A QueenÕs Tale

Part 26

Gabrielle saw the stern face and the fancy toga just as she was finishing up her story and she made a point of catching the manÕs eyes and folding her arms as he drew a breath and showed every sign of wanting to shout at them.

He paused, and clasped his hands in front of him instead, though his face was profoundly disapproving.

Next to her, Xena chuckled soundlessly, the faint vibration translating through the hand she had resting casually on her partnerÕs leg.

ÒSo thatÕs how that happened. Ò The bard concluded, to a round of enthusiastic applause.  ÒGlad you enjoyed it.Ó  She kicked her heels against the edge of the window she was seated in, pleased with the response.

Now, the man in the toga clapped his hands.   ÒYou are expected.Ó He said, loudly, as the crowd started to move and those who had seated themselves hurriedly stood up.    He waited for them to begin walking towards the road again before he started through the crowd towards where Gabrielle and Xena were sitting.

ÒAlain.Ó  Xena called out, as their old friend hesitated. ÒCÕmere.Ó

Grinning gladly, he trotted over with out hesitation ignoring the scowl from the man in the toga.  ÒHey!Ó

It was a hard mixture of emotion to take. Gabrielle slipped off the window and opened her arms as he approached, giving him a big hug.  Part of her was remembering that silent, broken form in XenaÕs arms as she carried him to his pyre, with a sting of remembered grief at war with the honest joy she felt at seeing him again.  ÒHey there!Ó

She remembered Xena standing, watching the fire and shaking her head, tears rolling down her cheeks in silence. 

ÒIÕm glad to see you guys here!Ó Alain said, as he released her and was hugged by Xena in her turn. ÒI knew I would.Ó

So many meanings to those words. ÒWeÕre glad to see you too.Ó  Gabrielle said.  ÒDo you like it here?Ó

ÒSure.Ó Alain gave her a sunny smile. ÒI was in the other place too. It was all right.Ó He told her. ÒBut I like it here better. More stuff to do.Ó

Gabrielle nodded. ÒYeah, I bet.Ó

The man in the toga was hovering in the background.  Xena looked past AlainÕs shoulder and met his eyes. ÒYou want something?Ó

The man warily came over.  ÒIÕm not sure who you are.Ó He said. ÒBut..Ó

ÒIÕm Gabrielle.Ó Gabrielle promptly supplied. ÒAnd this is my partner, Xena.Ó 

He fell silent.

ÒDoesnÕt she tell great stories?Ó Alain seemed unaware of any tension.  ÒSheÕs from my hometown. Potadiea. I used to listen to her when I was little.Ó

Xena watched his face, catching both fear and envy there.   He seemed to be some sort of major domo for the gods, and as such, she figured Alain was under his charge.   ÒScram.Ó She told him.  ÒWeÕll send him over when weÕre done talking to him.Ó

The man stared at her hard, and Xena stared right back. He averted his eyes after a few seconds of this, and nodded.  ÒAs you wish.Ó He turned and started back towards the road, not without a look at the wagon Alain had left sitting there.

ÒHeÕs gonna be mad.Ó Alain said.  ÒHe yells a lot.Ó

ÒIf he does, tell him he doesnÕt want to hear me yell.Ó Xena smiled. ÒAnd he sure doesnÕt want to get me mad.Ó

Alain grinned back at her. ÒItÕs okay.Ó He sat down on the window edge between them.  ÒHe jus yells. Nothing else.Ó  

ÒAhh, all talk huh.Ó  Gabrielle said. ÒItÕs really great to see you, Alain.Ó She hesitated. ÒI was sorry we didnÕt get to say goodbye.Ó

ÒYeah.Ó  He nodded. ÒIt was bad. I heard a noise, then I was somewheres else.Ó  He looked at Xena. ÒI could sorta see stuff but like it was through a glass.Ó  He added. ÒI saw the bad guys, and I saw you comin.Ó

They were all briefly silent. ÒYeah.Ó Xena said. ÒThat was a bad day.Ó

ÒI was sorry to leave pa.Ó Alain said. ÒI miss him.Ó

Gabrielle felt tears sting her eyes. ÒI know he misses you too.Ó She said. ÒBut youÕll see him some time again, here or in the other place.Ó

Alain nodded. ÒYeah I figure.Ó Then he looked at Xena again.  ÒDid you beat up the bad guys?Ó

XenaÕs hand clenched, a little. ÒYes, I did.Ó She said. ÒI beat up a lot of bad guys that day. Ò She looked past him. ÒThey paid for what they did to you.Ó

ÒI just saw a little. Then I had to go.Ó Alain said. ÒI told everÕbody youÕd beat up the bad guys but they all wanted to go in the door and then.. Ò He turned to Gabrielle. ÔThen your papa came over and he said..Ó

Gabrielle reached out and clasped his wrist. ÒMy father?Ó

Alain nodded. ÒHe came right after me.Ó He said.  ÒHe said we should go fore Xena sent all the bad guys out. We went in the door.Ó  He blinked a few times. ÒIt was nice there.  Pretty.Ó

It was a little hard to breathe.  Gabrielle felt XenaÕs hand touch her back, her partnerÕs thumb rubbing the edge of her spine lightly.  ÒThatÕs wonderful, Alain.Ó  She murmured.

ÒAnyhow. I should go help.Ó Alain stood up. ÒIÕll see you guys lots now, huh? You going to tell stories in the big room?Ó

Gabrielle looked up at him. ÒMaybe.Ó She said. ÒWeÕll see.Ó 

He waved, and trotted off, going over to the wagon and taking hold of the bridle of the white oxen pulling it, whispering into the animalÕs ear and pointing his thumb over his shoulder at the still seated women. 

ÒYou okay?Ó  Xena asked, after a long moment of silence.

The bard shook her head a little.  ÒWow.Ó She sighed. ÒI wasnÕt expecting that.Ó

Xena swung her legs inside the room and caught GabrielleÕs hand. ÒCÕmon.Ó She led her back over to the long couch and they sat down together on it, leaning back. 

Gabrielle half turned and wrapped her arm around her partnerÕs waist.  Then she put her head down on XenaÕs shoulder and exhaled.  ÒWhat do you think of that, Xe?Ó

ÒWhat do I think of that?Ó  Xena mused.  ÒI think we were way too worried about me getting into Elysia, thatÕs what I think.Ó

Gabrielle lifted her head and peered at her partner.

ÒYou asked.Ó  Xena said, bluntly. 

The bard put her head back down.  ÒI donÕt know whether to be really happy, because I think in the end he was okay and because he and my mother will be reunited or really angry because what he did to me, and to Lila just..Ó

ÒWasnÕt that important?Ó Xena put her arms around her.  

ÒSomething like that, yeah.Ó   The bard murmured.  She thought for a few minutes more. ÒI guess IÕm going to be glad.  ThereÕs nothing I can do about it anyway.Ó  She snuggled closer.   ÒDid you like my story?Ó

ÒDonÕt I always.Ó 


Xena smiled. ÒYes, I did.Ó She admitted. ÒWas there a particular reason you told a story where the gods were at a disadvantage in front of everyone on Mount Olympus?Ó

Gabrielle chuckled.


ÒTakes one to know one.Ó  The bard relaxed.   ÒIÕm glad we saw Alain, Xe.  I felt so bad about what happened to him. ItÕs nice heÕs having a good time here.Ó

ÒYeah, me too.Ó  Xena agreed.  ÒHeÕs a good kid.Ó   She rubbed GabrielleÕs back idly.  ÒWonder how long theÕyre gonna keep us waiting here?Ó  She craned her neck and looked at the inner doorway. ÒMaybe we should go back there and poke them a little.Ó

Gabrielle buried her face into XenaÕs chest. ÒAnd she calls me a troublemaker.Ó She muttered.

Xena laughed.  Then her ears twitched and she turned her head, spotting a figure standing in the window.  ÒSomething we can help you with?Ó

Gabrielle stayed where she was, savoring the sound of her partnerÕs heartbeat under her ear.  Things seemed to be getting strange and random again, after a bit of normality sheÕd gained telling the crowd her story.

Seeing Alain..

Strange.  Just like hearing her father was in Elysia was strange and gut twisting and made her feel upset and uncomfortable.

She just wasnÕt sure if that was because she still had hard feelings about him, or if she was pissed off he got to be there.  

Gabrielle thought sheÕd forgiven him.  

ÒI am a messenger.Ó

Gabrielle opened one green eye and lifted her head, to observe the man cloaked in a soft, white fabric like theirs.  ÒNever liked that saying.Ó She shifted and sat up, as Xena also sat up and parked her elbow on the back of the couch, watching the man warily.

He didnÕt seem scary. He had a rugged, honest face and the cloak hood was down around his neck, not framing his head.  ÒI have been sent by the watcher of the portal to Elysia. He wants you to know there are those within who wish speech with you.Ó

XenaÕs eyes narrowed. ÒWith who?Ó

ÒWith you, Xena of the Sword.Ó The man replied in a courteous tone.  ÒThey are known to you.Ó

XenaÕs nape hairs lifted.  She could think of any number of good souls who might be there who would want to have a word or two with her.   ÒLike who?Ó

She felt GabrielleÕs hand, startlingly warm, come to rest on her stomach. 

ÒIt is not mine to say.Ó The man said. ÒCome, or do not.  I merely bring the message.Ó 

ÒCan I come too?Ó Gabrielle asked.

ÒYou may go.Ó The man answered.  ÒBut you will not return. Once you pass into the realm of Elysia, you must stay there.Ó

ÒMust?Ó  Xena frowned a little.  ÒCan I stay there too?Ó

The man remained silent.

ÒCan I?Ó The warrior demanded, as the man merely stared at her with gentle impassivity.

ÒMaybe we better not take a chaÉ but what if you don..Ó  Gabrielle put a slightly shaking hand to her head. ÒSorry Xe.Ó She murmured, after a moment.  ÒIÕm sure itÕs okay.Ó

Xena rested her head against her partnerÕs shoulder, and exhaled slowly. ÒScares the leather off me to separate right now.Ó She admitted . ÒI just donÕt know what the rules are here. I could walk through that gate and never see you again.Ó

Gabrielle stared mutely at the dark head pressed against her, shocked to hear her own thoughts so exactly echoed in XenaÕs deep tones.

ÒDyingÕs always made me afraid of that.Ó  The warrior went on, then sighed wearily.  ÒWears on you. YÕknow?Ó

ÒXena.Ó  Gabrielle stroked the side of her face.  ÒItÕll be okay.  MaybeÉ maybe itÕs your brother.Ó

Xena inhaled sharply.

ÒI wish I could meet him.Ó The bard went on. ÒLet me walk you to the gate, okay?Ó She gently kissed her partnerÕs forehead.  ÒWeÕve lost so many friends over the years. It would be cool to know they were okay.Ó

Xena lifted  her head up and tilted it so she could kiss Gabrielle on the lips.   Then she got up off the couch and waited for the bard to join her. They walked over to the window where the man was standing.  ÒAll right.Ó

The man nodded and backed up to let them exit into the garden, then he quietly led them up the slop across the soft green grass towards the road the workers had come down.   

The wind seemed a little cooler, and the light seemed a little dimmer, with a faint purple tinge to it.  Gabrielle and Xena walked along side by side and looked around as they made their way over a small rise and then down a slope.

Faintly, they heard a bell ring.  ÒWhatÕs that?Ó  Xena asked.

ÒThe great ones call to join for dinner.Ó The guide said.  ÒThe great Zeus gathers his family.Ó

ÒDinner.Ó  Gabrielle looked around. ÒDoes it get dark here?Ó

ÒIt does.Ó The manÕs eyes flicked his eyes at her.  ÒBut the gods have commanded the heavens to light up with such brilliance, you wouldnÕt think it.Ó He moved a little to the left, where the slope seemed to end abruptly and there was a stone gateway there.

It was much smaller than the one theyÕd seen from the path up the mountain. This was barely large enough for a man on horseback to pass through it, and there were so many glyphs carved into itÕs surface it seemed ready to crumble. 

ÒWho made that?Ó Gabrielle asked. ÒItÕs beautiful.Ó

ÒThe gods may know. I do not.Ó The guide paused in front of the gateway.  Between it, they could see a thick swirl of fog, impossible to look through.  ÒYou may both pass,  though it was only one who was called.Ó He said. ÒBut it is true, mortal, that you will not return through it.  Go to Elysia if your heart wishes it.   There is much beauty there.Ó

Gabrielle gazed at the portal. ÒOnly if Xena can stay there with me.Ó

ÒThat is not for me to say.  Hades judges here.Ó The man said. ÒMake of that what you will.Ó

He stood aside and waited in silence.

Xena turned to Gabrielle and took her hands. Then she turned her head towards the guide. ÒBut I can come back through there, right?Ó

ÒYes. The law allows for you to cross between.Ó  The man said. 

ÒCan we trust him?Ó Gabrielle whispered. ÒThis feels like such a trap.Ó

Xena chuckled wryly. ÒIf I donÕt come back, just come after me.Ó She said. ÒWeÕll figure it out from there.Ó  She kissed Gabrielle again. ÒI hope itÕs Ly.  I really would like to see him.Ó

Gabrielle smiled, but after a second, it faltered. ÒIf É if you see Solon.Ó

Xena squeezed her hands. ÒIÕll give him a hug for you.Ó

ÒTell him IÕm sorry.Ó Gabrielle got the words out in a rush. ÒPlease.Ó

Xena gave her a hug, then she patted GabrielleÕs cheek and released her, turning and heading for the gateway.  About to step through it,s he paused and regarded the guide. ÒIf thisÕs a trap.Ó She said. ÒThere arenÕt enough levels in Hades to keep me from getting back here and finding you.Ó

The man blinked benignly at her.  ÒSafe passage.Ó He said. ÒThere is no deception here.Ó

Ah heh.  If she had a dinar for every tie sheÕd heard thatÉ   Taking a breath to steady the nervousness in her gut, Xena stepped forward between the arches, and disappeared into the fog.


Gabrielle sat down on the grass, glad to feel it soft and dry underneath her.  She pulled up a blade of it and split it in half, putting one half in her mouth and chewing it.

She could no longer sense Xena.  It was hard to realize that, and still keep her breathing even, and her body where it was instead of plunging into the fog after her partner.

But it wasnÕt the soul rending grief sheÕd known before. This was just a quiet emptiness that made her uneasy rather than insane.

She hoped it was over quickly.

ÒDonÕt you wish to go with your friend?Ó The doorwarden asked.

ÒSure.Ó  Gabrielle glanced up at him. ÒBut if I get stuck there, and she gets stuck here,  weÕre both going to be really unhappy.Ó

ÔWhy?Ó  His face was open and curious.  ÒDo you not want to spend your eternity in Elysia?  ItÕs beautiful there.Ó He looked around. ÒAnd to be taken into the immortals.. your friend should be so honored.Ó

The bard chewed her grass bit. ÒIf I told you weÕd both rather stay together in Tartarus than be here apart, youÕd probably think I was nuts.Ó

ÒYes, I would.Ó The man said honestly. 

ÒMaybe we are.Ó  Gabrielle smiled briefly. ÒBut I wouldnÕt want to be anywhere without her.Ó

The doorwarden studied her. ÒWe all have left loved ones behind.Ó He said. ÒItÕs hard, at first.  I remember it. I missed my wife, and my children very much and I know they missed me as well.Ó

ÒMm.Ó  The bard looked past him. ÒYeah, I miss my little girl a lot.Ó

ÒBut after a bit, that fades.Ó The man said.  ÒTheir lives go on, and you find other things to think about, and soon you feel the peace of Elysia and it is good.Ó  He met her eyes. ÒYou donÕt seem like someone who has known much peace, Gabrielle.Ó

Gabrielle thought about that.  ÒI donÕt think thatÕs true.Ó She said. ÒIÕve known many times of peace, they just donÕt usually last too long.Ó She added. ÒThat makes them all the sweeter though.  You canÕt appreciate the good times if you donÕt know what the bad ones are like.Ó

The man started to answer, then he stiffened and knelt, averting his gaze. ÒMy lady.Ó

Gabrielle half turned to see a beautiful winged horse approaching, itÕs delicate features almost glowing in the fading light.   On his back was Artemis, her expression frosty and taut with displeasure.   The bard decided to stay where she was, but she turned to face the patron of the Amazons with  her legs pulled up crossed under her.

Artemis here looked different than she had in the forest.  Gabrielle watched as the goddess guided the halterless horse to a halt and stared down at her.  Draped in silvery white fabric with gilded threads she also wore a belt with a golden hilted knife and a sword on her back.

She had a fine boned face, and reminded the bard of Hera but she had a strong, uncompromising brow that looked more like Zeus.

ÒMortal scum.Ó  The goddess addressed her.

ÒHi.Ó Gabrielle felt she was simply too freaked out to be scared.  ÒMy nameÕs Gabrielle, by the way. ItÕs nice to meet you when youÕre not trying to kill me or my friends.Ó

Artemis stared at her.  ÒMy father has sent for you to be judged.Ó She said. Ò Though were it up to me, I wouldnÕt have him bother with you. I would judge you myself.Ó

Gabrielle didnÕt get up.  ÒIÓll be happy to come with you as soon as Xena gets back.Ó She said. ÒThough for someone who is supposed to protect the Amazons, you do a pretty lousy job.Ó

The doorwarden had frozen in place, staring at the grass. 

ÒYou dare.Ó Artemis said.

ÔYeah.Ó  Gabrielle hiked up one knee and rested her arm on it. ÒThatÕs how I ended up with Xena as my soulmate.Ó

Artemis dismounted and walked over to stand over her, one hand resting on her golden knife.

ÒAmazons were being pulled into this to be offered for bait.Ó Gabrielle met her eyes steadily. ÒWhy werenÕt you protecting them? Why did you let Athena do it?Ó

The goddesses head cocked to one side slightly.  ÒBecause we knew it would draw you and your creature out.Ó She said. ÒThey live for war. It would be a honor for them to die in one.Ó

GabrielleÕs jaw moved, the muscles bunching and relaxing. ÒEven though they worship you?Ó

Artemis shrugged.

The bard nodded slowly.

ÒBut what matter to you?Ó The goddess went on. ÒYou are no Amazon.Ó

At one time, it would have stung.  But now, Gabrielle merely smiled. ÒThatÕs true.Ó  She agreed. ÒBut I love some of them dearly, and I care about what happens to them.Ó

ÒI donÕt.Ó Artemis said. ÒNow, you will come with me to face my father, willing or not.Ó

ÒSoon as Xena comes back.Ó Gabrielle said.

ÒSheÕs not coming back.Ó The goddess smiled unpleasantly. ÒSheÕs gone to Elysia. May they have joy of her.Ó

ÒSheÕll be back.Ó

ÒYou little fool.Ó Artemis lifted her hand. ÒDo you really believe she would give up paradise for you?Ó

ÒYes.Ó  Gabrielle replied with utmost certainty.  ÒBecause I have for her.Ó  She slowly stood up. ÒIs that why you separated us? Get her over there, so you could bring me to be judged without her?Ó She put her hands on her hips. ÒThat would be like you guys.  You never have been fair.Ó

Artemis stared at her. ÒEvery word you say makes your doom more certain, mortal.Ó

ÒStory of my life.Ó Gabrielle lifted her chin a little.  She saw ArtemisÕs hand twitch, and a blue glow appear. ÒGo on.  Demonstrate your courage there. Blast someone who canÕt defend themselves.Ó

ArtemisÕ eyes narrowed.

ÒYou want to know why we mortals have started to not believe in you?Ó Gabrielle glared right back. ÒYouÕre not worth it.Ó She took a step forward. ÒSo as soon as Xena gets back, weÕll come over there and see how this judging thing works out.Ó

ÒThey only reason I donÕt turn you into nothing, is my father wishes to speak to you.Ó  The goddess said. ÒYou refuse him? Very well. Wait then.   You can take no step away from this place unless your creature returns, and she will not.Ó She lifted her hand and a second later, a searing red line encircled Gabrielle. ÔWhen the dark, and your hunger comes, remember your rudeness to your betters.Ó

She turned and snapped her fingers, disappearing in a flash of purple light.

Gabrielle let out a held breath, and licked her lips. ÒI think that was stupid.Ó

ÒYou are very stupid.Ó The watchman informed her.  ÒWhat did you hope to accomplish?Ó

The bard held her hand near the glowing red, and then moved it back when she felt the itchy pain start along her skin.  She moved back from the line and settled in the grass again. ÒPersonal satisfaction.Ó 

ÒI donÕtÕ understand you.Ó

Gabrielle pulled her legs up crossed under her again and rested her elbows on her knees.  She sighed, as the light slowly started to fade around them. ÒIÕm not sure I understand me sometimes.Ó She admitted.  ÒMaybe itÕs just that IÕve lived with Xena long enough to make me refused to accept anyone thinking theyÕre better than I am.Ó

The watchman blinked.  ÒThe lady Artemis is a goddess. She is the daughter of Zeus.Ó He said. ÒShe is better than you are, and me as well.Ó He added. ÒHow can you even say those things?Ó

How could she? Gabrielle plucked another stem of grass. ÒNot that long ago.Ó She mused. ÒI was climbing up a cliff, with her brotherÕs dying body strapped to me trying to keep him alive long enough to get him back his godhood.Ó

She looked up  after a few minutes, getting no answer. The man was staring at her.  ÒI guess I just have a different perspective on them.Ó

The light faded further, and above them the dome of the sky started to display a scattering of stars.  The watchman glanced up, then he turned and started to walk towards the palace. ÒIt is time to go to my rest.Ó He said. ÒIt will be a long darkness for you. Your mind may break before the dawn.Ó

ÒXenaÕll be back before then.Ó Gabrielle said.

He stopped and turned, giving her a pitying look. ÒI am sorry.Ó He said. ÒBut those that go into Elysia, donÕt return.Ó

ÒBut you said..Ó Gabrielle sat up.

ÒThose such as your friend, they can cross between. They just choose not to. Ò

A faint smile appeared on the bardÕs face. ÒShe wonÕt make that choice.Ó  Gabrielle said, confidently. ÒSheÕll be back.Ó

The man shook his head, and then turned and went on his way, walking up the slope and getting smaller and smaller as Gabrielle watched him go.

In a minute, he was gone, and she was utterly alone there in her ring, in the gathering dark, at the edge of Mount Olympus.  For a few minutes, Gabrielle just listened to the silence around her, more profound than any sheÕd ever experienced.

There wasnÕt even the sound of wind. Just a stillness as the light faded and the stars came out over her head. 

She lay down on her back and looked up at them, awed by the clarity and how dense they seemed here with no tree leaves or clouds to block them.  They spread completely over the sky and as she let her eyes wander over them, the patterns of her old friends became clear.

She traced them.  No matter how terrible her life had been at times, there had always been these stars to keep her company.  To give her dreams.

To remind her of the good times, spent on long winter nights playing the game with Xena and trying to figure out how her friend could see such different things than she did – not to mention cherishing the few times theyÕd seen the very same thing.

She remembered the night – their night – in the tree, when sheÕd looked up on a canopy of stars not that different from this one, in that unobstructed view from the top of their mountain surrounded by the magic of their union.

How beautiful that night had been.  Gabrielle traced the pattern of the Warrior. How wondrous that moment even though she hadnÕt known then what it had really meant to both of them. 

Gabrielle took a breath. Xena not come back? Xena stay in Elysia and not return for her? 

They really didnÕt know much about Xena, did they?

Of course sheÕd come back. Then theyÕd find a way home.


Halfway through the foggy entrance, Xena almost turned around and went back.  The further she went the fainter her sense of Gabrielle was, and that was making her throat dry and her hands twitch in reaction.

Did she really want to go talk to someone in Elysia?  She could easily count handfuls of people whoÕd have a thing or two to say to her she probably didnÕt want to hear.

The fog was lightening though, and she could see warm sunlight ahead so she reluctantly kept going, moving through the end of the gateway and emerging into a beautiful valley full of wildflowers and a soft, almost unheard music she caught just at the edge of her ears.

As she stepped clear of the stone portal she was aware first of a sense of peace – stunning enough for her to stop in her tracks and just experience it.

A soft, sweet breeze blew in her face and she felt her entire body relax, aware that for the first time in her life she was in a place where anger, and hatred, and strife just didnÕt exist.

Here there would be no ambushes, no one would attack her or come after her in revenge.  Even the souls sheÕd put here would smile at her and knowing that Xena felt somberly humbled.  She walked over to a boulder and sat down on it, feeling the warmth of the rockÕs surface against her skin.

She let out a held breath and rested her hands on her knees, wishing Gabrielle were next to her to enjoy the experience.  The colorful wildflowers spread to the horizon and she could almost taste the contentment on the back of her tongue.

No one was around, at least within her vision. But off to the left she could hear hoof beats approaching and she half turned on the rock, watching in that direction.  A moving figure rounded a curve in the grass and her heart nearly stopped, as she took in the golden coat of the horse running towards her.

Then she stood as the animal approached, kicking up itÕs heels and shaking itÕs head in evident, joyous recognition.

Xena reached out to him as he got to her side. ÒHey boy.Ó She felt a smile stretch the muscles of her face. ÒHow are ya?Ó

Long lost to her,  the stallion nuzzled her chest, ears flicking back and forth.   IolausÕs brother, cut from under her in the war and killed as he tried to defend her.  ÒHerc. ItÕs good to see you.Ó Xena gave him a hug, knowing a moment of unexpected joy that he had been brought here as a reward for his short but courageous life.

This was good.  Xena scratched his ears, and gave him a kiss on the nose.  This was very good.  ÒYou having a good time here, huh?Ó

Hercules snorted and bobbed his head. 

ÒYou always did love horses.Ó

Xena started, as she heard a voice from the dimmest of her memories. ÒHello, Ly.Ó   She half turned to face her brother. ÒI was kind of hoping it was you that wanted to talk.Ó

Lyceus moved through the wildflowers, parting them with gentle hands as he approached.  ÒThanks for coming through.Ó   He stopped just short of her. ÒI guess everything makes a lot more sense to you now, huh?Ó

Xena leaned back against the stallionÕs body, regarding him. ÒNothing makes sense to me, except seeing you here.Ó She answered honestly.   

He nodded, taking another step forward and opening his arms.  ÒI didnÕt really have much to say.Ó He said. ÒI just wanted to give you the goodbye hug we missed that day.Ó

Without hesitation Xena enfolded him in her arms. ÒSorry about that day, Ly.Ó

ÒDonÕt be.Ó Her brother answered. ÒThe thing IÕve learned here is, when itÕs your time, it is.  IÕm glad I didnÕt have to go though what you did in life.Ó

Xena closed her eyes and sighed. ÒHasnÕt been the easiest, no.Ó

He released her and leaned back a little so he could meet her eyes.  ÒWould you trade with me?Ó

They studied each other seriously for a long moment. ÒNo.Ó Xena finally said. ÒHard a life as IÕve had, IÕll keep it.Ó

Lyceus  nodded, almost in relief.  ÒItÕs beautiful here, Xe.  Everythings nice, and you hear laughter all the time. But you know what? Nothing touches your heart here.  I had to stop watching what went on the other side because I couldnÕt feel any of it. CouldnÕt feel for you.Ó

XenaÕs brows contracted, and she frowned a little.

ÒIÕd watch, and IÕd want to be upset, and I couldnÕt. You canÕt here.Ó Her brother explained. ÒAnd I wanted to. I wanted to cry when you hurt and I couldnÕt.Ó

ÒOh.Ó  Xena murmured. ÔI never thought about that.Ó

ÒPeople try at first.Ó Lyceus said. ÒBut after a while, the people they love on the other side forget about them and go on with their lives, and we donÕt.  Then you just let go.Ó He studied his sisters face. ÒBut I couldnÕt let you go. I always worried about you.Ó

Xena felt a sudden wash of comprehension.  ÒI guess no place is perfect.Ó

ÒNo.Ó Her brother agreed. ÒBut itÕs all right here, and IÕm happy.Ó

ÒIÕm glad.Ó  Xena touched his face. ÒI missed you.Ó

Lyceus reached up to cover her hand with his own. ÒSame here.Ó He said. ÒThereÕs a lot of people here, but none of them are like you.Ó

ÒCÕmon.Ó Xena consciously tried to lighten the conversation.  ÒDonÕt tell me you donÕt have girls running after you.Ó

He watched her face intently.  ÒItÕs not like that here.Ó He said. Ò We really enjoy each otherÕs company – but not that kind of passion.  Not love like that. Just.. Ò He looked around. ÒWe love everyone.Ó

Another revelation. 

ÒBut IÕm happy.Ó Lyceus concluded.  ÒCome with me? ThereÕs a lot of people who want to talk to you.Ó He pointed into the distance.  ÒThereÕs a place we meet at, over there. ItÕs pretty.  Spend some time with us.Ó

ÒI canÕt.Ó  Xena said, in a gentle tone. ÒI need to go back.Ó

Lyceus turned and took her hands again, this time there was a strange visible relief in his eyes. ÒBack to Gabrielle?Ó

ÒYes.Ó Xena said.

ÒIÕm sure she wouldnÕt mind if you stayed a little.Ó

No, Gabrielle wouldnÕt if she knew.  Xena acknowledged.  Gabrielle would probably be heading there right now, tugging her after.   But Gabrielle didnÕt know. Gabrielle was back beyond that portal, in a scary place, waiting.   ÒI know.  But I canÕt.Ó 

Now, Lyceus smiled.  ÒOkay, I understand.Ó He said. ÒBoy you ended up tall.Ó

That brought a smile to XenaÕs face.  ÒYeah, took a while to get used to it.  I banged my head on a lot of stuff until I did.Ó

Lyceus pulled her into a hug again.  ÒGo on.Ó He said. ÒThanks for being here.Ó 

ÒNo problem.Ó Xena returned the hug. 

ÒXe.Ó  He whispered, cocking his head a little to get close to her ear. ÒBe careful.Ó

For an answer, she lifted him up off his feet and squeezed him hard before she let him back down and let go. ÒTake care, bro.Ó She put her hands on his shoulders. ÒYouÕll always be a part of my heart and soul, Ly.  Never forget that.Ó

ÒNever.Ó He smiled through sudden, startling tears. ÒNever.Ó

Xena released him and backed away. ÒTake care of my friend Hercules here.Ó She gave the stallion a pat as she moved past him.  ÒHeÕs got a good heart.Ó She kissed the horse on the nose, then she turned and walked towards the portal,  her senses suddenly prickling as she did.

She sensed motion to her right, but before she could turn Hercules thundered past, neighing loudly.

ÒGo!Ó Lyceus yelled behind her. ÒXe! Go!Ó

And she did, obeying her instincts and plunging into the portal, picking up speed and bounding across the space that was suddenly dark as pitch in front of her. 


She wasnÕt expecting the night sky as she bolted out the other side of the portal, hauling herself up as she looked around in consternation.

Instead of the afternoon sunlight sheÕd left in, now the area was dark and full of silvery shadows, lit only by the brilliant stars arching overhead.

Far off, she could see the walls of ZeusÕs palace, but she ignored them as she turned in a circle, looking for Gabrielle, convinced she was as near as her senses told her she was.

A cry alerted her, and she turned away from the path to the palace and started searching around the side of it.

A moment later, she spotted her partner, lying on the ground and writhing in silent agony.  With an incoherent yell, she hurled herself in that direction, diving to her knees at GabrielleÕs side and reaching for her as she let out a howl of anguish of her own.

GabrielleÕs body arched in agony.

ÒGabrielle!Ó Xena grabbed the bardÕs shoulders and was nearly knocked back off her feet as Gabrielle reacted and grabbed for her back.

ÒNo!! No!! Stop!Ó  Gabrielle yelled, her hands tangling with her partnerÕs clothes. ÒNo ! NO!Ó She lunged forward and bowled Xena over, landing on top of her. ÒNOOOO!!!!

Xena only just kept herself from reacting automatically.  She got hold of GabrielleÕs hands as she landed on top of her to hold her still. ÒGabrielle!Ó

ÒNOOOOO!!!! Ò Gabrielle yelled hoarsely.  Then the bardÕs eyes finally popped open and she stared down with both anger and terror showing.

ÒHey!Ó Xena barked. ÒItÕs me!Ó

Gabrielle froze in place, blinking rapidly.  Then her arms collapsed and she dropped down on top of her partner with a groan.

ÒOof.Ó  Xena grunted, as the breath was knocked out of her by her partnerÕs solid form.  ÒGlad to see you too.Ó


Xena could feel Gabrielle's heart hammering against her skin and feel the short, panicked breaths as her partners entire body shook in reaction.   ÒEasy.Ó She rubbed Gabrielle's back.  ÒEasy hon.Ó

After a long moment, Gabrielle inhaled deeply, then exhaled. ÒDamn.Ó

Xena slid her hand up the bard's back and felt the sweat dampening the hair over her neck. She riffled it a little, and then kneaded the rigid muscles at the top of her spine. ÒBreathe. Take it easy.Ó
Slowly, she could feel the heartbeat easing where Gabrielle was pressed against her, and the bards breathing was becoming deeper and more regular.

As were her own. 

Xena could remember a time when she'd have been shaking the bard impatiently to find out what had happened to her.  Sometimes, the urge was still there, but life experience had painfully taught her that letting Gabrielle talk in her own time was a lot better for both of them.

Especially when there was so much emotion involved. 

Finally, she felt the tension go out of her partner's body. ÒYou okay?Ó

ÒDon't look at the stars, Xe.Ó  Gabrielle whispered finally. ÒThey start talking to you.Ó

Xena blinked, having been caught doing exactly that.  The pinpoints of light seemed bright and vivid, but had shown no signs of being communicative so far. ÒOkay.Ó  She murmured.  ÒIs that what happened? Did they scare you?Ó

Gabrielle exhaled slowly.  ÒThey've always been such good friends.Ó She said. ÒYou know they have, Xe. How many times did we lay there looking up and playing that game?Ó

ÒI can't count how many.Ó Xena studied the points of light with a frown.  ÒYears and years worth. They look the same here. Brighter maybe.Ó

ÒThey started telling me... Ò The bard paused. ÒThey told me what an awful person I was. All the stuff I've ever done.Ó She got the last out in a rush. ÒWhispering.  Xe it was horrible. They were accusing me..Ó  She stopped talking.

Xena's eyes narrowed and her thoughtful expression turned into something darker. ÒThey did, did they?Ó

ÒEverything..  with Hope.. SolonÉ Ò Gabrielle was crying now. ÒIt felt like I was getting stung by waspsÉ everywhere I looked it was another one.. sayingÉ Ò

ÒItÕs okay, hon.Ó  Xena cradled her partnerÕs head against her chest. ÒEasy.Ó

ÒAll the things I've done to you.Ó Gabrielle's whisper sounded forlorn, and Xena could feel the warmth of tears soaking through the light fabric on her chest.  ÒHow selfish IÕve been.Ó

ÒGabrielle.Ó  Xena kept her voice soft and gentle. ÒCÕmon now.  You know thatÕs all not true.Ó

ÒThey said I was keeping you from staying in Elysia.Ó Gabrielle whispered. ÒThat if  I really loved you IÕd go after you and let you stay there.Ó

Xena glared up at the stars.  ÒOh yeah?Ó  She addressed them. ÒYou wanna try that with me, you little bastards?Ó She could feel the anger ignite inside her, cold and clean and curiously welcome. ÒOr do you only have the guts to do that to innocent souls like her?Ó

ÒXena, I'm not..Ó Gabrielle started to protest in a whisper.

ÒCompared to me you are, kiddo.Ó Xena informed her. ÒGonna contest that?Ó

The bard fell silent.

ÒSo?Ó Xena addressed the heavens again. ÒGonna come mess with me?Ó She asked. ÒOr are you cowards just like the rest of the losers that live here?Ó

Gabrielle's eyes popped wide open and she lifted her head to peer up at her partner in astonishment. ÒXena!Ó

ÒGutless bastards!Ó The warrior yelled, at the top of her voice. ÒCÓmere and try that again!Ó

Not even a whisper of the wind answered here.  Only silence.

Wild blue eyes dropped to meet hers in the silvery light.  ÒThey were trying to separate us.Ó She said. ÒLy met me in there. He warned me.Ó

ÒWh.. Why?Ó Gabrielle seemed to be recovering her composure. ÒThey told me... Artemis came here after you went through and said you wouldn't come back. The door guy said it too.Ó

ÒLy asked me to go with him to a meeting place there.Ó  Xena said. ÒTo spend time with him, and some others.Ó

Gabrielle studied her face. ÒBut you didn't.Ó

ÒNo.Ó  A smile unexpectedly appeared.  ÒHe made a feeble attempt to change my mind, but it was like something was making him do it.Ó She said. ÒI was afraid if I moved away from the portal, they'd never let me find my way back.Ó

Gabrielle put her hand on her partner's ribs and rubbed them slightly with her thumb. ÒThen.. I did keep you from staying in Elysia, didn't I?Ó

Xena laughed. ÒIf you want to look at it like that, sure.Ó She agreed. ÒI was glad to see Ly.  I saw Hercules too.Ó

ÒHercules? I thought he was on Mount Olympus.Ó  Gabrielle frowned.

ÒNo not... Io's brother.Ó

ÒOh!Ó Gabrielle murmured. ÒI didn't know animals went there.Ó

ÒMe either. Glad he did.Ó  Xena rubbed her back. ÒDon't feel bad about it.  These bastards were just trying to get to you.Ó

Gabrielle exhaled. ÒThey did.Ó  She raised a slightly shaking hand to her head. ÒNot sure how much of it was them and how much was my own conscience.Ó  She looked off past XenaÕs shoulder. ÒThey sure knew where to hit me though.Ó

Xena eased her over and turned onto her side so they were facing each other. She could see the weary misery in her partner's face and it made the anger inside her burn a little more brightly.  ÒSorry.Ó She reached up and wiped the tears from Gabrielle's cheeks. ÒYou could have gone back to the palace and waited.. no?Ó

Gabrielle was shaking her head. ÒLike I said, Artemis showed up.  I mouthed off to her and she put a..Ó The bard looked around. ÒIt's gone now. Anyway. A circle I couldn't get past.  She said I'd have to stay out here until you got back.. but she said you wouldn't.Ó


That brought a smile, however faint, to the bard's face.  ÒWell, I said you would. I pissed her off.Ó

ÒI would never have left you here.Ó Xena said, after a moments silence.

ÒI know that.Ó Gabrielle replied. ÒBut it was almost like she was trying to make me think that. She wanted me to go with her and be judged by Zeus.Ó

ÒBy yourself?Ó

Gabrielle nodded. ÒI told her I wasn't going anywhere without you.Ó

Xena gently brushed the pale hair back from her partner's face. She could see the reddened rims of her eyes and now regretted even the few minutes she'd spent on the other side of the portal. ÒBastards.Ó

Gabrielle reached over and touched her fingertips to her partnerÕs lips.  ÒFor a minuteÉ until you woke me up I felt like I was back in that purging hut. Ò She admitted softly.  ÒThey just wouldnÕt stop. I couldnÕt even find a place to hide from them.Ó

ÒYou werenÕt trying.Ó  Xena gently traced one of her ears.  ÒYou were fighting them.Ó

ÒNo.. no I wasnÕt.Ó Gabrielle shook her head. ÒWas I?Ó

ÒWell, you grabbed me and threw me on my ass.Ó The warrior informed her.  ÒYou were fighting someone.Ó

GabrielleÕs face took on a thoughtful expression.  ÒHm.Ó  She turned her head and kissed XenaÕs palm. ÒMaybe I was.  I think I might have finally gotten mad, there at the end of it.Ó

Xena smiled.  ÒSo we're supposed to go there now?Ó She indicated the palace with a thumb over her shoulder  ÒTo get judged?Ó

The bard nodded. ÒThatÕs what Artemis said.Ó

Xena leaned closer and kissed her. ÒI say let them wait.Ó  She murmured, sliding her hand up Gabrielle's bare arm until she reached the knot holding her tunic on. ÒIt's too pretty a night to waste on them.Ó

The bard looked into her eyes, a faint smile twitching at her lips. ÒXe, wont' that get us in trouble?Ó

ÒMaybe.Ó Xena loosened the knot, kissing her again. ÒBut we're on the edge of Mount Olympus, we're dead, and I just told the gods to kiss my ass. How much more trouble you think we can get into?'

She felt Gabrielle move closer, and the pressure of the bard's hand on her thigh in answer.  Deliberately she shut out all the anger, and focused entirely on the woman next to her, thinking about the love between them and how much she cherished that. ÒI love you.Ó

A rush of gratitude enveloped her as Gabrielle responded to the kiss and pressed her body against her soulmates. ÒI love you too.Ó She whispered, as she slid her hand under the soft fabric and loosened it. ÒNo matter where we damned are.Ó

Xena chuckled softly.  She untied the knot and eased the cloth away, exposing Gabrielle's lithe body to the starlight. She cupped her partner's breast in one hand, and felt the soft inhale of breath at her touch, matched to the teasing brush of Gabrielle's fingers against her hip.

It felt right, to do this here on the edge of the unknown. Right to experience this most personal manifestation of their love when everything around them seemed to be working against it.

She kissed Gabrielle deeply, then moved her attentions further down her partner's body as the bard's knee slid between hers and their focus turned completely inward, oblivous of their surroundings.

Brash. Insanely carnal.  Xena felt her now bare body brush against Gabrielle's and a surge of heat washed over her.

It felt wonderful.  Gabrielle's knowing touch on her felt wonderful.  The bard's teeth and lips nibbled their way down the centerline of her body and she heard the low growl as she eased Gabrielle over onto her back and slid her hand up the inside of her thigh.

Their passion built.

It became all about the two of them. Xena felt her breathing shorten as an irresistible pressure grew inside of her and she had to pause as Gabrielle took possession of her in a rare way and sensation ramped up so quickly she barely had time to grab hold of the bard before her entire body felt like it was turning inside out.

Eye popping, and Xena's did, riding a crest of pulsing waves that made her vision blur before she was rolling Gabrielle over to return the favor.  The intensity made her shiver. She could feel Gabrielle in her and around her and as she felt strong hands grip her shoulders the bard arched against her and let out a wild howl.

Then they were rolling into each other's arms, out of breath and sweating, savoring the passion and the love that was so evident Xena was sure they were both glowing.

She could smell the grass now and the earth beneath it as though they'd pulled a bit of the real world back into Olympus with them.  Gabrielle's head came to rest against her collarbone, and the bard licked a bit of sweat off her skin and looked up at her with knowing, frank passion.

Gorgeous.  Xena kissed her on the head. ÒFeel better now?Ó

Gabrielle's nose wrinkled up and she grinned. ÒDo you?Ó

Xena hugged her. ÒYou know something?Ó She felt the bard's hands start to gently wander over her. ÒYou and I... we'd never survive in Elysia.Ó

Gabrielle's hands stopped, and she glanced up in puzzled inquiry.

Xena kissed her on the lips, then tilted her head to look back at her. ÒThere's love there, but not this kind.Ó

The bard cocked her head, her brows knitting. ÒNot what kind?Ó She asked. ÒTwo women you mean?Ó

ÒNo.Ó Xena nibbled her ear. ÒTwo anything.Ó

ÒHuh?Ó Gabrielle reached up and cupped Xena's cheek. ÒYou mean... what do you mean, Xena?Ó

The warrior rubbed noses with her. ÒThey don't make love, hon.Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Gabrielle almost sat up. ÒIn Elysia? Are you kidding me?Ó

ÒThat's what Ly told me.Ó Her partner confirmed. ÒWeird, huh?Ó

ÒWeird? Xena that's nuts.Ó The bard protested. ÒHow in the world can it be Elysia if you don't do this?Ó She stroked Xena's face and their eyes met. ÒIf you don't know this.Ó She added, in a much softer tone. ÒYou mean they have all those souls there, and they can't share what we have?Ó

The warrior shrugged.

ÒWow.Ó Gabrielle wrapped herself around Xena's body and hugged her fiercely.  ÒThat never crossed my mind.Ó She said. ÒYou're right. We'd never survive there.Ó 

Xena laced her fingers along the back of Gabrielle's neck and kissed her with casual passion. The darkness around them was now a friendly cloak and even the stars seemed to have dimmed overhead. She felt her partner's fingertips stroking her and surrendered again to the craving for the touch.

It filled her with a rich warmth and a happiness she hadn't really expected, lightening her spirit as she took a moment to appreciate this one, greatest gift in her life. 

Did the gods understand love?  Xena felt her guts start to clench again.  Well, she understood it.  So if that put a stamp of mortality on her, sheÕd take it.


They watched it get light from the edge of the portal, XenaÕs back leaning against it as Gabrielle curled up in relative comfort in her arms.  It wasnÕt as if the sun came up – the sky just faded from black to gray, and then to that indeterminate golden color sheÕd noticed the prior day.

It was quiet.  Far off,  Xena could hear soft sounds of work going on, and at the edge of her vision she spotted the door warden heading back down to the portal.

Xena was almost sad to see the light. The dark time had been full of passion and she knew the day would only bring unpleasant confrontation to them.

Gabrielle stirred, and opened her eyes, glancing up before she looked around at the newly bright surroundings.  ÒThat was weird.Ó

Her partnerÕs brow quirked. ÒWhat was weird?Ó She asked cautiously.

ÒItÕs not really sleeping.Ó The bard said. ÒItÕs just sort of like day dreaming.Ó She clarified. ÒI just kept thinking of you, and all the happy times weÕve had.Ó She grinned. ÒIt was nice.Ó

Xena responded to the grin with one of her own.   Then she took one of her partnerÕs hands in her own. ÒReady to go face the music?Ó

Gabrielle lifted their linked hands and kissed XenaÕs. ÒYes.Ó She said. ÒWhatever that fate turns out to be, IÕm ready to go share it with you.Ó She said. ÔThank you for coming back last night and saving me.Ó

ÒDid I?Ó

Gabrielle smiled. ÒYou know you did.Ó  She uncurled herself from XenaÕs arms and stretched, both of them glancing around as the doorwarden arrived, clearly very surprised to see them.  ÒGood morning.Ó

The man blinked at her.   ÒYou came back.Ó He stared at Xena.  ÒYou came back, from Elysia.Ó

Xena stood up and likewise stretched, flexing her hands.  ÒSure I did.Ó She said. ÒI said I would.  DonÕcha remember?  I told you if this was a trap IÕd come back and find ya.Ó

He blinked again. ÒYou did.Ó

With no warning, Xena pounced on him and grabbed his tunic, turning and shoving him against the portal.  ÒSo IÕm back. And it was a trap.Ó

The manÕs eyes grew wide. ÒW..Ó

ÒThey tried to keep me there.Ó Xena lifted him up easily. ÒSo now IÕm gonna take it out on you.Ó

Gabrielle folded her arms and watched her partner with a bemused expression.  She knew XenaÕs body language more than well enough to know the warrior wasnÕt really going to hurt the guy – and anyway, how do you hurt people who were already dead?

ÒNÉ no. I told the truth!Ó The man said. ÒThere was nothing to keep you from coming back!Ó

ÒThen why did you tell me she wouldnÕt?Ó Gabrielle asked. ÒRemember? Before it got dark? You told me sheÕd stay there.Ó

ÒThey all do.Ó The man was swinging in XenaÕs grasp.  ÒNo one comes back, who goes there!Ó

ÒBut the workers here all came from there.Ó The bard said. 

ÒThatÕs different.Ó

Xena let them man down. ÒWhy is it different?  They came through the portal.Ó

The door warden tugged his tunic straight.  ÒThey are called.Ó He said. ÒThey must come when they are called, then we let them through here.  ItÕs not the same thing!  TheyÕre coming here. Those of us who belong hereÉ  if we go through, we stay.Ó

ÒSo youÕre not from there?Ó Xena asked.

ÒNO.Ó  The man said. ÒThose who work, come from there.  That is all.Ó He straightened. ÒI was brought here by the lady Athena.Ó He said. Ò I never came through there.Ó He pointed at the portal. 

Gabrielle walked over to stand next to her partner, giving the portal a thoughtful look. ÒIt sounds like ElysiaÕs there for the purpose of getting people to serve the gods.Ó

ÒOf course.Ó  The door warden looked at her like she was simpleton. ÒThose who are obedient, and who worship the gods well go there to wait, until they are called. Their reward is to serve.Ó

Xena and Gabrielle exchanged long, silent looks.

ÒLearn something new every day, huh?Ó The bard finally said.

ÒUh huh.Ó Xena grunted. ÒI guess all the grumpy rebellious types go somewhere else.Ó

ÒWhy are you here?  The lady Artemis said you were wanted by the great lord Zeus.Ó The man said. 
ÒDidnÕt you go to him? You said you would do that when this one got back.Ó He edged away from Xena.

ÒWeÕre going now.Ó  Gabrielle fit her hand in XenaÕs.  ÒWe just had something better to do last night. CÓmon, Xe.Ó

They left the man gaping.  

They walked up the slope towards ZeusÕ s temple, the fresh, gentle breeze lightly fluttering the cloth they were wearing.  No one was in sight and they strolled across the grass back towards the low marble building in silence.

When they were almost there, Gabrielle sighed.  ÒYou know something, Xe?Ó

ÒWhat?Ó  Xena thought she heard the sound of thunder.

ÒI wish sometimes we didnÕt learn about stuff.Ó  The bard said. ÒI donÕt think I wanted to know that about Elyisia. I wanted to be happy for everyone who went there.Ó

The silence was almost eerie.  Gabrielle craned her neck as they walked across the grass, looking for signs of the people from the day before.  Where there had been men and women walking in the distance, now there was nothing but emptiness, save a soft rumble in the background.

Where was everyone? They hadn't gone back through the portal, they would have seen them unless... Gabrielle felt a faint blush. Unless they'd gone back the night before, passing the two of them in their oblivious ardor.

And it had been oblivious.  They'd been so involved in each other she was pretty well convinced that whole Spartan army they'd left back outside Therma could have marched by and she wouldn't have noticed.

Wow. What a night. Gabrielle felt a flush coming to her skin just thinking about it. They hadn't been that wrapped up in each other for that long since....   She paused, and thought.  Since that night in the tree, matter of fact.

It felt a little like that had. Like she was going through a crossroads in her life as surely that night had been before both of them.  Except they were no longer in life, were they? Or were they? What really was life and death, considering what she'd seen here? Was death just a door into some other place, and if it was, and they were.. where would they go from here?

Had they really left all they'd ever known behind? All their friends, and family... would she truly never see Dori again?

Was she a ghost? Or something else? What was Xena?

Xena was a demigod.  Gabrielle glanced at her partner, who was extending a hand to her as they came to the windowsill they'd left through.  Xena was.. part god.  But hearing how Hera and the others spoke of her... did she belong here? ÒThanks.Ó Gabrielle allowed herself to be guided over the wide sill and they crossed from the mild sunlight into the dimmer recesses of the room.

She went over to the couch and sat down on it, watching Xena roam around the room. As she passed through the sunlight from the windows it was easy for the watching bard's imagination to put a glow around her.

The warrior stopped at the inside door, where they'd seen the servant come in the day prior. She opened the panel and peered inside, then backed out and closed it. ÒWhat are you looking for?Ó Gabrielle finally asked.

Xena turned and gave her an appealingly sheepish grin. ÒI'm just stalling.Ó She admitted. ÒI feel like when I did when I was five, and broke mom's mixing dish. Didn't want to face her.Ó

Aw. Thoughts of glows and godhoods evaporated, and Gabrielle stood up. ÒI guess we should get it over with though, huh?Ó  She glanced up as they heard another rumble of thunder.

ÒYeah.Ó But Xena continued her wandering, ending up over near the shelf where there were new trays that had pitchers and a covered plate on them. 

She went over to it and uncovered a plate of the small cakes.  ÒYou could get bored of this stuff pretty fast.Ó  She offered one to Gabrielle.  

ÒShouldnÕt we go into the temple?Ó Gabrielle accepted the cake anyway, taking a bite of it. ÒWe can only delay this so long, hon.Ó

Xena poured a cup of the golden liquid and handed it to her.  ÒAll the more reason we should get something to eat and drink first.Ó She said. ÒNo telling where weÕll end up after.Ó


They finished the tray and then faced each other. Xena rested her arms on GabrielleÕs shoulders and paused, just as they heard a distinct rumble of thunder.  ÒListen.Ó

Gabrielle let her hands rest on her partners waist. ÒIÕm listening.Ó

The thunder rumbled again.

ÒIÕm not sure whatÕs going to happen now.Ó Xena looked into GabrielleÕs eyes. ÒBut if it turns out bad, IÕm sorry.Ó

Gabrielle smiled briefly. ÔWhatever happens, happens.Ó She said. ÒAnd if it is bad, just know IÕve savored every single minute of my life with you.Ó

ÒEvery single one?Ó XenaÕs brows lifted wryly.

ÒEvery single one.Ó Gabrielle replied firmly.  ÒEven the rotten ones.

Xena leaned forward and gave her a kiss.  ÒAll right. LetÕs go.Ó

They went back down the long corridor that led to ZeusÕs palace, as the walls started to echo with loud rumbles.  ÒWhats that?Ó  Gabrielle asked, after a moment.  ÒAre there storms up here? Or is that down below?Ó

ÒDonÕt now. Xena rubbed her ear. ÒGetting louder?Ó

It was.  As they got closer and closer to the temple, the sound got progressively louder, until Xena was holding her hands over her ears in true discomfort. 

ÒIt s coming from the temple.Ó Gabrielle got a few steps ahead of her partner, gaining a curve in the corridor that let her see into the room. ÒOh my gosh!Ó

Xena bolted to her side and peered over her shoulder, eyes widening as she saw what appeared to be a thunderstorm happening inside.   Bolts of fire were criss crossing the vast stepped opening and every few seconds thunder boomed in counterpoint.

ÒWhat are they doing?Ó Gabrielle edged forward. She couldnÕt see the inside of the temple due to the tunnels roof and she flinched, as a blast hit the edge of that making her skin tingle.  ÒYow!Ó

Xena dodged in front of her and took a few steps forward, trying to peer past the corner to see what was going on. She could hear laughter, and between the booms she suddenly caught the sound of someone running.

Hands touched her back and she felt Gabrielle press against her, the bardÕs head peeking around from behind her shoulder.  ÒHear that?Ó

ÒXena, I hear all sorts of things that sound like spring rains near our cabin.Ó Gabrielle said.  ÒWhat the heckÕs going on?Ó

ÒSomeones running. Looks like theyÕre having some fun blasting something.Ó

They both edged forward again and a moment later, the flash from the room lit them both as they got to the end of the tunnel and were able to see the expanse of the temple.

Xena swept her head back and forth rapidly, seeing bolts flashing from at least four spots . From ZeusÕs pedestal, and from the right hand side set of seats theyÕd seen on the way in.  The bright flashes made spots in her vision, but she blinked fast, and finally spotted a moving object running across the floor.

ÒXena!Ó Gabrielle had spotted the same thing. ÒItÕs Hercules!Ó

ÒI see him.Ó  Xena inhaled sharply as a bolt hit their friend, and he tumbled to the ground.  Without a lot of thought she took off running towards him, with Gabrielle right at her heels, the bard having started moving actually a whisker before she had.

She dodged  a blast, her senses warning her before it came close and bounced off one of the steps, diving over Hercules just as another blast caught up with them.

ÒXena!Ó GabrielleÕs alert cut through the thunder and she grabbed the dazed demigod and pulled him to one side behind a step just as the marble where he lay was blasted by godsfire.

Gabrielle jumped over the step and dove to her knees behind the step also, ducking as a blast hit the top of the marble and sent chips flying.  ÒHey!Ó

ÒXena.Ó Hercules rubbed his head. ÒGet out. Get out of here.Ó

ÒAnd go where?Ó Xena shoved him back against the marble wall and examined him. ÒI got my ass dragged up here against my will in case you didnÕt hear.Ó

ÒWhere are you – spineless half mortal!Ó A womanÕs voice thundered, with a laugh behind it.  ÒHiding?Ó

ÒArtemis.Ó  Gabrielle said. She dodged over to the next step and carefully peeked over it.  ÒWhat a bitch!Ó

Hercules glanced at her, sandy eyebrows rising.

ÒWhy are they chasing you?Ó Xena asked, aware that the blasting had stopped.

He exhaled. ÒFinally got tired of me arguing I guess.Ó He said. ÒListen, thereÕs a gate I can take you through.. letÕs go.Ó

ÒBoth of us?Ó Xena said, in a soft voice.

ÒHercules!Ó ZeusÕs voice thundered. ÒYour cowardice shames me!Ó

Hercules sighed. ÒNo.Ó He started to get to his knees. ÒDamn it. Ò  He stood up. ÒYou mean you arenÕt bored yet?Ó He put his hands on his hips.

Xena stood up next to him. She found herself looking at two goddesses, dressed for battle whose hands were lit with godsfire.  ÒI think we know who the cowards are here.Ó

ÒYou.Ó  AthenaÕs eyes narrowed.

ÒUs.Ó  Gabrielle distracted her, getting up on top of the step and making herself the most obvious target.  ÒYou look surprised. Did you really think Xena wouldnÕt come back?Ó

ÒBack from where?Ó Hercules whispered.

ÒTell you later.Ó Xena walked out into the open, catching sight of Zeus and Hera in her peripheral vision as she crossed in front of Gabrielle and stopped, putting herself between  the goddesses and her partner. 

To their credit, they did look surprised.  Artemis lowered her arms a little, a wary look on her face.  ÒYou should be trapped.Ó She said. ÒI thoughtÉÓ The words trailed away after a moment.

Xena smiled. ÒIf thatÕs the best you can do for a trap, you need to go back to school, kid.Ó She heard Hercules made a sucking in sound and heard a slight grunt. ÒDid you really think my brother would sell me out?Ó

Artemis glared at her.

 Xena took a few steps closer to the two goddesses.  ÒSo.Ó

Gabrielle hopped off her step and walked over to XenaÕs side.  ÔSo here we are.Ó She said. ÒNow that you badgered and threatened and put so many people in harms way just to have your fun. Here we are.Ó

Xena glanced quickly around. She could see stern figures lounging on the chairs to the left, but the ones on the right were empty.   She couldnÕt see either Ares or Aphrodite anywhere.

  ÒYou insolent..Ó Athena raised her hands. ÒIÕll turn you into a coal!Ó

ÒSTOP IT!Ó Gabrielle let out a yell, surprising everyone. "For goodness sakes! YouÕre gods! Not unfeathered Amazon children!Ó She balled her fists and planted them on her hips. ÒWe dare? I dare?  You maneuvered two armies to go to war with each other and forced us into it for what?  A bet? Ò

She took a step towards Athena. ÒYou were going to slaughter the Amazons.Ó  She pointed at the goddess.

ÒAnd?Ó Athena gave her a haughty look.  ÒWhat are a bunch of ugly mortals to me?Ó

ÒAnd you were going to let her.Ó Gabrielle looked at Artemis.  ÒAfter how many generations of them worshipped you?Ó

ÒThat is not your affair.Ó Artemis said. ÒThis is be..Ó

Gabrielle headed for her. ÒNot my affair?Ó She growled. ÒNot MY affair? Ò She looked around as though searching for something. ÒWhereÕs a damn staff. IÕm going to beat the ÉÓ

ÒGabrielle.Ó Xena caught up with her and circled her with both arms. ÒDonÕt waste your breath. They donÕt give a damn.Ó

ÒXena.Ó Gabrielle gripped her arms.

ÒThey donÕt.Ó The warrior said, aware of motion to her left from the tall pedestal that held ZeusÕs throne.  ÒWeÕre play toys.Ó She looked up and met ArtemisÕ venomous glance.  ÒTheyÕre not patrons anymore.  TheyÕre bored and weÕre entertainment.Ó

Athena laughed.  ÒYouÕre smarter than you look.Ó

Gabrielle was briefly silent. ÒIf you donÕt care about us, why should we care about you?Ó  She asked, finally.  ÒWhy should we worship you?Ó

ÒBecause youÕre sheep.Ó Artemis told her.  ÒYour creature there is right.   You have no purpose.  It amuses us to play you on a board, like a gamepiece.  Does that bother you mortal?Ó

Gabrielle blinked. ÒIt makes me sad.Ó  She said.

ÒSad?Ó Hera spoke up and they all turned around, to find the Queen of the Gods standing there.  ÒWhy sad, mortal? Are you not on Mount Olympus?  You donÕt have to worry about the cesspool you came from.Ó

Gabrielle looked down at the marble for a long moment, then she lifted her head back up. ÒSad because those sheep back there are my friends, and my family.Ó  She said. ÒSad because Xe and I have given everything we had to make that place better, and protect them from bad things.Ó  She looked Hera in the eye. ÒSad because after all the times we helped you when you came asking, after that, after all the grief and horror weÕve been through you call us here and tell us itÕs all a game. Yeah. That makes me sad.Ó

Hera watched her very thoughtfully.

ÒKnowing IÕll never ever see our daughter again.. just because of some stupid game of yours?Ó GabrielleÕs voice took on a deep edge. ÒYou stupid bastards.Ó

ÒFatherÓ Athena stepped forward. ÒLet me take care of this insolenceÉ Ò

ÒNo.Ó Zeus had been standing by, watching.  ÒBe still.Ó  He gave Artemis a look. ÒAnd you, who told me these two were in Elysia.   Silence.Ó

ÒFather, I thought..Ó Artemis protested.

ÒSilence!Ó Zeus barked.

Hercules came forward, and put his hand on XenaÕs shoulder.

ÒMust you meddle in this too?Ó Zeus gave him a look.

ÒXenaÕs my friend.Ó  Hercules said simply.  ÒThatÕs what friends do. They stand up for each other.Ó

ÔYou have spent far too much time with mortals if you believe that.Ó His father said. ÒBut nevermind.Ó He turned to Xena.  ÒThe realms of my brother Hades are closed to you, as they are to my son here.Ó  He said. ÒBut you intrigue me.Ó

Hera made  a sound like a spitting cat.

ÒSo I will make this offer to you.Ó Zeus ignored his wife.  ÒYou may join us here on Mount Olympus.Ó

Xena felt Hercules hand squeeze her shoulder.  ÒI see.Ó

ÒYour companion I will return to her life.Ó Zeus regarded Gabrielle, who was standing very still in the circle of XenaÕs arms. ÒBack to her friends, such as they are, and her family.Ó He looked back at Xena. ÒShe will go to my brotherÕs kingdom when her life ends.Ó

Xena felt like time had slowed infinitely.  She could hear ZeusÕs words, and as they penetrated her understanding, she drew in a slow breath, feeling the jolt from Gabrielle as the bard, too, realized what they meant.

ÒYou will only get this chance once.Ó Zeus said. ÒIf you decide otherwise, you will wander in the outlands for eternity. Alone.Ó

Xena remained silent, watching his face.

ÒYou returned my sonÕs godhood to him.Ó  Zeus said, apparently feeling there was some explanation required. ÒAnd did not take what wasnÕt yours. For this, I make you this offer.Ó

Gabrielle stayed completely still.  She could feel the warm hold of XenaÕs arms and almost sense the racing thoughts, but she knew in the depths of her heart there was nothing she could say her partner didnÕt already know.

What could she say?  What could she really say and not be lying?  Tell Xena to take the offer?  It was okay?

Yeah. Sure.  Gabrielle let her eyes close, and simply waited.

When Xena did speak, it was almost anticlimactic. ÒSend me back with Gabrielle.Ó She replied. ÒI want no part of Olympus.Ó

Zeus gazed coolly at her. ÒYou would give up immortality so easily? Ò

Xena nodded. ÒIÕd rather spend the rest of my mortal life with her.Ó She clarified, looking him right in the eye. ÒThan eternity with you.Ó

For a frozen moment nothing moved. Nothing breathed.  Gabrielle felt every hair on her body prickle and she got lightheaded, her heart thundering in her chest as she felt the gentle squeeze of XenaÕs arms.

It was all happening too fast.  Xena should have had time to thinkÉ. To thinkÉ  Gabrielle felt overwhelmed.  To think about what?  Xena probably hadnÕt spared more than a half breath on it.

ÒWhy?Ó Zeus asked, in a mild tone.  ÒHere you would have great power. Perhaps that which you gave up before? That has worth to you.Ó

ÒWhy?Ó Xena mused. ÒBecause I love her.Ó 

To one side, Athena screamed.

Zeus smiled.  ÒAs you wish then.  Stay here. I have a matter to attend to, then I will return you to your cesspool.Ó  He turned and looked at his daughters and raised his hands.  ÒPerhaps you will both learn something.Ó 

They both screamed. ÒFather no!Ó  Artemis begged, just as she disappeared in a blue flash., with Athena a breath behind her.

ÒWhatÕs going on?Ó Gabrielle whispered.

ÒNot a clue.Ó Xena whispered back. ÒHerc?Ó

Hercules sighed. ÒLong story.Ó

Zeus turned and clapped his hands. ÒSummon the banished ones.Ó  He ordered. ÒThis tiresome affair is over.Ó  He turned and faced Xena, Gabrielle and Hercules.  ÒWith no help from you.Ó He gave Hercules a dour look.

His son didnÕt react. ÒJust send me back with them.Ó He said quietly.  ÒI miss my friends and family too.Ó

Zeus raised his hands, then paused as a horn sounded.  Then he smiled.


Continued in Part 27