearest him nodded respectfully. ÒSomething you need from us?Ó

ÒNope.Ó Andrew shook his head. ÒHope you all have a good night now.Ó He returned to the table and picked the box back up while Alastair disposed of his tray, and came back to join him.  They exited the food stop and headed across the concourse towards the exit.

ÒYknow, I donÕt think I ever heard you mention what you did in the Navy before.Ó Alastair commented, giving his taller companion a sideways look.

Andrew chuckled a bit. ÒDidnÕt want them fellers asking me what all was in these here boxes cause I donÕt have not one jack clue what it is.Ó He admitted. ÒFiggured if I started flapping my jaw about what I done theyÕd mind themselves.Ó

ÒAnd they did.Ó Alastair clapped him on the back. ÒGood decision. Because frankly, though I paid for em, and I can pronounce the names, damned if I know what this stuff is either.Ó  They got to the escalator and rode it up, passing from the claustrophobic concourse into the street that was quieter than they expected, in a city that now seemed exhausted in a strange kind of way.

ÒTaxi!Ó Alastair waved one down.  ÒLetÕs see what your kids have gotten us into.Ó He handed his bag to the driver, who set it in the trunk along with AndrewÕs box.  ÒAnd if weÕre very lucky, itÕs beer time.Ó

ÒWonÕt be luck.Ó

ÒNot with your kid, no. YouÕre right. It sure wonÕtÓ


ÒOkay, hang on.Ó Kerry wriggled under the pipe again and got her eyeball to where she could see up it, poking her slim flashlight into the space and turning it on. ÒSee that?Ó

ÒGot it.Ó DarÕs voice came down tinnily to her.  ÒGet your face out of the way in case something comes shooting out of this damn pipe.Ó

ÒYes, grandma.Ó  Kerry edged over so she could keep the light in place, but removed most of her head from the danger zone.  

She could hear Dar maneuvering the pipe into place overhead, and just as she reached up to scratch her nose, a big clump of pipe crud came tumbling down to land near her ear.  She could hear a soft curse, and in the tone, she sensed her partnerÕs frustration both with the tedious project and the cramps she was still suffering from.

Dar wasnÕt usually that unlucky.    Kerry suspected it was the stress of the situation that was tying her up into knots and making her monthly cycle worse than usual, and she herself had the same thing to look forward to any minute now.

ÒOkay, IÕm heating up the iron.Ó  Dar called down.

ÒGo for it, babe.Ó Kerry tapped lightly on the pipe with her flashlight.  She was tired, and hungry, and the worst part of it was knowing that even when they finished this crazy jury rig, all they could do was pull the cable into place.

They still had to wait for the fiber terminator to come in, and finish the connection so they could get it working.

KerryÕs nose twitched, as she smelled the odd scent of heating metal. She peeked up the pipe and saw a hint of motion in her flashlightÕs glare, now outlining the blockage that was preventing the cable from passing.

Sure enough, the light reflected off dusty white plastic, a zip tie wrapped around the cables already in the pipe, itÕs end extending across and bending against the far pipe wall.  Kerry could just see the tip of the soldering iron approaching the tie and she had to smile again at the ingenuity of her partner.

Who would have thought of using a soldering iron? She was pretty sure she wouldnÕt have.   Kerry pondered a moment as to what she would have done, given the limited options they had.  Used a knife on a stick?

Not try getting it through?

Would she have gotten someone, a construction worker, to come in and cut through the pipe so she could access it?

ÒWatch out.Ó Dar warned. ÒIÕm about to start melting things.Ó

Kerry gazed bemusedly up at her overprotective spouse. ÒOkay, IÕm clear.Ó She edged her head out of the way, cocking her ears as she heard Dar curse again.   She felt sorry for the two techs, trapped in the small space with her irritated partner.  ÒEasy honey.  WeÕre almost done.Ó

She could smell burning plastic. ÒI think you got it, Dar. I can smell it.Ó

ÒMaybe thatÕs my brain cells frying.Ó Dar responded, her voice echoing softly.   

Grumpy grumpy.  Kerry licked her lips, and peeked up the pipe again, seeing a wisp of smoke showing in the light.  A moment later, the tip of the soldering iron jerked to one side, and a piece of curled, blackened white plastic plummeted down and smacked her flashlight before she jerked her hand out of the way and it landed on the ground. ÒHey! ItÕs out!Ó

ÒWooeffing hoo.Ó Dar grunted, soft clanking noises and dust bunnies issuing down the pipe as she removed her makeshift tool.   ÒIÕm going to send the pull cable down.Ó

Kerry removed the flashlight and shut it off, laying there quietly and enjoying the cool breeze from the opening, resisting the urge to close her eyes.  She could hear the cable snaking itÕs way down the conduit, and a moment later, the RJ45 end covered in tape plonked its way onto the metal deck near her head. ÒYay!Ó  

She got up and took hold of the cable, pulling it gently until about two feet of it was outside the conduit. Then she turned and took hold of the cable Dar had pulled in through the hatch, carefully tying the end of the fiber to the Ethernet cable and pulling it taut. ÒDar?Ó


Kerry jumped, as the voice sounded right behind her head. ÒYow!Ó  She reeled backwards off her crouch, waving her arms until Dar grabbed hold of her and let her regain her balance. ÒFor PeteÕs sake!Ó

Dar chuckled tiredly.  ÒLeft the guys up there to haul this thing up.  I vote we go and get something hot to eat, and a beer.Ó

Kerry stopped moving and slumped back against her. ÒUngh. I love you.Ó 

ÒLikewise.Ó Dar hugged her, then let her go.  ÒFeed the wire up there, and letÕs haul.  Maybe by the time we get back, our fiber manÕll be here, and weÕll be in the home stretch.Ó

Kerry eased the end of the fiber into the pipe, and Dar knocked against it. After a moment, it started to move, snaking itÕs way slowly up from itÕs pile of coils on the floor up through the pipe to the second level.

Dar watched it, and dusted her hands off.  ÒThings are looking up.Ó She said. ÒWe might get outta here tonight.Ó

ÒPiece of cake now.Ó Kerry agreed. ÒAll we need is some ends.Ó She jumped a trifle as her end was smacked, and scooted for the door.  ÒIt should go smoothly now, right?Ó



Continued in Part 17