September 2012
Winds of Change Part 6
30/09/12 22:05
Well it’s fall - or at least, it is in most places. Here in South Florida its still hot and muggy, but we figure in a month or two it will be nicer. We always hope for a little cool weather around Halloween so people don’t keel over in those costumes. I wore a werewolf costume a couple years back I nearly passed out in.
Here is Part 6 of Winds of Change - enjoy.

Here is Part 6 of Winds of Change - enjoy.

Winds of Change Part 5
16/09/12 11:50
It’s still raining and in the midst of tropical storm season here in the swamp, though we did dodge one bullet in Issac, we are keeping an eye out on the tropics for any more surprises. I just celebrated my birthday this past week - 9/11 is and will always been somewhat bittersweet for me due to the anniversary of the attacks but I got some cupcakes, and Mocha and I shared them, plus a boatload of birthday greetings which were much appreciated! Here is part 5 of Winds of Change.
Winds of Change Part 5

Winds of Change Part 5

Winds of Change Part 4
03/09/12 16:03
I think it’s fair to say this section of Winds of Change will end up a bit of a surprise. All I can say is I am looking forward to Dar and Kerry participating in this -
Enjoy! This is a picture of the recent Blue Moon. Not sure what the blue is all about.
Winds of Change Part 4
Enjoy! This is a picture of the recent Blue Moon. Not sure what the blue is all about.
Winds of Change Part 4